Rating:  Summary: Concise but complete Java Language Model Review: I have worked with Java for two years, and have a six-year background in C++. I didn't seek an introduction to Java when I bought The Java Programming Language Third Edition, and I would use many of my own notes, and the book chapters in a different order, with beginning programmers (although it would make an excellent university programming text, supported with tutorials and workshops). Experienced programmers will love this book, but beginners (first-time programmers) should come back to it. But the book's strength is its concise, comprehensive unfolding of insight into the Java language model -- more than just the object model. Serious programmers will not regret reviewing everything they thought they knew about Java (especially those of us who regularly work in C++ and Object Pascal as well as in Java). I will read this book every six months, and dip into it daily, if necessary. It offers me a nice blend of terse explanation and illustrative examples of the language core. This is clearly one of the few "5 star" Java core language books available: good scope, well written, trustworthy -- expert knowledge at my fingertips. Use this book to polish your insight.
Rating:  Summary: Great book on Java for OOP programers Review: Hi all. I have spent this last week reading this book and I must say it's very good.This book provides a thorough coverage of Java language basics and the core packages. the writers uses a clear and nice explanations, and formated this book more as a reference book - very handy for later use ( great index ). It would best fits OOP programers, but this book is a bit hard one for new programmers or for programmers that do not familiar with OOP. (if you don't know what OOP means then it probably not the book to learn it from, although is't not impossible to grasp the main ideas). I gave it 5 stars because it fits me perfectly (a C++ guy ;) ) and because it was writen as my favorite programing books. Give it a try . Enjoy .
Rating:  Summary: Great book for both novice and experienced Java programmers Review: Although I have been programming with Java for three years, I still found this book (third edition) valuable. However, if you are looking for a good introductory Java book, I would recommend Bruce Eckel's Think in Java (2nd Edition) instead.
Rating:  Summary: Intelligent, clear, precise, superb! Review: This is a superb book, by intelligent authors who understand how to write precisely and clearly. I found it to be an ideal introduction to Java. Buy it if you like to genuinely comprehend what you're doing. (It is relevant to mention that I already had a Computer Science degree and programming experience with other languages, but no exposure to Java.) Again and again I have found myself returning to this book to refresh my understanding of a concept, and I've generally been promptly rewarded. I dislike most books I look at (see my other reviews). This one is a wonderful exception.
Rating:  Summary: Not terribly clear/concise Review: This is a pretty useful book, but the information is not presented as concisely and unambiguously as it should, for anyone's purpose. It occupies the No Man's Land between the Java Tutorial and the Java Specification/VM Spec, both of which are published online and well-written. Still, if you have a little cash, it certainly wouldn't hurt to have this text.
Rating:  Summary: Learn from the Creator of Java! Review: Nearly 14 years ago, I learned C from a terse little book "The_C_Programming_Language" by Kernighan and Ritchie ("C by K&R") - principals in the creation of C. In similar tradition, I chose "The_Java_Programming_Language" ("JPL") by Arnold and Gosling (first edition) as the foundation for my Java learning experience. Mastering the fundamental philosophy and elements of any Language is crucial in understanding how (and why) to use it. In this way, "JPL" certainly does not disappoint. Basic "core" Java elements (java.lang, java.util, and java.io) are clearly explained in a terse style similar to "C by K&R". In addition, "JPL" correlates Object-Oriented Programming fundamentals that relate directly to Java (Chapters 2 & 3). However, previous or collateral exposure to OOP is generally considered necessary because the "JPL" is first a book about Java, OOP principles simply surface "by extension". Like "C by K&R", the examples in "JPL" are succinct and have meaningful correspondence to real-world programming. I highly recommend "The Java Programming Language" - especially for seasoned C/C++ developers who are new to Java.
Rating:  Summary: An Invaluable Resource Review: When I began studying Java, I purchased _The_Java_Programming_Language_ (2nd ed.) and spent a month of free time reading the entire tome. It provided invaluable insights into Java's philosophy and syntax; I don't believe that my study and subsequent employment of the language would have been nearly as successful had I neglected to read _The_Java_Programming_Language_. Reading an introductory book prior to tackling _The_Java_Programming_Language_ is in my opinion a necessary step if you're unfamiliar with object-oriented concepts; _The_Java_Programming_Language_ assumes a preexisting understanding of OOP. Though I had learned OOP basics in a college CS course on C++, I found the concepts and examples presented in Arnold's book a worthy challenge. The book is so concise and authoritative that I continue to use it as a reference. I consider _The_Java_Programming_Language_ a jewel of my library and wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone embarking on a study of Java.
Rating:  Summary: Let this be the SECOND book you buy on Java... Review: This was the first book I bought on Java, coming from a C background. Clearly the book has been modelled (in style) on 'The C Programming Language' which boded well as I began. However, I soon felt out of my depth. The examples at the beginning of the book required an understanding of concepts not yet covered, leaving me feeling inadequate and frustrated. I agree entirely with the reviewer who recommended Deitel and Deitels 'Java: How To Program' as a companion book (but wait for the third edition which will cover Swing), which has given me the background to appreciate Goslings book as a comprehensive reference source - with examples. To summarize, I was disappointed with the book for my initial purposes but I am now glad to have it in my library.
Rating:  Summary: When will Addison-Wesley publish the third Edition? Review: This book is the best Java book available so far. I am eagerly waiting for the third edition which should cover new features in Java 1.2
Rating:  Summary: Java complit Review: I need tutorial Java compli