Rating:  Summary: A nice guilty pleasure or a good adventure novel? Review: It's both, actually. Grown people will have a hard time allowing themselves to actually read a Batman novel, after all, Batman is a superhero and superheroes are for kids, right? yeah sure fine. But if you can get yourself past that, and look at this as a genuine adventure/crime novel, then maybe you've got something worth reading. There may seem at first to be some inherent difficulty with the story if you're not a fan of the comics, or the movies even, as i'm pretty much not. I've seen the movies, and liked each one less and less, and have not so much as held an actual Batman comic (or any other comic, for that matter) in my hands, ever. However, Rucka does a good enough job in making this a very complete story; it doesn't really require you to have any knowledge of the characters, as you are introduced to each relatively quickly. Certainly having seen at least the movies will help, give you a certain degree of backstory maybe, but it shouldn't be necessary. All that aside, this is actually a very mature story for a superhero tale. Kids'll be scared off by the length, and it is one of your grittier superhero stories. Rucka does well to write this for EVERYONE, not just comic nuts. It's not just another canned adventure story, the likes of which stuff the bookstore shelves and threaten to bore you with their sameness. This is something different, and although i might have felt a little silly at the counter buying a Batman book (it was something of an impulse buy...you know when you just HAVE to spend ... and it doesn't necessarily matter what you spend it on? Like that.) But not long into it, i discovered this story is more than it appears. It's very entertaining, and although it isn't bursting with intellectual prose, it's not totally dead inside, either. The characters are all very alive, and very different, and the bad guys (Two-Face and Joker, among other classics) aren't just your typical cardboard cutouts of evil. They have vivid personalities, and Rucka perhaps does his best work with them.
Rating:  Summary: Cliff hanging filler Review: This volume (4 of 5) is a filler that leaves a lot of loose end, the writing is getting better, and the action is heating up. A lot of loose ends from the begining of NML are tied up(Batman's relationship w/ Gordon and the res tof the "gang", Two Faces new relationship with Montoya) and it features the odd return of Bane. All in all a good read, and worth it since Volume 5 is out and is a brilliant read.
Rating:  Summary: Very, very impressive Review: Imagine it: in the time it takes for one breath, Gotham City splits apart under the jaws of a massive earthquake. Half the population dies instantly; others succumb to the aftermath's crime explosion or lack of medical help. As the mangled city is lost to crime and disease, the United States cuts the island off, believing the city beyond recovery. Most people flee to the mainland before the connnecting bridges are destroyed, but several brave folks stay behind to protect those who aren't leaving. Some of these include Barbara and Jim Gordon, Detective Montoya, Robin, and a mysterious young lady masking as the Batgirl. No supplies, no back-up, no medicine, no electricity. The infamous citizens of Arkham Asylum, including Two-Face, Harley Quinn, and the Joker, are free. But that ain't the worst of it, folks. Batman is missing. While I haven't had the chance yet to peruse the Batman comics, I've been a longtime fan of the Animated Series (brought to life by the talented Bruce Timm, Michael Reeves, and many others). Here, Greg Rucka imbues Gotham with the Joker's ferocity. Nothing's sacred, and that's what makes this book a page-turner. Gangs, madmen (both in Arkham and on the police force), rapists, baby-nappers... it's all here, shown through the eyes of the cops and Bat gang who stay behind to defend their home. It feels like Rucka climbed into each character's skin. Barbara Gorden, in a wheel chair from a Joker attack, has developed a bitter drive to succeed, and I loved her attitude!! Harley is mad, Two-Face exudes grief with his homicidal rages, and the Joker keeps you laughing ... even as he shoots you 'tween the eyes. It's all here, it's all real, and it's a definite read.
Rating:  Summary: Batman at his finest! Review: Rucka does an excellent job of bringing in many of the villians that have been a thorn in the side of Batman, Knightwing, Robin, Batgirl, and others. He keeps Batman in his gothic roots, where he should be. While reading this, it makes you wonder...."Should this be the next Batman movie?" It would definetley be worth it!
