Rating:  Summary: A wonderful introduction... Review: I usually look down on philosophical "collections" because they tend to give an inadequate picture of any single philosopher and they also tend to lack cohesion. But this book is not just a collection - it is more like a narrative. The name "The STORY of Philosophy" indicates the focus, which is not just to present the work of various philosophers but to weave them together. Durant's choice of philosophers may seem to be unreasonable, but it serves his purpose. He presents a wide range of thought, from ancient Greek to modern. His analysis is always deep - his insights are fascinating. His understanding of the nuances of these thinkers is not in question. Each section presents Durant's analysis alongside material quoted directly from the philosopher being discussed. In this way both the original material and thoughtful analysis are given. In broader terms, Durant brings all this diverse thought together. He describes the progression of thought through careful comparison and contrast and gives each of these philosophers a position in reference to one another and to a unified picture. Each of these thinkers is put into a broader context than simply their own writings; parallels between these philosophers emerge alongside a portryal of their historical significance. All in all a real achievement and a worthwhile read for almost anyone (as an introduction to philosophy or as a valuable new perspective on material you're already familiar with). Recommended...
Rating:  Summary: Few books change the way you see the world - this is one. Review: If you believe that philosophy is about complex theorizing, and not your cup of tea - think again, in fact dont think - just read Will Durants book. The title says it all so wonderfully elegantly, that it makes one feel almost emotional about the book after it is over - this book is a story. It is a story of a science, of a subject, and the people who made it. It is a tale that will move you with the love Plato shows for Socrates, that will bring you to tears as you read the Excommunication Curse pronounced on the young Spinoza, and will make you shake your head with its force of ideas as it explains Descartes and Kant.Once you are through with this book, and you lift your head again from its pages, the world will not seem the same. Few books can have so profound an effect on its reader - and this book does that. To the keen and curious, Durant lays bare about 2000 years of human thought, and puts in simple terms, some of the most baffling and complex of ideologies - and in doing so, the reader is left with a path to follow. The path of genius, the path of wisdom, and the path of enlightenment by reading the various books and philosophies of those mentioned here. Read this book, own it, treasure it, and pass it on to your children, this is heritage... this is a work of art.
Rating:  Summary: The Story of Philosophy Review: Interestingly, I came upon the Story of Philosophy in a box of books a college student was about to "pass on." This was in 1984, and I still treasure it. Will Durant's book captivated my attention from beginning to end, and best of all it introduced me to my now favorite philosopher, Spinoza. For this, I will always be grateful. Thank you, Will Durant. (I have three different editions of this book, one of which is held together with an elastic band and a clothespin. I prefer the paperbacks.)
Rating:  Summary: One of the bedside standbys Review: Many of us owe a great debt to Will Durant, whose "The Story of Philosophy" and multi-volume world history (co-authored with wife Ariel) were the great introduction to the Western past for us in our youth. "The Story of Philosophy" is a book with its flaws, but it will remain for some time the great popular intro to the philosophical canon. Durant peppered his book with many all-too-pious genuflections to the little joys of life: he distrusted brooders, and at his worst he's not above accusing Schopenhauer of paying too little attention to the laughter of children. His Nietzsche chapter is unreliable on biographical points, and too mistrustful in a post-WWI way of that dazzlingly complex thinker (some criticisms are fair-- but when, for instance, did the mature Nietzsche ever admire Bismark?) Durant often drags out his bromide that Catholic countries produce extremes of piety and atheism, while Protestant countries, with a presumably superior moderation, keep people within decent liberal modes of Protestantism and deism-- he seems little to entertain the notion that atheists are so out of reasoned conviction rather than ill temper and social rebellion. His chapter on Spinoza constantly employs anthropomorphic language for Spinoza's radically anti-anthropocentric conception of God: he practically baptizes the "Ethics." His "Comment" and "Criticism" chapters usually charge Plato with not being Aristotle, or Aristotle not being Plato, and so on. And, as his introduction admits, Durant is no fan of epistemology-- but I submit that he is dangerously wrong to treat it as a subject fit only for the physical sciences. But why is the book great? Because, these objections aside, Durant is a terrifically energetic and witty writer, an obvious relation, temperamentally as well as in conviction, of Voltaire, whose place in this book in the absence of Locke or Hume is, ultimately, justified by the liveliness of the account of Voltaire's life and times. His Spinoza chapter is moving, his account of Kant judicious, and in general Durant has a brilliant sense of Zeitgeist. If his treatment of Plato is too schematic, his Bacon is a well-deserved treatment of that Renaissance genius, and his final sketches of then-contemporaries like Santayana, James, and Bergson, is a good antidote to our contemporary overreliance on Whitehead, Husserl, and Heidegger. And he is never slow to tell the reader to forget the synopsis and read the books themselves. A dazzling display of good host-duties, "The Story of Philosophy" remains a wonderful introduction to the riches of philosophy.
