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Rating:  Summary: The best written book about C/C++ pointers. Review: A very nice book, easy to read
Rating:  Summary: The best book on pointers I have seen Review: After reading the reviews, I purchased this book only to be severely disappointed. This book does a poor job explaining casting, pointer to pointers and scaling. The author included a lot of code in the text (and on disk), but very few comments within the code or text. In source 5.6, he has a 1 sentence explanations for 6 pages of code. I read the first 100 pages and that's all I can take. This book stinks!
Rating:  Summary: A critical book for your C++ library Review: Hardly anyone comes out of their first, or even second, book on C++ having the firm grasp of pointers needed to be successful with the language. This book does an admirable job of filling in this gap for you. Every use of pointers in C++ is examined in-depth by Mr. Daconta. I found the chapters on pointers to pointers and function pointers particularly useful, as both of these topics are typically given short shrift in other C++ books. I docked the book one star because the example code was obviously a very hasty translation from the original C version of the book. Many examples would not compile and run properly without some debugging. However, this should not be your first C++ book, and if you have a firm grounding in the language from one of the good beginner's books on the subject (Stephen Prata's C++ Primer Plus is my recommendation) you should be able to locate and fix these problems.
Rating:  Summary: Like to master C or C++? You won't if you avoid this book Review: I have read this book five times front to back and back to front, as a C\C++ Systems programmer this book proves invaluable in manipulating data more effiiciently than any other book on the subject. This book is well diagramed and supported with text dissections that explain why the code was coded the way it was, not leaving you directionless and frustrated. I suggest for the novice programmer to get this book, because it will give you a head start over the average beginner. I would couple this book with some real world working code, perhaps in C\C++ Journal and correlate the how syntactically and semanctically the pointers tie together. Figit with the code examples and be prepared to experiment, you will not regret it. Great reference for advanced professionals as well. Only inkling that is the ugly book cover and wish to have a smaller textbook, like Addison-Wesley's C++ Primer 2nd Edition by Stanley Lippman
Rating:  Summary: This is a great discussion on pointers--not too deep though Review: If you want a simple resource that encapsulates what pointers are and how they are used, this is an excellent resource. If you are looking for something deep and intricate, this is not your resource. This book is extremely easy to read and understand, and you can be introduced to every kind of pointer you want to know about by reading this book. I gave it 4 stars because I thought Daconta's attempt to talk in average programmer speak went a little too far. He could have been a little more formal. Regardless, I think it's a worthy buy.
Rating:  Summary: Remove thy veil and immerse yourself in the land of pointers Review: Pointers are by far the most important, and most difficult aspects of C/C++. Most books, however, gloss over the subject and leave the reader desiring more. Daconta understood this and addressed many of the questions in this book. You'll get a bet understanding of the benefits and consequences of passing by reference vs. passing by value, and vis-a-vis. Now for the gripe: This book is slightly dated, and is really just a C++ version of his original C book. Therefore, you're going to find some questionable code here and there.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent explanations covered..which are hard to find... Review: Since I am a programmer and mainly built applications using visual basic, I always had an urge to master c++ due to the power of this language, but pointers were the only hurdle for me to overcome this goal. I always had bad times understanding MFC offered classes and the way whole infrastructure work, coz they play with pointers alot..and after all learning C++ and coding in c++ is not difficult without pointers but the fact is, if someone really wanna code in C++ they better do it efficiently other wise no need to switch, you should remain on ur currently practice language..This book not only taught me what pointers are but really made my mind think and work like a compiler..I really appreciate the author Micheal C Daconta and his team of putting such a masterpiece into existance, with out this book I simply believe one cannot solve the mystery of pointers coz no other stuff is available that is comparable to this book.. once again I deeply thank the author and his team for their hard work, for simplifing the true power of c++ Zeeshan
Rating:  Summary: An excellent roadmap through C++ mamory management hazards. Review: This is an excellent reference for any project manager, architect or programmer who intends to manage, design or implement C++ applications. Mr. Daconta does a tremendous job of describing C++ copy semantics and the reasons for developing good copy semantics. Included in the explanation is a discussion of different compilers and their handling of coppy constructors. Examples of copy constructors and assignment operators are superior. His in depth discussions of memory management and the tasks to be performed to ensure C++ program reliablity are essential knowledge for anyone planning to pursue a C++ implementation. Excellent code examples with explanations.
Rating:  Summary: This is one awesome book! Review: While I understood pointers I always felt a little uncomfortable with them - this book has made things crystal clear. It has helped me to understand pointer and memory management concepts and pitfalls and has made me a much better programmer. This is NOT the book for you if you are trying to learn C++ or are at a beginner level - this is for the intermediate to heavy C++ programmer who wants to improve his/her coding skills and depth of knowledge.
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