Rating:  Summary: Predictable....pretty farfetching plot Review: I admit to not being a current fan of Batman; so I read this book in the guise of someone who has been a fan of DC comics and Batman in the past, looking for some good adventure reading. In trying to breath some life into a character that has been around for quite a while, the author (in association with DC Comics, no doubt) tries to shake things up (pun intended) with a natural disaster and aftermath of Gotham City. This ends up being the usual tale of good vs. evil. Time seems to have stood pretty still since I last seriously read Batman (early to mid seventy's), as he and all of the major characters appear to have all of the same personality and character flaws as I remember them. It's as though when a writer/illustrator gets an idea for a storyline for a major DC character, he/she probably gets read the "commandments" of doing such a plot, namely: No death shall come to any of the major characters, good or evil. This might seem like I am revealing storyline, but the truth of the matter is that comic book characters are just the same as characters on most long running TV series - allow slight deviation in character and plot, but keep the main "angle" or premise of the series intact (i.e.: Star Trek). Of course, we do get plenty of new characters written in to the storyline. And as in the case of the original Star Trek series, the unknown guy who beams down with Kirk and Spock is most likely to....well, you get the idea. So here we get to see Batman as his usual stubborn self, Nightwing (formerly Robin) acting slightly more grown up than his movie versions, the "new" Robin acting like the "old" Robin. Joker and Two-Face acting like their usual diabolical-crazy selves, Penguin acting his usual "just trying to make a buck" self. In a word - Same-o. Sure...rattle things up with the supposed plot, throw in some new characters that we're supposed to care about, add in the usual action and battles. In this case, you could have had Gotham still intact, and the main characters and plot theme would still be the same...with the same results - good guys battling bad guys. However, there was one major change in the way the story was told from what I remember reading in the 70's, the escalation of violence depicted. I'm surprised that no other reviewer has mentioned how violent this book is. Maybe things have changed, but I was under the impression that Batman was a character designed for the later teen, young adult set. The graphic violence and gore depicted in this novel seemed more in place with a teen "slasher" movie than a book about a superhero.
Rating:  Summary: AWSOME! Review: Great Plot! Here is Batman looking at the downfall of humanity. A large earthquake has hittin' Gotham city and has left it screaming for help. When Batman is needed the most he is nowhere to be found. Then a mysterious bat character has appered to help this deformed Gotham. Calling herself "Batgirl". When the news comes to the Orcale (the real Batgirl, Barbara, untill Joker shot her in the spin and left her paralized), she is full of hate for this mysterious character. The Gothamites that have been left behind form gangs to survive. Including some of the famous villians; Penguin, Two-Face, Joker, Poisin Ivy and more. Then there are just the gangs like; Street Demonz, LoBoyz and many other low-lifes struggling for life. But with all these scum there has to be a "good" gang, right? Well that's where the reliable Gotham Police force, now Gotham's Blue Boys. All this will add up when you read No Man's Land Volume 1.
Rating:  Summary: great return Review: A great volume 2. But I must say that in some of the "chapters" I guess you would call them some of the art work is very cartoony-ish, I guess you could say. But then some of the art is very dark and gothic. The way most of us like it. The plot is very interesting and keeps you reading. I am still waiting for volume 3 and am hoping it is as good.
Rating:  Summary: Batman Gets Interesting (Again) Review: There's a good chance that if you are reading this review, you already know what Batman: No Man's Land is. If not, here's a brief summary. Batman: No Man's Land was a year long crossover that revitalized Batman as he fought to restore a Gotham city shut off from the outside world after a devastating earthquake. Trade paperback number three kicked this storyline into high gear!!!! With awesome stories by Greg Rucka and Devin Grayson, coupled with the art of Mike Deodato and many of comic's best artistic talents, DC pulled out the big guns to make Batman great again!!!!! This trade introduces the new Batgirl (the daughter of the deadly assassin Cain) and made every member of the Batman team shine!!! If you like Batman, or have ever liked Batman, you are certain to enjoy this great and affordable collection!!!
Rating:  Summary: When is Volume Four Coming??? Review: In volume three of the No Mand's Land (NML) trade paperback series, the editors start with two issues that they could have placed else where in the book. The stories are good, but definitly seem out of place if you are trying to continue reading from Volume Two. However once you get past those stories then you pick up where Volume Two left off. Once again the story heats up as Batman realizes that he can not handle NML alone. He calls in the troops and starts dividing the city. This at the point when you wish for a copy of the other series that NML took place in. (IE Robin, Nightwing, Azreal, Etc.)You also get the introduction of the new Batgirl and get her story. The story following that with Poison Ivy is good, but a little unclear in all the things it reveals. When the NML series first came out I decided to wait for the trade paperback(s) and I have not been disappointed. All I can do now is wait for volume four and hope it is not too far off in the future.
Rating:  Summary: AWESOME! Review: Batman and friends are all here with a vengeance. Fans of the Batman comic book will truly enjoy this one. Greg Rucka has a talent for bringing Gotham and it's inhabitants to life. Picture in your mind utter mayhem, with all the twisted villains in the city loose at the same time. Join Batman and his entourage as they battle to save the city, and themselves. This is a good one.