Since the days when Harry Blamires sat amid the smoke of his tutor and friend C.S. Lewis, the world has changed--and not, he believes, for the better. British society no longer has at its foundation the Judeo-Christian system of belief. Traditional values are undermined continually, as we witness attacks (especially from the media) on cherished notions of family, morality, sexuality, and marriage. And the church's response? Blamires is withering as he castigates "trendy vicars" for pandering to the whims of the novel. "What we need," he declares, "is a Christian backlash, a vigorous response to the new paganism of the contemporary world." He pulls no punches as he seeks to describe and expose what he terms the emerging "post-Christian mind." While many argue that tolerance is essential to a healthy multiculturalism, Blamires disagrees. "The need for living harmoniously in society along with people of other faiths has encouraged a pluralism which saps confidence in the imperatives of the Christian revelation." As he lambastes the emerging "culture of rights" and critiques contemporary perceptions of democracy, freedom, the "body beautiful," and economics, the danger is that Blamires might sound like the old man in the pub who can't stop talking about the good old days. But read closer, and you will find many fresh observations from someone who believes strongly in, and has thought hard about, what he is saying. Whether you agree with him or not, it is vital to consider where we propose to derive our values and ethics in a post-Christian society. This is certainly an explosive place to start. --Brian Draper,