Rating:  Summary: Devilsihly funny. Review: In Andy Riley we have a great homourist who preys on the human weakness of finding frivolity in the taboo, this book is is demonically funny.
It feels like a fun poking into realms we ought to not find fun, human nature makes such things irresistably amusing! think being angrily told to stop giggling by a red faced and enfuried, windbag of a teacher!
This is also a very clever book for if we do not address a taboo with humour then we do not address it period and thus increase it's hallowed, untouchable status.
Rating:  Summary: Twisted, sick, cruel... Review: ... and very entertaining!
I stumbled upon this little gem by accident and, since I am the proud owner of a bunny whom I have long suspected of being suicidal (why else would she dash between my legs as I am running across the room? or chew on electric wires? or eat paint? or stare at the balcony edge with wistful eyes?), I just had to buy it.
This is a very funny little book. I do wish it had been longer, as I got through it within half an hour, but I suspect I will flip through it again very soon and smile again. The mere concept is hilarious and the drawings are simple, straightforward, understated and thereby all the more effective. The main humour factor is the creativity involved in the bunnies' demise. A few are slightly obvious, but the vast majority is unnecessarily elaborate, and thereby all the more hilarious. It gets very descriptive sometimes. but never overly gory: sometimes you see the bunnies actually die, but it always seems so matter-of-fact and cynical that it's hard to get upset. For most people, the only disturbing factor will be the eternal question of why these deadpan little critters so desperately want to die. As far as I can see, being a bunny isn't so bad...
Obviously not something you want to show your hyper-sensitive seven-year-old, but a very entertaining, and oddly cute read. Dare we hope for a sequel?
Rating:  Summary: Sick Sick Sick Sick Sick! Review: And I loved it. :-) Nothing like a twisted mind to make you laugh.
Rating:  Summary: Funny bunnycide Review: Andy Riley, a British cartoonist and creator of a weekly comic strip in the Observer, tackles the off-the-wall subject of bunnies who simply can't go on living any more. These cartoons explore the outrageous and creative ways a bunny might dispatch itself to that great hutch in the sky. These include such methods as sunning on the beach while Noah loads the Ark, becoming ballast for a hot air balloon, and catapulting through venetian blinds. This book is morbidly funny and tragically silly. If you like humor that's a cross between The Addams Family and The Far Side, this book is for you.
Rating:  Summary: Witty, daring, and furry. Review: Ever wonder what bunnies do when we go to sleep? Plot their suicides, of course! Not quite, but Andy Riley's concept is a fresh stab at humor straight out of the United Kingdom. The suicides range from outrageous to clever to painful, but practically all of them get the job done, which is making someone say "Aww." Whether that "aww" is of dispair for the bunnies or of heartwarmth from the intelligence put into the plotting is debatable, but one thing is for sure: people like bunnies. And if you appreciate Python jokes, you'll like bunnies committing suicide.
Rating:  Summary: This book made me be obnoxious at the bookstore. Review: I absolutely cannot STAND it when people in the bookstore make NOISES about the books they're looking at. No snorting, whispering, nothing. Most of all -- NO LAUGHING! I happened to notice this book on a table at the bookstore tonight. Picked it up. LOVED the description under the title -- "Fluffy little bunnies that just don't want to live anymore." I should've stopped there. Because when I started flipping through and checking out the pics ... I couldn't help it. I laughed. Out loud. A lot. Then I went and got my husband to glance through it with me. Together we laughed. Out loud. A lot. Before we left the store, I saw two other people pick up the same book and do the same thing and it didn't even make me mad ... Have I become one of THEM?!?!The book is cool. A must-have. It may be warped and weird, but reading this book will make you happy. Beats a trip to the shrink anyday!
Rating:  Summary: I am a bunny. Review: I am a bunny, and do not find this book amusing. Having several depressed bunny friends, I worry that this book may put the wrong ideas in their heads. Why pick on bunnies? Why...WHY? I think a better book would be "101 ways for toddlers and babies to part this world"!...Including such graphic examples as "the umbilical cord strangling baby at birth" or "toddler discovering the light socket". Sincerely, Bun-E-Rabbit
Rating:  Summary: Beautiful Review: I came upon this little treasure when I was passing by a Lonon bookstore with my tour group from camp when one of the boys yelled, "OH MY GOD! I HAVE TO GET THIS!" and went diving into the store. I never got to read the whole thing, but I got it as soon as I found it back home and it has been worth the purchase.
As one reviewer said earlier, this is definitely for those with a twisted side, and for those who love such series as Lenore and The Far Side. It's a series of episodic cartoons about bunnies who basically are doing things to get themselves killed. Almost all of the methods are very creatively executed (pardon the pun), and many are ways nobody would ever think up if they wanted to die.
My personal favorite involves a tape of 'Fatal Attraction', but I'll leave that one for you to discover on your own.
Rating:  Summary: Poor little bunnies wunnies....... Review: i initially got this book as a christmas present from a friend, being a bunny owner myself i was speechless at first because generally speaking i alway yell at people when they say things about my bunny but after flipping through it i couldn't contain myself. it really is quite amusing if a bit twisted. i would recomend this for anyone over the age of 13 that has a weird sense of humor.
Rating:  Summary: HAHA! The Alien got kicked in the balls! Review: I LOVE this book! I would love to see him make more like this one!...maybe turtles, or baby chicks? And for some reason, it cheered me up...in a sick and twisted way! THIS IS A MUST HAVE!