Thirty-two flavors and then some--there's a Linux variant for every requirement and every personality. If you've chosen SuSE Linux (or want to add it to your Linux repertoire), you'll be very happy with SuSE Linux Unleashed. This comprehensive volume touches on every aspect of its subject environment and covers the most important details in considerable depth. The approach combines explanatory material (here's how e-mail gets from place to place, for instance) with procedural advice (here's what to do to restrict FTP access) and documentation (the sendmail command characters are...). It's a good approach that lends itself both to quick lookups and more deliberate learning. The reader might wish for better coverage of installing a modem subsequent to the initial Linux setup, but Bill Ball and his collaborators are to be particularly commended for getting an Unleashed programming section right. They show you how the compilers work and how to do a few useful tricks (like sending text as an e-mail message from inside a Perl program). They don't waste time on tutorial stuff that belongs in dedicated programming books. Coverage of Samba and kernel manipulation are also outstanding, and there's enough on firewalls to get you started. Plus, there's a full copy of SuSE Linux 6.2 on the accompanying CD-ROM. --David Wall Topics covered: SuSE Linux 6.2, its features, and its foibles. Coverage begins with installation and includes XFree86, GNOME, and networking, with explanation of SuSE's YaST tool where appropriate. Later sections include networking, network services and servers, system administration, and kernel alteration. Programming gets some coverage, and there's some information on applications. A command reference rides along as an appendix.