Rating:  Summary: A must-read for "X-Men: The Movie" fans! Review: "X-Men: A Novelization" is a novelization from the 2000 action packed movies starring Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, and Ian McKellan. Genetic mutants are very real in the 'not too distant future'. Made outcasts from societies, these mutants are rejected, feared, and hated for their superhuman powers. Some mutants want to strike out against mankind, these mutants being led by the powerful Magneto. But then again, there are some mutants who uses their special abilities for the greater. They battle against prejudice and agents of intolerance to save mankind, these mutants are... the X-Men.First off I would like to say that I've never been an X-Men fan, never even have read any of the comics. It was only recently that I saw the movie "X-Men". I absolutely loved it and found the movie an amazing movie! So naturally I wanted to pick up the novelization. A great read I must say! The basic plot is the same as the movie though there are some extra 'missing scenes' that were never in the movie. For example, I would have like to see some more of the friction between Wolverine and Cyclops in the movie like they had in the book. The characters are more realistic as we are able to go into their minds. The main character is that of Logan, or otherwise called Wolverine. He is a fascinating character as he at first tries to reject any help from anyone. That is until he meets up with first Marie (also called Rogue) then the X-Men. The writing is well-done, all the descriptions are done very nicely making you 'see' each scene. Overall, I can highly recommend this book for all "X-Men" movie fans. I'm not sure if "X-Men" comics fans might enjoy this, since I don't know if the characters are very different from the comics. The movie was rated PG-13 so I guess this book is more for older teens and adults because of some swearing and the action is sometimes a bit violent.
Rating:  Summary: A fabulous read! Review: I'm not a science fiction fan, nor do I read comic books, but I've heard a lot about the movie, so I thought reading the book might give me some background. I got so caught up in the story that I read it in one sitting. Different from the rest of the world due to a damaged/evolving gene, a group of 'mutants' must battle prejudice and most struggle to survive. Normal humans persecute the mutants, not because they hate them, but because they do not understand their gifts. Professor Charles Xavier, a mutant himself, is on a mission to seek out these outcasts and provide them with a nuturing environment in which they can flourish and come to terms with their powers. A former colleague, known as Magneto, is set on an altogether different path -- one that will destroy the world unless the Professor and his X-Men foil Magneto's demented plans. Lurking just below the surface of this story are some very good life lessons on tolerance, acceptance, and self-worth. This classic battle of good versus evil plays out with some great storytelling. The authors did their job well because I liked the Professor's 'good guys' and I really detested Magneto and his bullies. I can't wait to see the movie! Enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: With a novel like this, the movie can't be bad at all! Review: All those fears I had of the x-men movie being the next bad comic book movie have been purged with the release of the movie tie in. The novel brings all those characteristics the film can't: by going in the minds of the characters, their emotions etc. I really don't want to ruin the plot for anyone, but if you're like me and you're waiting for the film to be released(not until July for goodness sake)The book has most of the great characters from the comics with some missing, I heard that all missing will probably show up in the next film. There are some really intriguing storylines in the book involving Logan and Rogue, as well as a couple of interesting twists that I sure didn't see coming. So, if you thinking x-men was going to be the next batman and robin, think again. The book is surely worth a read(I read in a day! ) If you're looking for a great book to take to the beach or just veg and read, remember X marks the spot!
Rating:  Summary: Color please! Review: Anxious as I was to not only get a novelization prior to a movie's release, but actually having time to read it, was wonderful. I like to be able to enjoy the movie and to see if the final editting of the movie matched with the characters development in the book. Technical problems aside (four claws per hand - for shame), I felt that this book lacked the enthusiasm and colorfulness of some of the the other published Xmen novels. This book did not deminish my excitement for the upcoming movie. I am certain the movie will be very good, I am just sorry that the authors here didn't choose to capture some of that spirit and intensity.
Rating:  Summary: Where's Gambit? Review: As with the movie, Gambit is mysteriously left out of the picture. He is my favirote character, and this is really disappointing. Unless I am given free tickets and paid to see the movie, I will not watch it. The cartoon was better because it had my favirote Ragin Cajun doing what he did best (flirting and fighting)in the name of equality and tolerance for all beings. The omission is a shame, because I really liked the political themes and thought it made for a great story line. Surely I could not be one of the few Gambit fans in the world? I realize that some people might not think he was so cool (after all, potentially naughty lines were being uttered on a cartoon)as some of the more "square" ones, but hey Rouge was included without problem.
