Rating:  Summary: The Dark Knight Triumphant! Review: One of the greatest things I've EVER read - including ALL graphic novels and books!I first read this over 15 years ago - and re-read it almost every summer - something about the heat and season...read the book and you'll understand... It is a dark and gritty view into the future of Bruce Wayne - Batman - there is NOTHING hokey about this story - it has the fantastic perspective of viewing Batman as what he is - a disturbed vigilante. Keep in mind - this little boy who saw his parents killed in front of him grows up to fight crime - he has no super powers - is not from another planet....nothing like that - he is just a man - and with all the advanteges and privilage that his great fortune provides him what does he do? - does he break down as a small boy? - as he grows up does he try to find himself? Does he crawl into a bottle or turn to drugs as many teenagers do? - What path did Bruce take? - he turns vigilante - This book picks up in the future - Batmn retired and Bruce Wayne middle aged...The Dark Knight Returns better than before!
Rating:  Summary: Overrated Review: There is some great artwork here, due largely by Janson's inking. Depicting violence is what Miller does best. The story is a different matter. For anyone familiar with the "Adult Legion" tale from the the Sixties, you'll know what I'm talking about. Because this Batman story is set in the "future", Miller had carte blache to do whatever he wanted with the characters. Thus, pivotal charaters in the Batman mythos die in this book. Miller would never be allowed to do such a thing if he were writing the monthly comic. He also puts Batman's current writers in a box if they are to hold true to this story. Any other writer with such restrictions lifted could have accomplished the same thing that Miller did. Miller has Batman "shoot" a bad guy, but doesn't really show if the the bad guy is, indeed, shot. Not very brave of Miller. Lastly, Batman teams up with the same group of thugs that a few issues before were murdering people. Such inconsistencies of character are of little concern to Frank.
Rating:  Summary: The best. Review: The most intelligent, worldly, realistic, amazing, despairing, glowing, repulsive and touching story ever committed to trade paperback.
Rating:  Summary: Incredible Review: This is a gritty, grimy tale of a bitter and beat up old Batman. This, along with Frank Miller's Daredevil comics in the early 1980s changed the tone of comics completely. This might be the greatest comic book ever written.
Rating:  Summary: Murph! Review: This book looks cool, it's about Batman, and it's written by Frank Miller! In the forward he says the colors are good, boy is he wrong. The art is terrible! rather then giving it a dark feeling, it looks like something from a childrens book that might be called "The Rainy Day" or "the Wet Dog" it uses water colors and weird-shaped heads. But the story must be good! Well it is fairly decent, Batman is 50-something, he has stopped Batting and is now just sitting around. But some MUTANTS (they can't shoot pickles out of their ears, but they are still lame) are killing and stealing and all that stuff. So Batman comes out of retirement to fight their leader, who has big knives for teeth... SCARY. It is also time to pick a new police commissioner, and Gordon is the ONLY person who likes Batman. And, a guy named Harvey dent has had some surgery done, and is completely cured of his schitzophrenia, basically... one face. Well guess what, He's still mean (big suprise)! So Batman beats the mutant leader with the help of Robin, the girl wonder, only she has no personality, she's just a girl who Batman decided to let be Robin with no questions asked, and then he disarms Two-Face's bombs, so here comes Joker! But also, the children of the bat, who kill people that rob gas stastions and cut off the cashiers fingers for not fighting back. The same doctor (who is a total jackass) says that Jokey is nice now, and is going to put him on the late-night talk show! BUT HE ISN'T NICE AND KILLS EVERYONE THERE!!! ... . ... THE END Read Batman: Year One, it's neat. .... -James Etchison, ...
Rating:  Summary: Great story Review: Its a great story, telling the tale of Gotham in the future. Well written, the art is very unusual and the writing style is different than other comics. ...
Rating:  Summary: Greatest comic ever. Review: I've always been a Frank Miller fan, but I never liked Batman. Then I read this, hands down the best there is. This is Miller at his best, great story and good art. This takes place ten years after Batman has retired, he decides to pick up where he left off. But now the streets are crawling with mutants, Catwoman is a prostitute, two face has had his face fixed and Joker... is still a crazy murderous lunatic. Employing a new and female Robin Batman takes to the streets and fights crime again. An excellent story tha should not be missed.
Rating:  Summary: Miller inspired lots of great comic literature about Batman Review: At the time this was written, it was the best thing out there. But, it is like some of the old movies that are considered classics; it just doesn't hold up as well because the ideas within have been improved upon. Also, I guess i am spoiled because my first intro to Miller was Sin City. In that series, he truly went beyond what he did in Dark Knight. This is especially true when it comes to dealing with the artwork(the artwork in Dark Knight struck me as uneven-did not like the depiction of the mutants) But all in all I enjoyed Dark Knight... it just didn't grab me like some other Batman stories have.
Rating:  Summary: the BEST Frank Miller book! Review: This is my personal FAVORITE Frank Miller book!!!! He reinvented Batman and told a story of an aging hero with "different" and thought provoking ideas on dealing with criminals... However some Superman fans might be offended..but oh well...supes needs a little revamping too right? This book was so amazing that its been reprinted in many forms! including a once leatherbound version!!! wish I still had it! It came with this and "year one".... I feel this is worth owning, and reading over and over again. Frank puts his dark humored twist on the dark knight here, and introduces a NEW robin also! and his rendition of the Joker is stupendous also! a PURE work of art!
Rating:  Summary: Darkest Knight. Review: Dark knight is veeery good book. Still I like Greg Rucka's No Man's Land a little better. I don't think Miller made this book for Batman fans, but to atract Batman readers. At the time Batman fans saw Batman not so dark. Frank Miller made our darkest kinght. He is dark gritty and vengful. I like what he did with the Joker though. I wont tell you what he does, but if you read this book I think youll enjoy it. Not for little kids.