Plenty of books have been published on ASP, but many lack the technical depth to teach you how to build a complete ASP-driven site. Look no further, because Active Server Pages 3.0: Your Visual Blueprint for Developing Interactive Web Sites delivers a visual, step-by-step approach to building dynamic Web applications by using ASP. This book is a sort of toolbox, and sports a simple format that guides the reader through straightforward examples. Instructions and demonstrations are given for over 100 core tasks, each of which is broken down into two-page lessons, with accompanying screen shots that illustrate them visually. Along the way, you'll learn how to work with cookies, query strings, database connections, and custom error messages. The Apply It section takes you one step further than the core lesson by illustrating fine touches, such as delivering user-friendly error messages. The Extra section gives examples of important shortcuts, tips, and tricks, such as how to abort the execution of a For...Next loop. Both of these elements include ready-to-run code. A Reference section includes more commonly used VBScript and ASP statements for easy access. As a bonus, the companion CD-ROM includes all of the sample code from each of the two-page lessons, shareware versions of additional programs that you can use (like ASP Express), and an e-version of the book. This is an indispensable and valuable guide for novice ASP programmers. --Stephen W. Plain Topics covered: - Personal Web Server (PWS)
- VBScript
- Variables
- Statement syntax
- Control structures
- Functions and subroutines
- Cookies
- URL encoding
- Web applications
- Database connectivity
- Components
- Error handling