There are a couple of possible approaches to the problem of how to have fun and do useful work with your personal computer. One is to figure out what you need to know (program in Perl, use Microsoft Excel, whatever) and then set about teaching yourself how to do it. The other approach is more holistic, and involves attempting to absorb the diverse knowledge of a chosen guru. Leo Laporte's 2004 Technology Almanac fits the latter approach. It covers a broad spectrum of general-interest computing subjects, and is suited to a competent and curious, but not expert, reader who appreciates a pointer or two as he or she learns how to be a power user. As an almanac, this book organizes itself around calendar year 2004--there's one page for each day of the year. Each page makes fun reading, typically focusing on some aspect of configuring an operating system (Windows XP, Mac OS, and occasionally Linux), a piece of software, or a set of related Web sites. The nuggets of knowledge--contributed by people from Laporte's "Screen Savers" television program--make you want to try out whatever they're describing, so be prepared to install software and do some surfing! --David Wall Topics covered: General interest computing for people who are comfortable with their machines and want to become competent enough to teach others. Coverage ranges from adjusting Windows XP's behavior to your liking, to extending PDA battery life, to using the Web to find friends.