Rating:  Summary: A weak effort by Miller and Varley Review: This review is meant to cover all three ssues of The Dark Knight Strikes Again. To be sure the story of the superheroes led by Batman overthrowing a corrupt world government led by Lex Luthor isn't the best in the world. The overabundance of splash pages and lack of dialogue made it a very thi story but what sinks this graphic novel is how horible it looks. The draftmanship is crude even by Miler's standars and it looks like it was inked with a chisel or a dental drill because the linework is so ragged. The coloring by Lynn Varley is particularly awful especially considering her talent; it is perhaps the most garishly looking blotch job I have seen in a major project. There is none of the nuance or texture that she normaly brings to her work. Miller has some humorous characterzations and does fairly well with the action so it gets two stars instead of one but it is not worthy of the format or worth the price. It should have bee put on newsprint instead; at least the colors would not be as gros and even th idea might have come of better.
Rating:  Summary: Don't listen to anybody. Buy it and decide for yourself. Review: I can't tell you whether or not you'll like DK2. I read it and I can say that no, it isn't as good as the original. But it's impossible to be better than the original. It was just flawless.My opinion of DK2 was that it was great. It was gritty and dark, like a sick, twisted cartoon. Alot of story is told in news broadcasts like in the first one. Miller does interesting things with the news by having all these bizzare character give it to show that the networks aren't really concerned about giving the news, but pulling in ratings by having seductive women and anime characters tell it. It has it's weak points, like introducing all these new things going on a new characters ALL THE TIME. None of it really adds up though, so don't get bogged down trying to understand it all. Don't listen to me though or any of the other reviews. Get yourself these books and decide for yourself. I think it was worth the wait.
Rating:  Summary: DK2 Rocks Review: This series is amazingly well done and imaginative. The third volume pulls the story together nicely. Miller's dark vision of the Dark Knight is a superior work.
Rating:  Summary: Embarrassing Review: What a bunch of garbage. I'm glad I resisted the urge to complete the 3 volume set by buying this waste of paper. Instead, I was smart and read it in a bookstore. After two mediocre installments of the series, I thought Miller, the author of my favorite comic book of all time, DKR, might pull it off and save the story. Instead, Volume 3 completes the excersize in stupidity. It would be futile to list all the things wrong with DKSA. I'll summarize it. The art is horrible, even if you are a fan of Millers unique pencils. The color is weak, computer generated scrawls that add nothing. The characterizations of most of the characters are so off base as to make the book laughable. The attempted political satire is so childish and ignorant that it proves that Miller is nothing but an amateur observer of national events who likes to act as a pundit, using pictures of naked women and the government killing random people. Do your self a favor. Pick up The Dark Knight Returns, read it, and just remember Miller as the visionary he once was, instead of the pompous ... he has become today.
Rating:  Summary: Holy DISAPOINTMENT, Batman! Review: This half-hearted effort by Miller and Varley leaves one with many questions. For instance: 1)What was the point of ralleying the masses in issue two? 2)Why are there no BATMAN villains? 3)Where did the Legion costumes come from? 4)What is the reason for the bizarre characterizations of well-known heroes? 5)What do you mean Dick Grayson "couldn't cut the mustard"? He was Batman's partner for FIFTY YEARS!!! The answer, my friends, is that Miller is too LAZY to care about story and character consistancy, and is contempuous of those who liked his work in the first place. How much will your next comic be, Frank? FIFTY dollars?
Rating:  Summary: Don't waste your time!!! Review: This book is sooo bad! It reads like a bad Frank Miller clone. Not well written at all. I could have lived with the lousy art work if the story was decent, but its not...
Rating:  Summary: I am SO confused.....??? Review: Okay, I'm just going to give you a quick impression of the whole "Dark Knight Strikes Again" series after just finishing book 3. Ummm...what the HELL is going on? What did I just read? I don't know what Frank Miller or DC was thinking ($$$) but I could barely follow the "plot" of this story. Add to that the nearly incomprehensible artwork (there is also NO sense of space, all the characters might as well be flying in the air the whole time)and the random appearance of DC superheroes (oh look, it's Hawk & Dove...how cute) and you get one of the worst comics I have ever read. The original "Dark Knight Returns" was a triumph, unfortunately "The Dark Knight Strikes Again" is a disgrace....sorry to be so cruel but geez.........
Rating:  Summary: THE DARK KNIGHT FALLS (FLAT ON HIS FACE)... Review: Having finished the third installment of Miller's latest epic,I have to agree with the consensus of others who read it...it was a lot of hope that turned into hype. To his credit, Miller didn't go the safe route with Batman and decided to take some chances. The problem was that in the original "Dark Knight Returns", Batman was true to his roots, which hooked readers for 60 years plus. In DK2, he comes off at times as a bad borscht belt comedian, especially with his dealings with Dick Grayson in volume three. And what does he have against the original Robin and Superman (he gets the super snot beated out of him yet again)? It made me appreciate Klaus Janson's inking of the original series (background detail is all but eliminated in DK2), and the presence of Denny O'Neil's editing is sorely missed. DK2 is proof that sometimes you can't catch lightning in a bottle...
Rating:  Summary: Save your money on this saga Review: I was expecting art in the style of Miller's Sin City with all the artistic gimmicks Will Eisner used with light and shadow. I was really waiting a long time for this. After seeing Millers work in the 10th anniversary edition of Dark Knight I thought the artwork would get better. Sorry Frank you'll have to do a Dark Knight III to redeem yourself in my opinion. The story and art were a mess and if you make many more of these you will find yourself out of the Biz. I hope the bad story and art was a response to your contract at DC. I know you can do better than this.
Rating:  Summary: Time for Miller to retire. Review: Let me start by saying that I loved the original Dark Knight when it came out. It was and still is one of my favorite graphic series. This ain't Dark Knight. Issue #3 of the DK2 was the worst by far in a really bad series. Miller's story line was incomprehensible and he introduced new characters almost every page. He also completely trashed Superman's character and history. He brought back the campy kryptonian city of Kandor which hasn't existed in the Superman storyline since they revamped Superman in the 80's and got rid of all the kryptonian garbage. Besides having an incomprehensible story line the artwork was almost randomly drawn heads in many places. He also threw in a couple anime looking characters for no apparent reason. I LOVE the old Frank Miller ("Dark Knight", Daredevil & Electra storylines, "Batman: Year One", and "Robocop"). I found DK2 to be the worst thing I've ever read in the comic industry and that includes all the Archie's and Richie Rich comics I had when I was a child. I wish that you could give negative stars on here because 1 star doesn't accurately describe how I felt about DK2.