Written for those with some background in software engineering, Automated Software Testing: Introduction, Management, and Performance delivers a rigorous guide to the state of the art in managing automated testing in a text that will benefit anyone who tests software for a living. First and foremost, Automated Software Testing presents a methodology for test managers called Automated Testing Lifecycle Management (ATLM). This soup-to-nuts tour of testing takes you from initial planning, budgeting, and staffing to building a test plan and choosing test tools to executing tests and even improving your testing process the next time around. Though somewhat thickly written--with plenty of software engineering terminology--this book can also be useful to more practically minded readers because of its many sample test documents. (Besides numerous lists and charts outlining the steps in the ATLM process, the book presents a sample test plan, budget estimates, and staffing guides.) A truly standout feature is the book's survey of currently available automated tools that can be used throughout the testing cycle, as well as how to choose the right ones for your next project. For many software testers and managers, this section alone is probably worth the price of the book. As this book points out, test engineering is a growth field. While schools and businesses work hard to meet the demand for qualified testing professionals, this title can provide a solid guide to the best thinking on automated testing solutions that will save time and money as well as improve software quality. --Richard Dragan Topics covered: Theory and practice of automated software testing, the Automated Testing Lifecycle Management (ATLM) process, test analysis, planning, design and execution, white-box and black-box testing, metrics, and choosing testing tools.