Rating:  Summary: The continuing awesomeness! Review: Again, brilliant! This volume continues where the first left off, and introduces us to Shadi! Again more graphic violence, which makes the story even better!
Rating:  Summary: remember seto kaiba? Review: cards with teeth meet seto kaiba master of the worlds most dangerous collectible card game. when kaiba discovers that yugis grandfather owns the incredible rare blue eyes white dragon card he will stop at nothing to get it even if he has to duel with yugis dark alter- ego yu-gi-oh! then an egypian museum exhibit brings with it an unwelcome visitor. shadi the mystical keeper of the millennium items, whose bloodline has guarded the tombs of egypt for 3000 years. recognizing yugi as his rival, he puts him to the test to see who is the true king of games. great book its rated t for teen but i think 11 and older can read this has nasty stuff violence and and some bad language.
Rating:  Summary: Great! Review: From the title of the item, I would have to say that this is the new Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, Yu-Gi-Oh!: Duelist. The Duelist series is supposed to be based on what American viewers saw, Duelist Kingdom, Battle City, those things, without the annoyance of fillers like Noa's Arc and DOOM. This manga shows the first introduction of Pegasus, how Yugi-tachi got to the island, and the introduction of Mai and Insector Haga (Weevil Underwood for the American fans.) This is a lot more violent, though, as such, you should obey the "Teen" rating on the series.
Other than that, great book, great series, and help in the cause of getting pictures of the thing onto the Amazon.com site, so people will stop giving reviews for manga 2 and 5!
Rating:  Summary: I'm surprised! Review: I got this graphic novel when my mom met with the head of "Viz" for her work, and he offered to send me some free stuff (yay!). A while ago, I was really into yu-gi-oh (Am I the only person who thinks that is AMAZINGLY annoying to type?), but then I got out of it and didn't really like it that much. After reading this, it totally changed my mind. This is SOOOOOOOO much better than the shows! It isn't really for kids, like other people have mentioned, but that's a GOOD thing!!! It's better when it's not for kids!! It's so much cooler!! You people who said that it's "not quite ready for kids yet," I don't think it should ever be. If it does become more for kids, I will stop reading it. So, this book is [...] SWEET!!!
Rating:  Summary: Pretty Good Review: I like this book. It's an improvement over the first volume. It has better stories and we see more of the Character's past and how their relationships affect the plot.
Rating:  Summary: i love it Review: I love this series better than the anime itself because while the anime is focused with the cards, it cuts the real story off at the knees. I enjoy watching Yami as he fights for what he cares for most... his friends. To me, the card game seems just like a back story and to read the tenderness this small boy has is touching. He reminds me of how we all feel going through that big world known as "High School." Everyone later admits that, whether popular or not, High School was one interesting adventure. We all feel stupid and outcasted at times there. Yugi draws the audience back to those awkward days and reminds us that inside we could be just as weak as any but if we strive for what is right and just, we shall conquer all. That, to me, is the real reason behind Yami and Yu-Gi-Oh and these books really show the reader that reason.
Rating:  Summary: I Love Yugioh and I'm not afraid to admit it! Review: I love Yugioh, as one of the first manga's I really got into I'm totally devoted. The anime is good (the American version sucks, though.) but the manga is better. There is always something happening in each one, And Yami is SO SUPER PSYCHO, I love it!
Rating:  Summary: I Love Yugioh and I'm not afraid to admit it! Review: I love Yugioh, as one of the first manga's I really got into I'm totally devoted. The anime is good (the American version sucks, though.) but the manga is better. There is always something happening in each one, And Yami is SO SUPER PSYCHO, I love it!
Rating:  Summary: The true story behind the first episode! Review: Remember in the first episode where Kaiba rips up the Blue Eyes owned by Yugi's grandpa, and Yugi then duels him and wins with Exodia? Well, this is the original story behind it: Death-T! Kaiba's been wanting revenge ever since Yugi actually defeated him at Magic and Wizards(the original name for Duel Monsters), so he blackmails him, more or less, into facing his amusement park from heck. Kaiba wants Yugi dead, but if somehow he actually manages to get by the first 4 stages, he'll face Kaiba in a rematch. And yes, it's going to be exactly the same as in the first episode... or is it? Let's just say that there will be quite a few surprises for people familiar with, "The Heart of the Cards." I happen to notice; that there's an extreme lack of Yami Yugi in this volume(he only shows up briefly to poison Mokuba and save Jonouchi). But don't worry, he'll get to show up next volume. Also, not only do we get introduced to a completely new perverted character(who, get this--- is just a baby!), but lots of stuff in this will more than likely give them nightmares--- especially one character named the Chopman, a serial killer(yes, a serial killer) Kaiba hires to off the group. It's stuff like this that reminds me why I love the Yu-Gi-Oh manga:1, All the characters are a bit more extreme than in the anime, 2, Some characters actually die in the manga, 3, The card game, while still important, is not as much of a focus as it is in the anime(which even creates HUGE filler storylines to have more of the card battles), 4, The duels themselves are much more violent than in the anime, and 5, the art just looks so cool! Too bad the anime sugar-coated everything in it, and then 4Kids came and sugar-coated it again, just so the kids could watch! But with this volume, we can at least see how it is originally intended, and it's no exception to the reasons of why I love it so much. So in the end, if you want to see the "mature" version of the Yu-Gi-Oh your kid brother or sister watches, I recommened this volume!
Rating:  Summary: The true story behind the first episode! Review: Remember in the first episode where Kaiba rips up the Blue Eyes owned by Yugi's grandpa, and Yugi then duels him and wins with Exodia? Well, this is the original story behind it: Death-T! Kaiba's been wanting revenge ever since Yugi actually defeated him at Magic and Wizards(the original name for Duel Monsters), so he blackmails him, more or less, into facing his amusement park from heck. Kaiba wants Yugi dead, but if somehow he actually manages to get by the first 4 stages, he'll face Kaiba in a rematch. And yes, it's going to be exactly the same as in the first episode... or is it? Let's just say that there will be quite a few surprises for people familiar with, "The Heart of the Cards." I happen to notice; that there's an extreme lack of Yami Yugi in this volume(he only shows up briefly to poison Mokuba and save Jonouchi). But don't worry, he'll get to show up next volume. Also, not only do we get introduced to a completely new perverted character(who, get this--- is just a baby!), but lots of stuff in this will more than likely give them nightmares--- especially one character named the Chopman, a serial killer(yes, a serial killer) Kaiba hires to off the group. It's stuff like this that reminds me why I love the Yu-Gi-Oh manga: 1, All the characters are a bit more extreme than in the anime, 2, Some characters actually die in the manga, 3, The card game, while still important, is not as much of a focus as it is in the anime(which even creates HUGE filler storylines to have more of the card battles), 4, The duels themselves are much more violent than in the anime, and 5, the art just looks so cool! Too bad the anime sugar-coated everything in it, and then 4Kids came and sugar-coated it again, just so the kids could watch! But with this volume, we can at least see how it is originally intended, and it's no exception to the reasons of why I love it so much. So in the end, if you want to see the "mature" version of the Yu-Gi-Oh your kid brother or sister watches, I recommened this volume!