The O'Reilly Cookbook series, with its to-the-point but illuminating coverage of programming subjects, meets the challenge of explaining how to write software as well as anything else on the market. When you're facing a coding problem--particularly in a language you're new to or haven't used in a while--and know there must be a proven way to solve it, the right Cookbook can often get you going in a hurry. C# Cookbook applies the formula to the language of Microsoft .NET, and is an addition to the line that more than a few programmers will appreciate. Don't count on this book to solve big tasks for you. "I need some C# software that integrates with Avaya telephone switches and Siemens databases...:" No. Rather, this book shows you how to do the little jobs (converting an array to a delimited string, monitoring the event log, creating a bounded hashtable, and so on) that can stand in the way of prompt completion of a project. What's more, the coverage isn't limited to code samples. Stephen Teilhet and Jay Hilyard take advantage of the Cookbook series' Problem-Solution-Discussion format to teach you a thing or two about C#. You'll refer to this book often for quick answers and explanations. --David Wall Topics covered: How to solve small but non-trivial problems in the C# programming language. Each of 17 chapters covers a major area of C# functionality--networking, regular expressions, filesystem, security, and so on--and contains a dozen or two entries on how best to solve programming problems.