Rating:  Summary: Funny and Thought Provoking Review: Micah's anti-war posters are brilliantly subversive, taking icons most of us know so well and turning them on their ear to point out the anti-free speech, lying and war mongering of the current administration. And this is hardly some sort of attempt to cash in on on leftist views either, Micah states in the forward that he wants readers to rip out and post the images from this book around so that the ideas will hopefully spread and people will hopefully think rather than just believing what's spewed from the Conservative media.
Rating:  Summary: Buy This Book! Support Our Troops! Review: Yeah, yeah -- this book contains brilliant reinterpretations of classic propaganda art. Absolutely excellent stuff within these pages. It makes the mind wonder what one talented man and a computer can do. Micah Wright is an excellent source of anti-establishment humor. The sad thing is that so many blind people sit back and type posts railing about his unpatriotic or "communist" (live in the 60's much?) attitude. Some naysayers are ignorant of anything but what the White House Resident (or Fox News) tells them. They don't look deep into the issues that surround them. They see only what they want to see. They want people to die for their cars. They want people to die for their God. They want people to die for crimes committed by others. Blind blind people. Ignore the ignorant negative reviews. If someone genuinely does not like this book (and there will be a few, I'm sure) take that into account before you buy. But ignore the chaff; they're just that: CHAFF. Note to those who work in bookstores: If I found out that a bookstore employee trashed a whole shipment of books that they didn't agree with. I'd make sure they were fired. This is America. Welcome -- read the rules before you decide to stay. Pay special attention to RULE NUMBER ONE: it's called the First Amendment. It's all about the freedom of speech. Some people tend to ignore that one while they're stroking their guns. Buy "Back the Attack! Remixed War Propaganda". It's an excellent addition to any library. I've got mine on my coffee table to impress my conservative friends. I'm sure they'll love it too.
Rating:  Summary: Powerful, Edgy, Funny Review: These posters speak for themselves. Every conscious American will love this book. ...
Rating:  Summary: Gold-plated monkey wrench in the propaganda machine's gears. Review: In-freaking-credible! Micah has taken WW2 posters and detourned them into new messages against the creeping fascism the USA finds itself in today. The typical visions of charging soldiers, the Statue of Liberty, and various patriotic images are framed with ironically Orwellian slogans or calls to rebel and protest. Perfect for enlarging as protest signs, or copying and leaving on a public bulletin board or under an SUV's windshield wiper. Next to each poster is a text written by the Center for Constitutional Rights, giving further detail to the message of the poster. Now, before you start accusing the artist of "treason", take in mind he served as a US Army paratrooper (Charlie Co., 2nd Ranger Bat., 75th Ranger Reg.) during the "liberation" of Panama in 1989, and actuially saw the effects of our bombing raids: The obliteration of El Chorrillo, an impoverished neighborhood next to Noriega's headquarters, into dust and ashes. Something that was mentioned in passing by the US news reports as "surgical strikes designed to break resistance in Noriega strongholds". Anyone even remotely interested in curent politics, or political activity should buy this book. Better still, reproduce the images (something the artist encourages in the inroduction) so others can be enlightened. Buy this book...while you still can!
