Rating:  Summary: JUST WONDERFUL! Review: This is satirical art at it's finest. Anyone who appreciates (and understands) political satire has got to love this book! Of course, it's painfully obvious through many of the reviews here that some folks just can't take a joke when it cuts too close to the truth!I love this book, and so does everyone who believes in truth, justice and the American way.
Rating:  Summary: Open your mind Review: This fine book of very timely political art hits it right on the head. In the best tradition of activists and revolutionaries everywhere, you sometimes must point out the obvious to those who are blind to it. The truth is not owned by the right or the left, the doves or the hawks. The truth is the truth. The sons of rich men don't fight wars and die. All politicians lie. That is their job. Sometimes they lie in your benefit and then you are ok with it. A people divided is a people under control. We are all created equal but that changes as soon as you're born. All are not treated equal. Our great country was formed by revolutionaries fighting some of the same things we are dealing with today. The differnce is they were informed, hungry for knowledge and change, and willing to make a sacrifice. Most of us today are none of these things. The first reviewer of this book was missing the point. This book is not a criticism of our citizens in the armed forces. We all owe them more than we can repay. This book questions your blind patriotism where you do what your told and follow no matter what. Where any protest or criticism of our government is to be dealt with. (Sounds like what we are supposedly fighting against) It questions your one sided view of the world where America is always right and we always know what is best for everyone else. It questions whether we really are a democracy anymore or just an empty shell that's been hollowed out. Real patriots in a real democracy hold their government and it agents accountable and make sure they are responsible to all of us and not just a chosen few.
Rating:  Summary: Anonymous ranters skew ratings... Review: This book is a condmnation of the Bush administration's foreign policy, and serves to awaken readers to the hypocrisy of fighting only when there is a tangible benefit for big business in the United States. (Where ARE those weapons of mass destruction, anyway?) At the same time the book is sharp and sardonic, and would be extremely funny if it weren't also sadly true. Oddly enough, out of the 20-odd reviews currently available on this book, Remi Pascal of Lyons and jonas bianco from Milan have posted near-identical texts (as have Alibaba and Jackson five (both of U of Berkeley), and gertie from Fargo ND and "a reader" from Turkey). It is possible these (this?) other reviewer(s) thought that incoherent, ill-informed rants would make the book unpopular. These ranters might grow up and realize that criticizing government is the way to keep it honest. Perhaps they would even learn that criticizing Dubya is not the same as criticizing the brave men and women in the armed forces, who are sent out to do unpleasant jobs in the name of their country. Soldiers obey the dictates of their government, and citizens must ensure that the government is worthy of those soldiers.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent. Review: A brilliant piece of satirical work, despite what some cut-and-pasting naysayers would have you believe.
Rating:  Summary: No treason, just honest opinion Review: I have read "About Face" by David Hackworth, I have read (and laughed at) "Up Front" by Bill Mauldin, I have read Mr. Wright's comments. There is no treason in this book, just the opinions of a fellow citizen. In "About Face", Mr. Hackworth enumerated the political and military blunders committed by the U.S. during the Vietnam War. In "Up Front", Mr. Mauldin chronicled the silly administrative blunders of the U.S. Army during WW2. Mr. Wright is simply following in this tradition.
Rating:  Summary: Powerful Review: The negative reviews of this book show the impact this book can make. Basically, two types of people will hate this book: those who have had the wool of blind patriotism pulled over their eyes so tightly they cannot see anything but what they are force-fed, and those who realize that Wright is correct and are afraid of what might happen if more people become clued-in to what our government has really become. This is an excellent work, and I highly recommend it to everyone. On a side not, it appears as if all the negative reviews seem to be the work of two people.
Rating:  Summary: America hungers Review: This book of posters for the early days of the 21st century paints a truer picture of where we're at than all the column inches that have been written about the US's new pre-emptive foreign policy strategy in the past two years. Only as Micah knows from the inside track (Panama City, 1989) it's not exactly new, this strategy, it's just more overt now. Wake up good people of America - karma vipaka comes to us all in the end. Don't let's blow it now by going the easy, mindless route of fascism. And to anyone who's got even half a brain cell - let's follow Micah's lead and get creative. As Kurt Vonnegut notes in his excellent foreward, we've got to be prepared to think some very hard thoughts - the psychos may indeed have taken over the asylum. What are we going to do about it? Sit back and take it? I don't think so...
Rating:  Summary: 4 out of 5 Americans agree: this book should be banned Review: The fifth American understands. BACK THE ATTACK! is a visual essay on the absurdity of US foreign policy, and a captivating exercise in free speech. Lets hope this book opens the eyes of the other four.
Rating:  Summary: Can't praise it highly enough Review: This book is a collection of the artist's best works and it is wonderful. I was happy to see that not only are the plates present, but a detailed explanation of the background behind them. I have seen some reviewers here complain that its Anti-America or "communist" (even that concept is never mentioned in the book at all). Well too bad, I don't think that anyone should have apologize for offending someone's over the top blind patriotism in exchange for the truth. I also don't think that "the left" or "progressive" are bad words, neither does the author. Many of the WWII posters did a great job of communicating with the American people about sacrifice and dedication to the war effort. However, many of them were painfully racist and sexist. This includes the way the Japanese were shown as having buck-teeth heavily slanted eyes and jaundiced skin. Ian Wright uses this one as well as some other pieces that are less offensive. Some are funny, others ironic and some deadly serious about our loss of civil liberties and personal freedom that is currently underway. This book aims to get you thinking, but it does so much more as well. Thank you Micah!
Rating:  Summary: Smart and entertaining Review: I find it frightening that Wright has been called a communist for expressing his First Amendment right to self-expression. Can there be an act that defies the do-as-you're-told mentalities of communism more than expressing yourself even in the face of mass disapproval? And for that matter, is there even mass disapproval or just a handful of lonely fascists with intolerance to diversity? I'm betting on the latter. Back the Attack is a funny, smart and entertaining look at a shocking mentality that's taken a hold of our country and should be applauded for it's originality and bravery. Disagree with Wright all you want, just don't call him a communist or question his patriotism for doing what any American should be proud to do.