This fine book uses clear illustration techniques to explain how to perform elementary Windows 98 tasks, teaching such essential skills as copying files, formatting floppy disks, installing printers, surfing the Web, and communicating via electronic mail using Outlook Express. If you're completely unable to accomplish anything under Windows 98 and you're nervous about experimenting alone, Windows 98 Simplified will get you up to speed.The most elementary of the Windows 98 books in IDG's 3-D Visual series, this full-color tome is almost identical to Master Windows 98 Visually, also by Ruth Maran; however, a few details (such as how to print from Paint) are omitted. In most cases Windows 98 Simplified uses the same illustrations as its sister volume, with one key exception: many of the illustrations in this book have cartoon "diskette people" superimposed on them. These diskette people, speaking in comic-book bubbles, point out key facts about Windows 98. Most of the time the facts spoken by the diskette people are the same words used in the caption to the corresponding illustration found in Master Windows 98 Visually. Yet while the comments are clear and insightful, it's unclear how having cartoon characters deliver tips benefits the user. --David Wall