For readers looking for a one-stop read for all they need to know about cascading style sheets (CSS), Cascading Style Sheets, Second Edition: Designing for the Web really hits the nail on the head. One of the authors--Hakon Wium Lie--was the originator of CSS and is in charge of the technology among the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). His writing partner is Bert Bos--another key member of the W3C currently focusing on style sheets and the Extensible Markup Language (XML). Together, they deliver a truly educational guide to the subject. This book wisely includes numerous color screen shots and diagrams, as well as many typographic examples, to augment the discussion of the inherently visual topic of CSS. The authors' graphical expertise comes through clearly with visuals that clarify topics without cluttering the presentation. The coverage goes beyond--or shall we say behind--that found in many other CSS books that focus primarily on the technical features of browsers. For example, the authors take the time to discuss typesetting terminology and font families in order to build a well-rounded knowledge. Despite the presentation of the precise details of the CSS1 and CSS2 specifications, the text is quite easy to read and intriguing to follow. Even if you are familiar with CSS--this is an excellent title to own. --Stephen W. Plain Topics covered: CSS (levels 1 and 2), HTML, and XML tutorials; plus coverage of which browsers support which CSS elements.