Rating:  Summary: Never Enjoyed DC Characters, But Do Now Review: Man! I never really was a fan of DC charachters until i gave Frank Miller's classic a read. Although I am very familiar with the history and characters of all DC titles, i never really got into them. Batman always has intrigued me, so i read the Dark Night Returns and was BLOWN AWAY! Not the best comic that i have ever read, but very very compelling. Very DARK, and Very GRIM. The quality of the pages in the edition of this Graphic Novel are also very acceptable. If you enjoy comics at all, and are familiar with Batman, you won't be disapointed with this edition.
Rating:  Summary: A Classic piece of Post Modern literature... Review: I am neither a fan of the GRAPHIC NOVEL nor an adherrent of the nihilistic presuppositions of Deconstructionist-Post Modernism. This said, I reccommend Frank Miller's THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS without reservation. Occasionally one must confront THE ENEMY on his own turf. The reincarnation of BATMAN presented by Miller starkly and mythically presents the nature of the enemy that the Post Modern Culture of Death is and portends. Batman is presented as archetypal ENFORCER OF LAW, spurred by an utterly perverse system of legalized (glamorized) INJUSTICE to take matters into his own hands. The irony of Batman as OUTLAW and arch-opponent of liberal-lawyer-media cosseted crime is radically explored in the powerful, apocalyptic narrative of this "comic book". The characterization of SUPERMAN as a naive sychophant used by sinister, self-aggrandizing oligarchies of Yuppie criminals and power-hungry crime/government "warlords" is repugnant...until reality ( Steven Soderberg's TRAFFIC)rears the Gorgon's face. Miller's art work( TITAN-drawing; multi-windows-layout; bold lettering and "lurid" inking) insistently shocks, cajoles and stupifies. Little about the work is subtle or intended to be. BATMAN is on a crusade of Reckoning. He is Judge, jury and minister of vengeance. Some of the story's "set pieces" are fierce with irony (The Joker talking his way out of prison in a nationally televised "act of contrition"... which ends with his slaughter of the salivating Show Room Audience and its Celebrity Psychologist...The CIA attempting to assassinate Superman with a kryptonite-loaded sniper rifle after he has killed vigilante Batman for "refusing arrest".) BATMAN: THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS is a seminal epic of a new kind of literature "spawned" to renew MYTHOLOGY. Many of its soul- mates are meeting "the enemy at the gates" with the message that the heroic ideal is not dead. Not all efforts are successful. THE X-MEN is. The DEATH of SUPERMAN saga is not. It is another beginning to help Young Believe, when the OLD have put "belief" up for sale. As BATMAN states to the remnant he has rescued from a society which would sacrifice them to Moloch "for fun and profit": This is only a start...small but good...GOOD ENOUGH!
Rating:  Summary: One of the best!!!!!! Review: This book was so good that I had to keep looking at it over and over again. It tells a story about the Batman coming back out of retirement(so to speak)because of the plague of crime that has befallen Gotham City the rest you will find out. I dont want to ruin it all I have to say is that it is one of the best!
Rating:  Summary: The best of its kind Review: Along with Alan Moore's 'Watchment,' this is the work that put the graphic novel on the literature shelf. While it doesn't have Moore's literary ambitions, it is altogether more successful at achieving its own goals.The Dark Knight returns takes an important and rich pop culture figure, The Batman, and treats him in a serious manner - all the layered and ambiguous nuances in the character that Tim Burton failed to deliver in his movies are in this book. The story posits a middle-aged Bruce Wayne, obsessed with the legacy of The Batman, and pushed to don the outfit once more by the cess-pool of Gotham City. Along the way he picks up a new Robin, struggles against the Joker one last time, and stages the all-time superhero fight: Batman vs. Superman. Beautifully written and paced, finely illustrated [except for the third section], this is a gripping and satisfying story.
Rating:  Summary: The Best Comic Story Ever Written Review: Frank Miller is simply the man, period. I don't care if all you pretentious intellectuals think Alan Moore(The Watchmen was good but overrated), or Neil Gaiman(aren't we sophisticated with our fairies and elves) are as good as comics get, Miller is the best. Dark Knight Returns is the best comic book story ever written. It's simply a great telling of a very recognizable character. The story telling is excellent, the art is awesome, though the last two issues lack alittle in that department. By the way, not to offend any Alan Moore fans out their, The Killing Joke was awesome, and From Hell is a masterpiece.
Rating:  Summary: A Comic Book Masterpiece Review: This comic is great, but what I want to talk about is those who rate this comic with anything lower than 5 stars. These people simply don't get it. Many reviews I have read gripe about mindless violence when, in fact, the violence in this book is all about Bruces mind. The man is bordering on insanity after the death of Jason and the decension deeper into a cesspool of Gotham City. Many also talk about bad characterization. This I also don't understand considering the brilliant Frank Miller is dealing with icons that need no character development. While the dislike of the artwork of some reviewers is personal preferance, I simply cannot fathom disliking such detailed stylistic art.In conclusion, those who give this comic a low rating are puting a lack of thought into it. I suggest that if you have ever read a comic book and liked it you should buy this without hesitation.
Rating:  Summary: I am Batman Review: It's a good comic book, but don't buy into any of this "great literature" stuff floating around. It's a great comic book, there's no need to compare it to novels. But after having said that it's a fun read, an introspective look at Batman and a satirical look at society. I loved how Miller carried out the Superman/Batman dynamic and I liked how the parallels between Batman's character and his villains were being brought back out. If you're looking for a good comic book then DKR is for you, if you're looking for something revolutionary and mind shattering, hey, it's just a comic book.
Rating:  Summary: My favorite vision of the Batman character & his Gotham Review: This book is the film Tim Burton should have made. Everything about this book is great, including the Alan Moore introduction in the paperback version.
Rating:  Summary: More than a comic book Review: Frank Miller is a genius. This graphic novel changed the way comics were written and the way they are perceived. For once there is genuine, gritty action, psychological complexity, and a noir-ish look that would be ripped off in inumerable comics to follow. The story has not aged.
Rating:  Summary: It was great 10 years ago, but not anymore right now Review: This is not a cool comic eventhough it has a great story. The art's color look dull and not colorful. Frank put too much thoughts in this story and it causes confusion. Dont believe in other rewiews because not everybody is having the same opinion. if u get use to new comic with nice colorful art, dont go for this comic.