Rating: Summary: The best edition of this amazing little book Review: A friend told me about this wonderful little book and by providence I purchased this edition as my first copy from amazon.com. The book I received looked different from the one they show here on the site, but it was published by Fleming H. Revell, as shown. The Preface is wonderful and tells the story of Brother Lawrence, preparing you for the text within. When I bought an additional copy from a local bookstore for my graduating neice, I was shocked to find out that the copy (published by a different publisher with a very different Preface) was much more mind-driven and so much less loving! In my opinion, this is the copy to get if you want a true experience of the Divine comfort and companionship Brother Lawrence knew. I've been growing closer to God for 40 years and this little book has skyrocketed me even closer. I hope it does the same for you. Peace. :) k
Rating: Summary: The Constant Presence of God Review: Brother Lawrence can be of enormous help to those of us seeking to grow closer to Christ. For one, there is no complicated methodology behind practicing the presence of God.As Brother Lawrence says, "Lift up your heart to Him ... the least little remembrance will always be acceptable to Him. You need not cry very loud; He is nearer to us than we are aware of." And so, the practice of the presence of God is to simply think of him often. As Brother Lawrence says, your friend (God) is always with you. Why would you cut off conversation with God when you would not be so rude to another person. I enjoyed this book. It takes maybe one hour to read, but I have a feeling it will have a lasting impact on my life.
Rating: Summary: A Book that Changed my Life!!! Review: I first read "The Practice of the Presence of God" when I was a young Christian. It probably is one of the books that saved me from being totally destroyed spiritually by liberal theology in seminary. I strongly desired to walk daily in the presence of God. After I became a truly Bible-believing Christian, and began editing Andrew Murray books, I used "The Practice of the Presence of God" when I compiled and edited: "The Believer's Secret of the Abiding Presence" for Bethany House Publishers.
Thank God that Whitaker House keeps printing books written by people like Brother Lawrence, Charles Finney, and Andrew Murray! If it were not for Whitaker House publishing their books, we would not have good editions of Brother Lawrence, Finney, and Murray books to share with others (as well as study ourselves). For example, all five of my Andrew Murray "Believer's Secret" books are out of print.
Brother Lawrence, Charles Finney, and Andrew Murray wrote the best books on the Holy Spirit and knowing God personally everyday that I have ever read. You cannot go wrong buying any Finney or Murray books published by Whitaker House! So I say again, thank God for Whitaker House!
I believe those of you who enjoy Brother Lawrence, Charles Finney, and Andrew Murray will also enjoy "Prayer Steps to Serenity," which teaches truths that I learned from studying Brother Lawrence, Finney, and Murray. You can learn more about how to Practice the Presence of God through praying through the 12 Steps and the Serenity Prayer with the Holy Spirit as your guide. "Prayer Steps to Serenity" follows a 12 Steps and Serenity Prayer format. It is available through Amazon, with ISBN 0595313043. If you know of anyone who is looking for a 12 Step devotional that will help them walk in the power of the Holy Spirit according to the scriptures, you can heartily recommend this book to them. "Prayer Steps to Serenity" was not published by Whitaker House, and it is a larger book than a trade paperback (it is a 9 inch by 6 inch paperback) that includes devotional readings, prayers to encourage you to keep on praying as the Holy Spirit leads, a personal Journey Guide (or workbook), and a Group Journey Guide for prayer and support groups. "Prayer Steps to Serenity" is also supported by two websites that offer a lot of free guides and resources for those seeking more information about Christian recovery and starting Serenity Groups. Go to PrayerSteps.org or SerenityGroups.org for more information.
Thank you for reading!
L.G. Parkhurst, Jr.
Rating: Summary: A Powerful Humbling Experience Review: I just can't believe it. Of all the thousands of books I have read, this small book has caught my heart. Sure I could have read it in an hour but the wisdom that flows from this edition just simply cooled the hurry of my life. It is a book that I will place next to my Bible and refer to it every time I sensed that God is far away. Each section of the book stands on its own and yet such a lovely intricate meshing makes the reading more of an experience that a reading exercise. The one section that caught my spirit reads: "The Time of business, said he, does not with me differ from the time of prayer; and in the noise and clutter of my kitchen (he was a cook) while several persons are calling at the same time for different things, I possess God in as great a tranquility as if I were upon my knees at the Blessed Sacrament". In another section he speaks of the opportunities to be in HIS prsence when we are stricken with an ailment. Such statements are throughout the book which will cause one to stop and meditate. I will be buying copies to give to those in my circle that hunger for a closer walk and relationship with God over anything and anyone in their lives.
