Rating:  Summary: I Feel Shame Review: I'll keep this short and sweet. Since that's really all the effort a self-respecting and noble person should spend in devaluing this assault on democracy, sacrifice and the benefit of having no class systems.This book is felonious. It tyrannizes you with the encouragement of trying to weaken the resolve of the country during war time by dividing this country's allegiance to its cause of defending itself from terrorism. The smart aleck opportunist "writer", who's using the appearance of "free speech" to trick other, more imbalanced liberals to aid and abet him on his assailment on liberty, only cares about the money he'll gip off from all the fiendishly too impressionable liberal minds! A DEFINITIVE No Thank you.
Rating:  Summary: Libs are Democrats' Reason For Decline Review: This book is sordid for many other reasons that whatever your political motivation may be. Mainly, this book doesn't inform you about politics of both anti-war and pro-war mentalities. It could have been better if this was an actual attempt at informing people in some way, even if it would have been Chumpsky and Vidal style sensationalism. if you want to lose all your self-respect. If you want to be seen as a renegade with no rationale. If you want to antagonize the men and women who are putting their necks on the line in hostile Iraq, at the moment. If you want to be maced by police in demonstration lines because you're getting uncontrollable and disobeying police's orders. if you want to continue harming your brain's reasonable thoughts by dirtily swallowing unstable conspiracy theories that injure freedom and capitalism, and simply impose support for communism and dictatorships. If you can handle the above, accompanying STIGMAS that this book WILL punish on you, then by all means buy this and join Ramsey Clark and the socialist mob!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Calling all radical, easily manipulated, PC-sheep liberals!! Review: You want to know what really gets me peeved? I mean, besides the repugnant, AWOL writer of this 100 page book of rip-out posters, and the same vermin who actually, unimaginably allow 5 stars for this tripe?? It's when some reviewers are so hostile, proving that they're of the liberal ilk, because only that kind of mind would stoop to savagely insecure tirades, that they feel intimidated to spew the same, ridiculous offerings. Nobody said they'd trash a whole shipment of books-once again a rabid, foaming at the mouth college student embellished. Still, anyone who doesn't like this book, it's author or the dirty reasons this book was even "written" (to divide this country in a trying time in its history to subject it to the criticisms of losers like Germany, France and Russia) has a right to say so. Although look at the ever-hostile to the point of ferocity "reviewers" who won't let detractors speak their mind, while at the same time, increasingly rattling and unjust, crying to the high heavens continually about their "free speech". Lastly, look at how supporters of terrorism, weak welfare societies and communism keep ridiculing anyone with an opposing viewpoint by deprecatingly generalizing that those who dislike this book must be gun nuts and/or enthusiasts. If you like turning on your fellow countrymen, dilapidating the strength of a country at war, and all-around just looking to raise hell against organized governments, then this book is RIGHT up your troublemaking alley......
Rating:  Summary: Liberals, Socialists, They're All The Same: Squish Them Review: Like the way the media continues to inflate the harmless Africa-uranium claim that made its way into Bush's SOTU speech in January, the socialites who give this cut-out book five stars are blowing out of proportion the usefulness of said book. Incidentally, that Africa-uranium line might not even be incorrect, since the Brits are maintaining their assurance in it, and the States hasn't seen all of Britain's intel. on that issue. The repeating and rising delusions of gung-ho Micah supporters are truly insane. How the heck is there a tangible benefit for big business in the US because of the Iraq war? That doesn't even apply due to a few obstinate facts. #1, Halliburton's only getting contracts because they have the most experience, their subcontractor's been doing various reconstructing efforts since the 50's and, LAST BUT NOT LEAST, it also adds to Halliburton's credibility when a rational person (not the 5-star conspiracy theorists) considers that Halli had most of their equipment still in place from the last Gulf War, thereby making them the most efficient choice to do the job at hand. #2, the psychotic disorders behind most of these Clinton-lovers reasoning is really surreptitious when one invests time to analyze it. People who keep slinging mud to the effect of this war being done in the name of profit, have irremediably disgraced themselves as being senseless, undereducated, unapt and deficient. With the US deficit worsening, and the cost of the war and the subsequent bill of 4 billion dollars a month just exacerbating this deficit, there's NO WAY that it can be logically accepted that the States went to war for big business, though some of the more retarded keep persisting on this