What would the Internet be without its numberless FishCams, GerbilCams, CoffeeCams, and BuildingCams? The world surely is a better place now that we can check out 3Com Park or the Kremlin, approximately live, at any hour of the day or night. Web cams make all this viewing possible, and The Little Web Cam Book explains how you can contribute to the visual wonders on the Web. The Little Web Cam Book provides instruction on setting up your own Web cam, but that isn't as technically difficult as it once was. Now software is available that simplifies the installation and configuration processes. Author Elisabeth Parker provides all the documentation the Web publisher needs to publish with ISpy for Windows and SiteCam for Macintosh. A large portion of The Little Web Cam Book serves to highlight the creative potential of Web cams by showcasing what other cam aficionados have done. You'll find a sizable directory of online camera sites, plus interviews with the creators of several famous cams. Upon finishing her discussion on automated online publishing with digital cameras, the author turns her attention to other camera activities and projects. Chief among these is videoconferencing. The Little Web Cam Book covers White Pine CU-SeeMe, as well as the freeware version of that program from Cornell University. The book also supplies some information on using Microsoft NetMeeting, BoxTop Software's iVisit, and Mirabilis Software's ICQ. --David Wall