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Rating:  Summary: Book Should Be Read Before Being Reviewed Review: Harold Berry's _The Truth Twisters_ is a myopic review of most major modern American religious denominations -- with accompanying warnings of why they are wrong and doomed to go to hell.Setting my personal philosophy aside, Berry's arguments for why each religion (including Mormons, Unitarian Universalists, secular humanists, and others) fails to be enlightened is based on a narrow-minded "literal" interpretation of the bible. Essentially, if a person doesn't believe what Mr. Berry believes, they're wrong. Period. No questions asked. No quarter given. Believe in Jesus as the Savior or you're doomed. Believe in the bible as the holy inspired word of God or burn. Is this the kind of book the world really needs? Do people really need another reason to divide themselves from one another? Apparently the author of this book thinks so, because the ultimate conclusion is that you're either with him or you're against him. So much for a loving God begetting a loving religion. Let me make myself entirely clear: I do not, under any circumstances, recommend this book to anyone.
Rating:  Summary: A must read " Know what they are telling others" Review: It is a must read for all who are going to fulfill the great commission in your person life. Which means all who believe in Jesus Christ as Lord. As we are confrounted by all types of cults with a form of godliness but denying the power thereof. Let us be the informed,leading the lost to a true Savior Jesus Christ. Read the teachings contained in this book and learn where some of these decievers are coming from. I have encountered some of these false religions at Christian prayer rallies and other gatherings actually passing out form letters telling of their heiresses. This book by Brother Harold J. Berry is a good resource for us in this current darkness. Read, be blessed and informed.
Rating:  Summary: Great reading - recommended for anyone who wants the TRUTH Review: Mr. Berry's revealing book tells the truth about other religions and their backgrounds. A must for every person who is deceived by Satan concerning the "religions" of the world. Praise the Lord for someone who is willing to stand for truth despite the false accusations of the world! Jesus said, "I am THE Way, THE Truth, and THE Life; No man cometh unto the Father, but by me." He also said, "He that hateth Me hateth My Father also." If Jesus is just a "prophet", then why in the world did He declare Himself to be God Almighty? The King James 1611 Bible is THE holy, inspired Word of God. All other versions are Satanic counterfeits, trying to mar God's perfect revealing of truth in the KJV. The whole lot of "versions" and "translations" out there are PERVERTING God's Holy Word! Decide now to chuck those fakes and get going with the real stuff! Once again, let me say that Mr. Berry's book hits the nail on the head when it comes to other religions. Anyone who says that his view is "narrow-minded", "bigoted", or "discriminating against other religions" are themselves discriminating against Mr. Berry! They also carry a narrow-minded view of Mr. Berry's "narrow-minded" view if they say that "we cannot tolerate THIS view, because WE tolerate ALL views!" This whole issue of discrimination is just a way to blame Christians for everything! Let me also say that this is NOT just "my view" on this subject. God's own Word backs this review AND Mr. Berry's book up! This book is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to ANYONE out there who thinks that "Any religion's OK, so long as we all get along and we're all sincere!"
Rating:  Summary: Great reading - recommended for anyone who wants the TRUTH Review: Mr. Berry's revealing book tells the truth about other religions and their backgrounds. A must for every person who is deceived by Satan concerning the "religions" of the world. Praise the Lord for someone who is willing to stand for truth despite the false accusations of the world! Jesus said, "I am THE Way, THE Truth, and THE Life; No man cometh unto the Father, but by me." He also said, "He that hateth Me hateth My Father also." If Jesus is just a "prophet", then why in the world did He declare Himself to be God Almighty? The King James 1611 Bible is THE holy, inspired Word of God. All other versions are Satanic counterfeits, trying to mar God's perfect revealing of truth in the KJV. The whole lot of "versions" and "translations" out there are PERVERTING God's Holy Word! Decide now to chuck those fakes and get going with the real stuff! Once again, let me say that Mr. Berry's book hits the nail on the head when it comes to other religions. Anyone who says that his view is "narrow-minded", "bigoted", or "discriminating against other religions" are themselves discriminating against Mr. Berry! They also carry a narrow-minded view of Mr. Berry's "narrow-minded" view if they say that "we cannot tolerate THIS view, because WE tolerate ALL views!" This whole issue of discrimination is just a way to blame Christians for everything! Let me also say that this is NOT just "my view" on this subject. God's own Word backs this review AND Mr. Berry's book up! This book is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to ANYONE out there who thinks that "Any religion's OK, so long as we all get along and we're all sincere!"
Rating:  Summary: Book Should Be Read Before Being Reviewed Review: The criticisms of this book by the two previous "reviewers" should be taken with a large grain of salt. They never dealt with the actual content of the work; they simply offered abusive ad hominem toward it. As George Will aptly put it, "in the lack of substantive ideas, ad hominem." The criticism against the Bible that "there are many translations" reveals an ignorance of basic textual criticism issues--the major, recognized translations into English (NASB, NIV, RSB, et. al.), are based upon the Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek manuscripts and they do not differ in their substantial source content nor their doctrinal statements. The various recognized translations simply offer the text in different styles of English, from the more rigid, literal NASB, to the easy reading modern style of the NIV. No recognized, reputable textual scholar--conservative or liberal--claims they are "different" in the context as to what their substantial content is or the doctrinal statements made. The comment by the "reviewer" that the "end-times will play out" evidences that s/he is an adherent to some exclusive cult movement and was offended that this book exists and offers criticism of their group. This is, of course, understandable. The other major criticism is that the book is written from a Christian perspective, oblivious to the fact that the one offering the criticism likewise is claiming their way is "right" and Harold Berry's view is "wrong." This they cannot rationally do and still stand by their statements (even if they did read the book). It is nothing more than special pleading and a denial of the law of non contradiction. In short, it is hypocritical and non-thinking. Bottom line: The book is copiously documented and makes an honest criticism of the major cultic and secular religious movements of our day from a historic Christian perspective (the author doesn't simply use the never-defined cultic and liberal complaint of "literal" interpretation, as this is to imply that idiomatic usage, poetry, apocalyptic literature, et. al. are not taken into consideration. It is evident that the "reviewers" are not familiar with exegetical and hermeneutical issues and are oblivious that Berry employs a grammatical-historical exegetical approach; moreover, as regards the essential doctrines of historic Christianity as embodied in the universal creeds of the undivided church, the various Bible-believing denominations are actually in agreement; the differences are over sincere disagreements over peripheal issues, such as church polity, mode of Baptism, eschatological perspective, or simply reflect cultural differences). The most honest option is to read the book for yourself and carefully and comprehensively study the copious documentation. There are better works available dealing with the various cults but this work is certainly a worthwhile contribution to the literature on the subject.
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