baselessly dismissed myth. Add to that the fact that, due to the war, gas prices were increasingly being hijacked, further HARMING the US economy by pinching the consumer, and it becomes progressively obvious that the only half-logic behind most people's attacks of the US going to war for big business is due to a continuously incurable tumor that they have, manifesting in anger at George W. Bush, their dangerous fixation. Some even harder peons that wrote reviews, still persist on insulting the intelligence by beating to death an already WORN-OUT, imbalanced question regarding the WMDs, absolutely discrediting applying any science to their rabid animal ravings, such as the fact that these leftist zealots were happy to let the UN maltreat the inspections for WMDs for 12 years, yet when America and its allies take 2.5 months, they're all bitterly bent out of shape about it! Furthermore, grimly contrary to the willful deceptions being flung by the likes of Blue, socialistic Karl Marx extremists that rob a perfect rating for this 90 page book don't just "criticize" government. What they're up to--demonstrated nowhere as fiendishly as their paragon of anti-government, Michah "I'm Always Wrong" Wright--is unstably committing character assassination on the Bush Admn., by leaping to the most baselessly wild conclusions. They never support any of their half-brained relapses in trying to present arguments, after all. Lastly, OF COURSE when one criticized "dubya" that same person ALSO dishonors the most self-sacrificing people on earth: the soldiers. Dummy anarchists, it's simply due to this principle: you can't just persist on fabricating that you're only attacking "dubya", when those same soldiers are the ones carrying out "dubya's" policies, therefore being inseparable and one and the same. It follows then, that, for the reviewer from kanada, before he/she/it assaults "dubya" on his allegedly many offenses, he/she/it had better--at once--look no further than his/her/its own kanadian backyard for the most filthily foul misgoverning "administration" in history. A few examples of this are that while kanadian's hypocrite leader Cretin was openly chastising "dubya" for going to war in Iraq, that snake PM actually committed double-talk, by still sending dozens of kanadian "soldiers" to the British army as part of an exchange program. Also, Cretin's other recent criminality included cowardly bailing out of toronto at the height of that country's SARS epidemic, by vacationing in the Caribbean!! Hope you enjoy your mad cow, Sars, job slashes, tourism destruction, lowering of GDP due to Sars and mad cow, worsening interest rate cuts due to stronger dollar (which also hurts kanada's only source of income, its exports) and weaker exports, and creation of suspect jobs, half of which will only always be Part-Time positions!!!!
Rating:  Summary: if liberals keep looking to this as their sole source ofnews Review: If there was any doubt to the mental stability, credibility and normality of the anti-war, grossly liberal libertarians, I'd say the last 5 reviews of fiercely whiny and insecure people with trauma confirms all but that. Namely that ferociously radical and blithering folks with blackly liberal ties can't allow anyone else's opinion but their own stand, in a fearful turn that imitates Nazi-like dictatorship, and, which, when you think about it, is completely ironic and dissipated, because liberals supposedly possess more "open-minds" than their conservative foes whom they constantly harass. Now normally I wouldn't even write reviews of things, much less anonymously, but after seeing how terrifyingly many insecure and ruined liberals abuse the use of reviews to basically slur previous reviewers, who've used the chance for licit book reviews, I felt morally outraged and pressured to offer a proper review. 1st of all, any creature that doesn't realize the value of military is a weak-minded surrenderer who's delirious take on right and wrong has gone corruptly haywire, and, secondly, anyone, in any field, who was ever part of any institution that he then later on turns his back on to withdraw their loyalty from is a treacherous sheep in wolf's clothing. 3rdly, what really forces a session of me ROTFLMAO, is the wildly insane and delusional justifications that knightronin's used to fake that this renegade's book is really acceptable. This isn't "anti-establishment humor", it's a lowlife capitalizing off of posters that he ripped off for his "book" at the least; at the worst it's downright fatal to any virtuous person. Knightronin's also so paranoid that he slanders Fox News as being that of the sadistically oppressive "government", and basely and immaturely manipulates the spelling of president to leave out the 'P' when referring to Bush, and, finally, is traumatized in thinking that Bush dictates the media. Again, ROTFLMAO! As a last indication of how righteously fed-up I am with the feral anarchistic liberals destroying the rule of law everywhere, I must be pressured to point out the fact that "people" like knightronin then, insolently, go on to twist the facts by shifting the blame on everyone who exercises free press in denigrating this coarse book, tarnishing them as "ignorant", "blind" and "chaff". Truly despicable!