Rating:  Summary: Fun to read Review: Most other books by Durant are unpleasant to read: He never uses a five cent word when a twenty dollar word will do, and he is verbose to an extreme. If Shakespeare had written "Hamlet" in the same manner, "To Be or Not To Be... " would be "The continuation of existance, predicated upon mind-body dualism not being a factor, as opposed to the antithesis, is imperative contenplation."
However, Durant's book on philosophy is very clear, with concise, lovely prose.
Alfred North Whitehead said, once man puts aside the struggle for existance because struggle is no longer necessary, man will tire of the Hebrew, Old Testament and New, and the languages of Heaven will be Greek and German and English. Durant gives us a
momentary sighting of the future Whitehead saw.
This book, and only this among his works, would be excellent reading for a bright nine year old as well as an adult.
Rating:  Summary: Durant does what all great teachers do... Review: Originally a collection of eleven five-cent Blue Book instalments, ~The Story of Philosophy~ was first published in its current form in 1925; and within two years reached over two million in sales, launching Durant's career as one of the most recognized and honoured writers and historians in the world. Translated into nineteen languages, this book continues to sell at a consistent rate, used by schools and universities across the globe as an introduction to the Western Tradition of philosophy from Plato, Spinoza and William James, ending with the great American educationalist, John Dewey. As the word 'story' in the title suggests, the book is written as a narrative; this particular stylistic method was highly criticised by academics, turning their noses up in arrogant disdain, because everyone could now understand this specialized subject...Durant made philosophy accessible and exciting, also adding a touch of humour to an otherwise serious endeavour, he writes in the preface of the second edition: "The 'Story' tried to salt itself with a seasoning of humour, not only because wisdom is not wise if it scares merriment, but because a sense of humour, being born of perspective, bears a near kinship to philosophy; each is the soul of the other. But this appears to have displeased the pundits; nothing so hurt the book with them as it smiles." (xii) Durant also makes it quite clear that this book is by no means a substitute for reading philosophy in the original. "...God knows there is no short cut to knowledge; after forty years of seeking her one finds "Truth" still veiled, and what she shows of herself most disconcerting." What is most important about this text, I believe, is that it could well be a starting point for a future William James, John Dewey or a Wittgenstein. Durant's robust prose style reels the reader in, seducing, enticing and giving you just enough to want to plunge into philosophy, boots and all...he does what all great teachers do - creates a fascinating world for the subject and connects it to the everyday and personal. When Durant writes about philosophy and history, he's talking about us; inviting us to explore the world and ourselves. If you're a teacher, student, a curious spectator or maybe someone who tried to read philosophy and got caught-up in the pitfalls of specialized terms that can riddle this subject, read this book. It may change your views and prompt greater things...
Rating:  Summary: Intellectual coathooks Review: Rather than a systematic and extensive survey of the history of philosophy, Pulitzer-prize winner Will Durant tells a story. His work is a survey of the life and teachings of some of the western world's most important philosophers: Plato, Aristotle, Francis Bacon, Spinoza, Voltaire, Kant, Schopenhauer, Herbert Spencer, and Nietzsche. Durant also includes a chapter on contemporary European philosophers (Bergson, Croce, Russell) and contemporary American philosophers (Santayana, James, Dewey). Originally written in 1926, Durant is a little slim on 20th-century philosophy, particularly existentialism. But Durant is an excellent writer and an effective guide. He provides intellectual coathooks for readers to use to extend their reading into other areas of philosophy. *The Story of Philsophy* would be a good book to introduce high school or beginning college students to some of the great ideas of the western tradition.
Rating:  Summary: Best Introduction to Western Philosophy Review: Read this before you read any of the first sources. This is simply the best Intro to Philosophy written. It will make you want to read everyting Will and Ariel Durant have written... though you many not suceed unless you have a great deal of free time.
Rating:  Summary: Nice overview of some key philosophers Review: Some of the writing is verbose, but enough insight to merit a read. Very nice for a historian to bring his sensibilities to an overview of philosophy. Is nicely complemented by A Passion for Wisdom (Robert Solomon and Kathleen Higgins) and Sophie's World. By the way, if you haven't read or listened to (The Teaching Company) Robert Solomon, he is excellent.
Rating:  Summary: Insightful and Invigorating Review: The amount of space the author use for each philosopher allows for a sufficient examination of their lives and their philosophies and is still short enough for the sake of flow and interest. Instead of getting bogged down with various nuances, Durant consistently brings the story back to reality. At the end, the reader is familiar enough with each philosopher to know whether he wants to investigate further. But this book stands on its own as a brilliant survey of human thought and potential. Read it if you are interested in politics, the arts, entertainment, social sciences, psychology, medicine and even love, all of which play significant roles in this epic story. Mostly it is for lovers of philosophy and its branches and the ease and precision with which Durant is able to explain the greatest ideas in history will reinforce and multiply that love. This is one of the most enjoyable and fulfilling books ever written.