Rating:  Summary: I can't wait for the movie now! Review: At first I was a bit skeptical about seeing the movie, as the teaser trailer didn't look all that promising. So I bought the book, and boy was I satisfied! All the characters are great, the story is fantastic and it keeps your attention throughout the entire book. Rusch and Smith produced a near perfect novelization of the X-Men: The Movie script. Recommended to all science fiction fans, even if you aren't a fan of X-Men (which I wasn't until now)!
Rating:  Summary: Great Way To Kill A Few Hours By The Pool! Review: Definitely a tale told from an alternate timeline in Marvel's Multiverse. Many of the characters X-Men fans know and love are there, but seen from a slightly skewed prospective. Rogue, Kitty Pride, Jubilee, and Bobby Drake are teenage classmates at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, while thirtysomething alumni Cyclops, Jean Grey, and Storm make up the current X-Men team. Liberties have been taken with "origin" flashbacks, especially Storm's, and while Mystique and a pre-Carol Danvers Rogue play prominent parts in the story, their comic book relationship is nonexistent. Logan's origin is used well to flesh out his character, but his Weapon X, Alpha Flight and CIA history seem not to have happened at all. The familiar interpersonal relationships between Professor X and Magneto and the Scott-Jean-Logan triangle are well represented, but others like the aforementioned Rogue/Mystique connection and the Wolverine/Sabretooth backstory are completely ignored. The X-Men team seem a bit impotent as a fighting force, but that may be intentional to put the focus on the obvious star of the movie, Logan. Novelizations of movie screenplays have always been a bit of a strange literary vehicle. It will be interesting to see how this one matches up to the movie which is still in post-production. Having watched the trailers again after reading the book, I can already spot a few inconsistencies, but that is natural considering the novelization is written, printed, and published well before the movie release. Taken as a self-contained story outside the normal X-Men continuity, the book is a well written piece of escapism along the lines of the other Marvel novels and the Star Trek book series. Whether it captures the spirit and tone of the movie, only time will tell, but I think the story is worthy of its mission of introducing our beloved X-Men to the mass public. I won't insult your intelligence and warn you that a novelization of a movie might actually reveal the plot of the movie (imagine that!) -- like an earlier reviewer insisted on doing, but I will warn you that if you see the movie with an X-Men neophyte friend, you will probably spent the rest of the evening introducing said friend to the "real" X-Men and their backstories.
Rating:  Summary: Spectacular Review: great book! awesome plot! great writers!
Rating:  Summary: Great read,especially for Wolverine fans. Review: I am a reader of the Xmen comics from way back when the comic first came out, and a diehard Wolverine fan. I realize that this is not the comic version of how these characters first met, so of course, I was worried about the authors keeping true to the original characters. They are already well known to "true believers" and we sort of take unkindly to them being twisted into something they are not, (something that is common practice when the make a movie out of a book). But to my suprise I enjoyed the book (and the movie). The part of the story that focused on Wolverine's character was right on. A basically good and honorable man mixed with a vicious beast, tormented by a terrible forgotten past. Magneto is also done well, self-rightious and mad with revenge. Jean and Cyclops and Wolverine and Cyclops' inter-play was right on. Mind you they could have done better. The Professor is not as developed as he could have been. They made Storm an original team member, they mixed Jubilee with Rogue, got the claw count on Logan wrong a couple of times, made a mistake with Cyclops powers. Sabretooth seems not to remember Logan. Annoying mistakes but I found myself forgiving them because the story is good. A good read, but next time guys, read the comic version first.
Rating:  Summary: x-men Review: I have been a X-Men fan for many years, and I thought I knew quite a bit about the series, but even I found new and interesting facts about the characters past in this book. This book is a good choice for both the die-hard X-Men fan, and for readers who are new to the series. It was very well written, and vastly entertaining. I especially enjoyed the brief synopsis about each characters childhood and how their powers emerged. Wolverine's character was especially interesting. His gruff demeanor and sensitive heart was well displayed in the story. My only complaint was that my favorite X-Man, Gambit, was not included, and Rogue was a little younger than I thought. This book is a must-read for any X-Men fan!