Rating:  Summary: Democracy actually begins at home Review: Like many thinking Americans of all political ideologies, I was both horrified by the events of September 11th, and the response of my elected officials. Instantly, a public policy originating against suspected terrorist funder Osama Bin Laden morphed into an assasination attempt against Saddam Hussein, and then just as quickly an unexplained general urge to impose our goverment on the Iraqi people, who (despite the abuses under Saddam) do not seem as enthusiastic about our dictates. That the Bush administration's intervention rationale changed as quickly as the weather was convienently discarded by a 'liberal' media more enamored with fawning descriptions of 'patrotism' than raising difficult questions which had the very real potential of casting a shadow on the American political system itself. Because many of today's news anchors came of age during Vietnam themselves (and learned the administration response is not always truthful) the ommission is all the more upsetting. I also realized however well-intentioned my politcs, they would be difficult to communicate in a soundbite driven economy where even the most initally open-minded of swing voters becomes quickly ailenated by lengthy political tomes. Thus, even if a majority of citizens actually doubted the administration, their ability to provide memorable soundbies quickly reassured the same audiences. This book is an excellent tool for beating the far right at it's own game. The updated images are intentionally culled from 1940's-1950's propaganda posters, ironically a time when patriotism was also blindly practiced. In those days, the fastest way to defeat your opponent was to accuse them of un-American behavior, a frightening trend returning in our own era. Government abuse of constitutional rights is allowed as long as good citizens remain silent and do nothing. Yet, Wright, a millitary vetran himself also has rengineered some entries to directly appeal to the self-humor of anti-war protestor's. Social change by nature is hard and prolonged, but taking a little time out to engage in sardonic humor at one's self helps lighten the long journey ahead. Although there are dozens of national and local anti-war organizations, this book would be especially helpful for groups (new ones, and/or students) who want to protest 21st century colonization without blowing their own budgets. The professionally edited images arrive ready for modifications (an explicit suggestion within the book) thereby helping to ensure American democracy is more than a slogan, and something we actually practice ourselves.
Rating:  Summary: Steal this book! Review: The ex-Conservative Micah Ian Wright bring us this excellent book of posters created by others (Are they paid? Who Cares?) and then change by Micah Ian Wright. I especially loved his commentary in the beginning where he tells us how he became a liberal after going to Panama because of that evil evil Bush Sr. I recommend this book to anyone who wants to know the truth about how loony people like Micah Ian Wright are. Thanks. Hey....you do know the sequal will never come out because of his lying to the publisher about his past? Too funny.
Rating:  Summary: Great book Review: Everyone can have their opinion, but my opinion is that its a fantastic book...5 stars. Don't be fooled by the media, do your own investigation to this war and many other prior one's. You'll be surprise as to how our politicians are so Pro freedom when in fact they support dictatorships, e.g Saudi Arabia and funded Hitler. So keep up the great work Micah and don't let anyone encroach on your freedom of speech. There is always a time for Revolution just like the founding fathers did, even though there was a genocide of many native American's and Afrikaans in the process. So don't think that our nation was always a goody two shoes and still isn't. We all seem to forget our pass history and repeat them over and over again. So then, one must ask, why is that?.....Because of the beast we are enslaved to called "MONEY" the one thing that rules us all and we don't think nothing of it.
Rating:  Summary: This book is kind of disappointing Review: All of the posters are terrific. I don't care what the man's past is. This is what DISSENT looks like. It's what FREEDOM looks like. It's what AMERICA looks like and will continue to look like, unless the neo-con / psycho-fascist / GOP Nazi-publicans have their way, when artists will be "disappeared". That aside, the problem I have is that there are so FEW posters. Not only that but the size of the book is disappointing. Something in a larger format would have been more welcome. [...]
Rating:  Summary: Unfortunately He Turns Out To Be A Fraud! Review: Considering the author's recent revelation of lying about his past as a Army Ranger has cast a pale shadow over this book of antiwar posts. Whether you adopt a liberal or conservative point of view. You have to consider that the author was lying about his military record and experiences in 1989 Panama that never happened, in fact he was never in the military. I sympathize with his political stance but it's difficult to support this book in good conscience. It certainly gives a political black eye to people who adopt similar political views.
Rating:  Summary: Pro-terrorist, pro-dictator propaganda Review: Are the screams of Iraqi children being fed into industrial shredders while their parents watch music to your ears? Do you think that having the gall to be born in North America is the only crime which merits the death penalty, preferably by having a jet flown into your office on a Tuesday morning? Then you'll love this book! It will assure you that the way to have a just and peaceful world is just to -- listen carefully -- LET ALL THE TERRORISTS AND DICTATORS DO WHATEVER THEY WANT. Got that? Gee, if only we'd thought of that in 1940, there would have been no need for that silly Second World War.