Rating:  Summary: Author admits not being a Ranger Review: Enough said. Wright lied about his service history - he never was a Ranger. Lovely; so much for the (so-called) enlightened opposition.
Rating:  Summary: Wright and Davie offer scary and timely messages Review: Perhaps the scariest message in Wright's book is its very theme: The expectation of the American government that civilized nations everywhere should blindly and unthinkingly endorse U.S. attacks on other nations, no matter how thin or non-existent the justification. This mindset is also explored to great effect by Michael B. Davie in his landmark book Bushwhacked (ISBN: 0973195614) and Davie's book makes for an insightful companion read to Attack. Both authors present some disturbing evidence of an unpopular president's willingness to run roughshod over other nations in a selfish bid to shore up domestic support. Here's an idea: Why don't we focus our attention on fighting actual terrorists who do in fact pose an immediate and significant threat, instead of wasting time and lives in Iraq?
Rating:  Summary: Read this before you vote on November 2, 2004 Review: This book serves as a friendly reminder that you could be the next victim of the draft especially since Bush and the GOP are heading towards bringing back the draft and this time it will be worse because not even moving to Canada or going to college will save you from it. READ THIS BOOK AND REMEMBER THAT A VOTE FOR BUSH IS A VOTE AGAINST YOUR LIFE !!!
Rating:  Summary: Utter trash Review: Methinks Mr. Wright should move to another country, say North Korea, and see how much "better" the quality of life is there. Of course he's allowed to criticize...that's freedom of speech. But like many liberals he complains and offers no solutions of his own. It's sad when people put partisanship before their country.
Rating:  Summary: good Review: This is to Patinkin Lowry, learn to type you California dolt, when your state ranks higher than 44/50 on the countrys list of intelligent states, maybe....maybe then we will take your 50 cent speech seriously...till then, shut your room temp IQ hole!!! quit wasting our time you California morons....after all, you did elect Arnold....brilliant move
Rating:  Summary: Sardonic humour at its best Review: No, this book is not for everyone. I immediately agree. On the other hand, if you saw the humour in The Onion's "Our Dumb Century", you will probably find it here as well. This book parodies the style, the language, and the look of all those posters of the WWII and McCarthy era that urged us to back our troops, save tin cans, and watch for Communists under our beds. The target is now, quite obviously, the adventures of the Bush administration. Personally I find Wright's style veyr humourous, albeit overstated. Then again, given the level of public political discussion in this nation (Coulter, Savage, and O'Reilly representing the Right; Franken and Moore representing the Left) I think this book is fairly typical. Reduce complex issues to a buzz phrase, go for graphics, make sweeping generalizations -- this is what passes for political discourse anymore. If you can't sum up complex problems in 5 seconds and have someone say "Ditto!" to it, it is too long winded for many people's attention spans. This is sad. That having been said, Wright has done what the commentators on the Left of the political spectrum tend to do best of late: skewer their political adversaries with humour. It is very dark humour, very dark indeed. Often this has been the recourse of the underdog at any period -- make the opposition look ridiculous and the whole dialectic changes. This is not a book for the easily offended, but give it a thumb-through at your local bookstore. Personally, I am buying copies of it for three members of my family with senses of humour that fit with something like "Dr. Strangelove".
Rating:  Summary: Draws blood with knife edge wit Review: As you can see from the outcry about this book, it sharply lampoons the horrors of the current bloody mindset of the proponents of the "American Century." It defends a just peace for the entire world, not just a consumerist paradise for those lucky enough to be born in America. You would have to be a selfish pig to dislike this book. It stands for global compassion, equality, justice, and life!
Rating:  Summary: PROVOCATIVE TITLE, NOT MUCH ELSE Review: This is a BOOK review, not my political stance. My intent is to help potential buyers decide if this book is worth their time/money. Ian Wright's detour into political polemics (he is a children's book writer in general) is quite endearing but unfortunately a little sentimentalistic and egregiously one-sided. The title, which is what made me spend on this book, is pretty much the only enticing thing you'll find here. I wonder if Wright was trying to pull off a Michael Moore effort? I have nothing againts cavillars, indeed it is even interesting at times to read highly opinionated counter-intuitive takes on matters that impact the world, not just US. But if you are serious about pithy issues such as the propriety of war and its modes, you may be better off with the well-researched tomes of Bob Kagan, Noam Chomsky, or Farid Zakaria.
Rating:  Summary: Witchhunt Review: To me, there's a serious probllem of double- speak coming from many reviewers here. 1. it seems to me that many who like this profaneness also dislike bush, the millitary and iraq in the current events. 2. yet to me, that's where they stop. All they know how to do is criticize whithout coming up with valid counters to replace what they're criticizing. To me, it seems that if these reviewers seriously cared about the military men and women, and the direction of the country (whcih they consistenly say is disastrous) then they'd do more than just get in their cheap 2 cents by smearing bush in whatever they force to be correlated, no matter how irrelevant. Are many of the ones who like this book democrats? by how they write their severly narrow-minded scoldings of bush, they sure love to impersonate all teh democrats doing it right now in the senate
Rating:  Summary: Wright Is or Was An AWOL Freak Review: Pieces of literature (literature used VERY loosely) of this treacherous origin always persecute me to leer back in horror at it's glaringly, ulterior motivated reasons. It's immoderately suspicious that whenever so-called liberals "publish" "books" in disobedient tarnishment of US foreign policy, for instance, the doubtful "authors" are mostly always unqualified and undereducated in the area in which they purport to be able to discuss. The author of this ...publication is one such person, seeing as how he has no experience in fact-gathering and writing, other than writing CHILDREN'S ANIMATION!!!!!!! It therefore corresponds as to why his smear campaign of the war, the Bush White House, Homeland Security and the War on Terror is even mishandled in a definitely low-class way, by, instead of authoring a comprehensive book about it, simply stooping to recycle WW2 posters!! This can also be used to discredit his credibility, that, and, also the fact that Wright perhaps was dishonorably discharged from military service, in light of how he only "served" 4 years, is what scandalously obviously fuels his anti-american, blind rage. Particularly disconcerting for any American, no, rather any lover of freedom, is how it's able to encourage any person's dangerousness, such as the previous reader, if they are already wickedly brainwashed with conspiracy theories and socialistic, and communistic sensationalism. Case in point, it's irreligious for Orlowski to be worried about what she slanders as the war wretchedly being an assassination attempt on Hussein, when that sounds suspectedly like socialistic support for a dictator and for millions of people's oppression, and I also thought that most of the precipitous anti-warrers agreed that Hussein needed to go also! Furthermore, it's nauseating that she'd unvirtuously corrupt that we're imposing our gov't on Iraq's people, when she hypocritically and aggressively reaps all the benefits of our democracy, to, for example, warringly criticize without worry of imprisonment. Also, since democracy is the best form of gov't (although to socialistic communist Orlowski, I'm not so sure of it) there is a technical term for what the US is doing in trying to shape these barbaric parts of the world where gang rape of women is--under their "religion"--wholly allowed: neoconservatism, the one idealogy which is gonna prevent more terrorist attacks so the Orlowski's of the world can still slander 'till the cows come home!!! Criticism without doing one's homework to fully inform themselves before one starts their animus-filled slurring is imperative in helping the radical liberals not look questionably errant.