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You Have a Brother Named Spike? (Peanuts Gang)

You Have a Brother Named Spike? (Peanuts Gang)

List Price: $3.50
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Peanuts gang is funny again
Review: In You Have A Brother Named Spike?, Snoopy gets a visit from his brother, Spike, who lives with coyotes. The Peanuts gang is surprised that Snoopy even has an older brother. They take the news in their usual humorous stride.

Snoopy shines especially with his imagined conversation to Lucy and Charlie Brown about Spike. When Spike arrives, everyone welcomes him. Charlie Brown bought him a special bowl. but Lucy, after seeing Spike, feels that she needs to nurse him back to health.

This book is just plain fun. Lucy is a riot as she tries to help fatten Spike up in Linus' bedroom. I think the Peanuts have a great way of making anyone laugh and this book definitely proves that point. I'm glad that my nephew picked this book out at the library, while he was here on a visit. Brother Named Spike is another good way to introduce humor to kids.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Peanuts gang is funny again
Review: In You Have A Brother Named Spike?, Snoopy gets a visit from his brother, Spike, who lives with coyotes. The Peanuts gang is surprised that Snoopy even has an older brother. They take the news in their usual humorous stride.

Snoopy shines especially with his imagined conversation to Lucy and Charlie Brown about Spike. When Spike arrives, everyone welcomes him. Charlie Brown bought him a special bowl. but Lucy, after seeing Spike, feels that she needs to nurse him back to health.

This book is just plain fun. Lucy is a riot as she tries to help fatten Spike up in Linus' bedroom. I think the Peanuts have a great way of making anyone laugh and this book definitely proves that point. I'm glad that my nephew picked this book out at the library, while he was here on a visit. Brother Named Spike is another good way to introduce humor to kids.

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