Rating:  Summary: This is what democracy is about people Review: This is what democracy is about being able to ask the tough questions and not be arrested, tortured and killed for it. Democracy can endure all criticisms true or false because the open nature of it will always allow the truth to come out on top. To attack an author solely for their point of view and to challenge their Americanness or patriotism is anti-demorcractic because it is repression is the plainest sense of the word. The author is a true patriot because he dares to ask. This book is a polemic and by nature people will either agree or disagree and most likely strongly. There is no question to the authors creativity, nor is it a question that this is clearly part of the history of this country and positioning such tough question in the historical light I feel provokes deep thought and insightful questions about today and the past.
Rating:  Summary: Negative Review Cinched It Review: I bought this simply because the first review on Amazon.com I read was so negative and dead set against its very existance. Its not hard to see that Mr Bush is not fighting terrorism or protecting freedom for anyone. I can only theorize that he's following the advice of Mrs. Reagan's astrologist. This book is not an offence to the victims of 9/11, it is the occupation of Iraq which belittles the memory of those who died in the World Trade Center attack.
Rating:  Summary: Bull's eye! Review: This book of spot-on political posters really seems to have polarised reviewers so it must be doing something right. Of the two hundred that Micah Wright has produced (you can see them all on his website, antiwarposters) forty have been selected to go with some very relevant text from the Center for Constitutional Rights. I think these remixed posters work so well because the author has taken the trouble to put his headlines in the same typography as the originals (which are reproduced in the back of the book) and to see historical graphics blended with a contemporary political point really hits you between the eyes. The surprising thing to me is that this simple, brilliant design idea has not been done before but maybe it was the events of the last two years that galvanised one person to put his point-of-view across with such deadly accuracy.
Rating:  Summary: Decide for yourself. . . Review: This book is great! A previous reviewer seemed to think that it was a disgrace to people who have served their country. I couldn't disagree more. On the contrary this book puts into practice what I feel makes America great: the right to criticize our leaders and especially their sometimes unamerican forays into empire and conquest. Serving one's country does not mean blindly following whatever leaders tell you. In a democracy people get to think for themselves. In fact, in a democracy people have the *responsibility* to think for themselves. The authors of this book understand that. That is what this book is all about. Unfortunately, not all the reviews "get it". We Americans cannot blame the president alone for what happens to us as a nation when things go wrong. We enable our leaders when we "fall into line" too quickly and too solidly. Debacles like the current quagmire in Iraq happen because people are too quick to surrender their will to those who, although unqualified, would presume to lead. If more Americans could see books like this as one of the most important acts of patriotism (criticising bad leadership even though that leadership is popular) we would have Vietnams and Iraq's and fewer bin Laden's out to get us. It is an almost poetic irony that these posters are modified WWII posters because if the Germans had learned the lesson of effective patriotic criticism of leadership they would have suffered less in the 30's and 40's. I hope more people realize this in our country before we end up losing our freedoms to "well intentioned" pseudopatriots. The real patriots don't wallow in self-praise for being American or invadiing foreign countries. They seldom put flag bumperstickers with glib patriotic slogans on their SUVs. They don't lionize "serving with bravery" regardless of the cause. Such things are easy and they generate praise and all around good feelings but they don't help the country. Real patriots do hard things. They invest in America instead of pumping their money offshore where it might earn more for them, and they take unpopular stands for the long term benefit of their country. How can anyone think that mouthing words of praise or putting a simple bumpersticker on one's car can be more valuable than taking an unpopular stand (like this book) to correct a popular but destructive perception of national affairs? Contrary to what the last reviewer said the man who redrew these cartoons did a very patriotic thing. It takes a true american to see that. Bubble gum and cotton candy patriotism won't get this nation through the trials that lie ahead. Only hard headed and unpopular stands will turn the tide. Bravo to the authors and publishers of this book! They are the true americans. They are the real patriots. Don't let anyone convince you otherwise.
Rating:  Summary: Turning the screw Review: It must be the Judo. I've always been impressed when someone can reverse an attacker's own technique and throw him with it. The author has done this taking old propaganda art and changing it just a little so that its new message stands out even more sharply. Micah Wright's message seems harsh, reptetitive and maybe a bit bitter. Fair enough. He's an elite, blooded Army Ranger who lost his innocence when he saw atrocities performed in his country's name. Some soldiers make their peace with this. Others become angry. He became angry. But this is a minor criticsim. The message should be welcome to civil libertarians and lovers of freedom from all parts of the political spectrum. The underlying messages are simple. By pushing the country in to an unneccessary war the government has betrayed its soldiers. By creating a climate of fear and paranoia they are destroying the freedoms which make America America. In short, there is a very good chance that our current leaders are involving us in another WWII, but with America as the Axis. Scary stuff.