Rating:  Summary: Broad introduction to J2EE Review: "The J2EE tutorial" addresses readers with a broad range of
technologies, which lie under the hood of the J2EE 1.4 standard
as XML/XSL, JAXP/Webservices, Servlets, JSP, JavaServer Faces,
EJB, JMS etc. This book does cover really broad topics. I liked
the chapters on JAXP/JAXR, Servlet (2.4), JSP (2.0) and Java Server Faces,
they provide you good starting point to understand these new technologies.
Since EJB3.0 (and alternatives as Spring framework, hibernate, etc)
is out, all chapters on EJB need to be updated.
The author focuses on running and deploying sample code in CD but does not make
enough effort to explain the code and concepts involved. It puts too much
focus on deployment with
Sun's J2EE SDK, some readers who are using Sun J2EE SDK may like it but I think most readers
may not the deployment detail. If these details are needed, it's better to put them into another
You can find this book online, but have a printed book may be more convenient.
Since this book covers lots of topics, it's good as a reference.
Rating:  Summary: Shallow, confusing, and disconnected Review: I don't ordinarily pan books online, but I was so disappointed in this one that I felt an obligation to prospective purchasers. If your aim is simply to gain experience deploying someone's J2EE application by following instructions, then I suppose this would be a good book for you. I was looking for more than that. Each major section is written by different writer (credited, by the way). Although there is some continuity, the tone and pace differ from section to section. For example, in some sections, code is explained prior to presentation, while in others it is explained after presentation. I find the former approach annoying, since I can read Java code just fine. The explanations would be valuable if they went into subtleties or fine points, but they don't... they just say in words what you can read in code. Many, many pages are devoted to keystrokes to use with deploytool. The conceptual glue of deployment is left to one's imagination. And finally, many questions are left unanswered. Here is one example: a section on J2EE Connector Architecture goes into XA transactions because you have to know what one is to make the proper deployment choices. We are told that an XA transaction is one that spans resources. In other words, it is a distributed transaction. I know that distributed transactions get into hot water if one of the resources does not have adequate transaction management. An obvious question is "How does J2EE know if a resource has the right kind of transaction management, and what does it do if not?" The text gives no hint that this is even an issue. I would not recommend this book. There are better ones out there.
Rating:  Summary: not a developer book Review: I guess probabaly because of the aruthors' back ground (from Sun's documentation group), this book reads much like a User's Guide of Sun's J2EE SDK. It provides a couple of examples and tells you step-by-step how to compile, deploy and test these examples onto Sun's J2EE platform. There is no substantial treatment on the high level J2EE architecture, technology, and APIs. It provides little help for you if you want to jump-start J2EE programming.
Rating:  Summary: one of the worst books I have ever read Review: I have to read this text book for one of my 3rd year Computer Science course. My professor picked the worst book there is for us to learn. The exam is open book but I can't use any of the stuff that's written in this piece of sh*t. Whever wrote this book should jump off the building and die. It tried to include too many topic at once and fail to explain how to used each of them. All it does is throw you examples of the stuff they wrote. Firstly, their examples don't work. Secondly, that is not now most programmer will approach it. It tries to teach connection with a database but did not provide any PreparedStatement or Statement and did not provide text on DriverManger.getConnection. How the hell do we connect then?? Bottom line is this book sucks!! EJB, Servlets, Jsp, JMS, JNDI, XML, JDBC, JavaMail my A**!!!
Rating:  Summary: This is the worst text-book I've ever had!!! Review: I have to read this text book for one of my 3rd year Computer Science course. My professor picked the worst book there is for us to learn. The exam is open book but I can't use any of the stuff that's written in this piece of sh*t. Whever wrote this book should jump off the building and die. It tried to include too many topic at once and fail to explain how to used each of them. All it does is throw you examples of the stuff they wrote. Firstly, their examples don't work. Secondly, that is not now most programmer will approach it. It tries to teach connection with a database but did not provide any PreparedStatement or Statement and did not provide text on DriverManger.getConnection. How the hell do we connect then?? Bottom line is this book sucks!! EJB, Servlets, Jsp, JMS, JNDI, XML, JDBC, JavaMail my A**!!!
Rating:  Summary: An excellent deployment primer Review: I think some of the critics miss the point of a book like this. There are many excellent books about EJB and Servlet/JSP etc, but there are not many which show the precise details about how to get applications up and running on a specific platform. No, the tutorial doesn't address the higher-level issues of architecting and building working systems. I recommend Ed Roman's Mastering Enterprise Javabeans and/or Monson-Haefel's Enterprise Javabeans 3rd edition for that purpose. The latter book has a small series of platform-specific workbooks to handle the specifics, the best treatment of deployment which I have yet seen. But this book is good for getting you up and running. Of course you can always use the online version to stay up to date, so unless you prefer the dead-trees version (as I do) use that one....
Rating:  Summary: Good supplement, not authoratative source. Review: It is a bit shallow as one of the others reviewers pointed out. But its coverage of EJB-QL is the best I've seen. Good piece on transactions as well. I would suggest getting Ed Roman's book for EJBs and Marty Hall's Core Servlets & JSP instead. If you want an more comprehensive coverage of servlets get the O'Reilly Servlet Programming book. Reading this book side by side is helpful, because it sheds some new light on the issues and give you a better understanding. I would reccomend this book as a reference, not as a primary source for learning.
Rating:  Summary: Amazon, fix your site!! Review: It looks like Amazon could stand to read this book on how to build an enterprise web site. I just bought this book and I am now checking out the reviews to see what I am in for, I know, it should be the other way around, but with a wife and kid at the book store, you must take advantage of every opportunity you can. :-) Anyhow, I am reading these reviews and it must be from the first edition or some other book. How can you give reviews on a book before it was even published. As such, though I haven't read the book yet, I am going to give them 5-stars for now due to Amazon not providing accurate reviews. I will write another honest review once I read the book.
Rating:  Summary: one of the worst books I have ever read Review: It so happens even I am doing the same course at the same university where " ursixc92 " studies and unfortunately we have this same book as our TEXT BOOK Its more like a user documentation manual The author solely focuses on running and deploying sample code in CD but never makes a conscious effort to expain the code and concepts invovled . Worst book for a newbie to J2ee programming .
Rating:  Summary: A must read for understanding J2EE technology Review: The J2EE tutorial is an excellent book. If you want to know how to write a J2EE application this is the book. It takes you step by step. I have read 3 other books on JSP and this book has the best coverage for custom tags. The only negative thing I have to say is the deployment tool is a bit immature and things don't always work, as you'd expect. The J2EE tutorial team has been very helpful any time I had a question and answered email within a day. If you're interested in writing Internet software with Java, J2EE technology is the way to go and this book is must!