}You can use it with any of the following function calls:
tot = sum2(array1, 5); // sum of a 5x4 array
tot = sum2(array2, 100); // sum of a 100x4 array
tot = sum2(array3, 2); // sum of a 5 x 2 array
The last example function call is incorrect, and he goes on in the next chapter explaining how the sum2d function would required to be changed to support more rows. There are 3-5 errors per chapter like this.
Solid 'B-'.
Summary: Excellent Book So Far
Review: I am a Freshman in High School and I received this book a few weeks ago. To tell you the truth I haven't finished the book; I'm about half-way through but I just had to right a review on it.
The book shows a lot of good examples as it takes you through the different sections. Often times the book stops to tell about the concepts and throws in a diagram or example to make sure your still paying attention. The book often asks: How do you think this works? or what do you think function x does in this list of code? what's going on in this diagram/code? Sometimes these little questions help me to sit back and visualize the code instead of continuosly reading and trying to absorb a gob of information.
There are review questions and programming exercises at the end of each chapter. This definatly gives you the vibe of a classroom book; which it basically is. But, this book is very easily self-taught and there is no need for a teacher to teach you it, though a formal education is always the best way to go.
This book is definatly easy to understand. It is for the new users of C and experienced users alike. Don't be afraid to jump into this book if you don't know a scratch about C; after all, I did it!
It's been an excellent book so far and I would recommend it to others.
Summary: a great book on c
Review: I am a Java programmer. To me, knowing the difference between Java and C is the most important thing. This book has very nice examples on important tricky points that a programmer should pay attention to; it saves me the trouble of making up my own examples and test them. I also like the fact that it has solutions to review questions, I find them to be very helpful. I have read several other good C books. This book is certainly among my most favorite ones.
Summary: Very good
Review: I am relatively new to the subject (Having purchased K & R's programming c, second edition prior to this--no success) and I have to admit, after only three days I'm already into chapter five and have a vast understanding of the language. What I like, personally, is that they go about explaining the code in a no-non-sense way, being that they relate the practice code to something you can remember (i.e. explaining code using everyday words, such as using days of the week for enum). The only problem I have with the book is that they like to repeat information over and over...I suppose it is a good teaching trick but after a while this becomes rather tiresome. Overall...I'd give it 4 stars.
Summary: excellent book for learning c
Review: I bought both the third and fourth editions of this book and would buy them agaiin. I'm been very impressed with this book, it introduces C in such a way even someone with no programming experience can learn it without boring those who do have programming experience (at least too much).
The book covers basic to fairly advanced concepts and the reader have a good understanding of C if they take the time to use this book (do all the examples, etc).
An excellent book.
Summary: excellent book for learning c
Review: I bought both the third and fourth editions of this book and would buy them agaiin. I'm been very impressed with this book, it introduces C in such a way even someone with no programming experience can learn it without boring those who do have programming experience (at least too much).
The book covers basic to fairly advanced concepts and the reader have a good understanding of C if they take the time to use this book (do all the examples, etc).
An excellent book.
Summary: Very clear, and easily understandable
Review: I bought that book at the beginning of the fall quarter for my intro to C and UNIX class. When I saw the thickness of the book I got a little sacred at first, since I had never learnt C, I though that this clas would be hell.
Actually the book is very clear (only a few time have I had to read a paragraph a second time to understand a concept/process). I really recommend it for C beginners.
Summary: Pure Ownage
Review: I don't usually read technical books cover to cover (especially code books) but this is one of the few. Prata is an amazing teacher. The world would be much better off with teachers like him. What I like best is he doesn't dumb down the content which makes the book flow. I also appreciate the fact this book isn't too technical which is helpful when you don't fully understand a topic at first. If you have entry level programming experience and want to advance by leaps and bounds THIS is the book. I thought C was an outdated language but after learning C ALL other languages just "click".
I have 20 or so programming books most of which turned out to just be reference books but this book can easily be read cover to cover and is a must have for ANY serious programmer.
Summary: Pure Ownage
Review: I don't usually read technical books cover to cover (especially code books) but this is one of the few. Prata is an amazing teacher. The world would be much better off with teachers like him. What I like best is he doesn't dumb down the content which makes the book flow. I also appreciate the fact this book isn't too technical which is helpful when you don't fully understand a topic at first. If you have entry level programming experience and want to advance by leaps and bounds THIS is the book. I thought C was an outdated language but after learning C ALL other languages just "click".
I have 20 or so programming books most of which turned out to just be reference books but this book can easily be read cover to cover and is a must have for ANY serious programmer.