Rating: Summary: 24-7 Quiet Time Review: In college, I survived by hanging out on the cliffs overlooking the Pacific, as I poured out my hopes, fears, doubts to the Creator of the waves that pounded the beach. This was my Quiet Time, an oft recommended solution to keep one on the narrow path. But now in the working world, I find that its tough to keep a consistent time to read the Word or pray. Is 20 minutes too short or good enough? Does God reject me if I forgot to have my Quiet Time on Tuesday? Oh boy, I got through my chapter requirement; now I can put the Bible away and rush off to work. Well, the Quiet Time had served its purpose in college by discipling me to be in the presence of Jesus. Brother Law. challenged me to break the bonds of routine, of taking my RDA of Bible reading and powering prayers down my prayer list. This is Jesus Bro Law. cries! Not a task to be completed. Did I seek to be with Him the same way I sought to be with those I loved? Hardly! Bro Law. tried the spiritual retreats. Hum , that sparked my curiousity. I thought about going on some retreat this year, to escape the world's distractions. Yet Bro Law states that as soon as he returned from the retreat, he was back battling the same battles of a wayward mind, disobedience, an unthankful attitude. He began meditating on Bible verses throughout the day, picturing Jesus right next to him, all day long. What the awesoime thing to me was that Bro Law wasnt spending his whole day praying or Bible study. Who could relate to that? No, he was working! Scrubbing pans, sweeping and cleaning, doing errands. He successfully thought of Jesus in the middle of soap foam and dusty roads! Minute by minute he talked to Jesus. Amount of words didn't matter. Even there were times that he said nothing but just reminded himself that his friend Jesus was there in the kitchen sitting next to him. Now as I grade papers, give a Spelling test, drive to work, eat a In and Out burger, laugh at a dolphin under my surfboard, cry at pain inside, fear getting older.....I try to remind myself that Jesus is right there, talk to Him as I would to any friend. Thanks Bro Law!
Rating: Summary: Not sure if you have the Holy Spirit? Review: My pastor, who is mentoring me, recommended this book, when all our meetings were not helping me grow nor helping me throw off sinful habits. In a world full of "doing", "performing", "keeping up with the Joneses", and an innumerable other distractions and pressures, Brother Lawrence was a man gifted by God to have the vision of true fellowship with God. He tells us simply that being a Christian means to have a constant love relationship with God, only made possible through Jesus Christ's sacrifice. He reminds us not be guilty or ashamed (a very difficult thing to know if you're not told explicitly, and something only known through faith). The message of the churches (at least in the Western world) has been so diluted by the culture of "results" and "knowledge". We are often given guilt trips by church leader because we aren't "up to par" or because we don't buy into the church's vision. After attending a church for many years, we're still spiritually dry, and at the same time expected to serve more and more? Is that the abundant life? Instead, we are supposed to be taught how to have fellowship with God! From that, everything else flows. There are no shortcuts! Brother Lawrence exhorts us to have such a dear love for God that we are completely at rest with Him. It does takes time and discipline to develop the intimacy, but with any other love relationship (w/spouse, etc.), after a little effort and focus, the love between the two of you carries the relationship quite automatically. I can truly see how the Holy Spirit is changing me because of this book, by no effort on my part to change myself. All I have to do is to be in love with Jesus. His power in me is allowing me to be more disciplined in many areas of life, and loosening my attachment to worldly things. Plus, I have a new appreciation for Jesus' gift in taking my punishment upon Himself. How could He love such wretched people as us? That's the greatness of His love. The vast majority of Christian books out there present such profound truths, and we're so in awe of the new things we've "learned". Yet they usually don't draw us closer to God, because they're filled with mechanical methods. "Practice the Presence" is a great book, not because of the wisdom of the author, but because it points us directly to God Himself. Back to my original question: Do you have the Spirit? You know you have the Holy Spirit if you have His presence, because they are one in the same. Don't miss out on God's gifts! Some Biblical references: - Lk 10:38-42 (note that Martha was not chastised for her service, but for being worried and upset) - Acts 1:4-5 (Jesus told the disciples not to do anything until the Spirit came upon them) - Gal 3:3 (don't use human effort) - Lk 15:1-2 (Jesus welcomes us unconditionally. Do you think He told the fornicators to stop thinking lustful thoughts before He would eat with them? Seems rather that He welcomed them first, even with their evil thoughts, and let His loving presence change them) - 1 Cor 13:1-3 (love is the foundation) - John 15:5 (speaks for itself)
Rating: Summary: Getting to the heart of God Review: Over the last 12 months this book has slowly creapt up my favorites list and now is with out a doubt my favorite Cristian insperational book. It is short and is not complex yet in it's few pages Brother Lawrance brings us a glimpse into the very heart of God. And just like Christianity in general the words of this book are very easy to understand but dificult to apply.
Rating: Summary: constant and unceasing prayer Review: Over the years I've met a few "prayer warriors" who seemed to spend every waking moment connected to God. They carried a peace about them, and saw prayer as a gift rather than an obligation. Frankly, they made me feel terribly inadequate.
I wanted to have that type of relationship with God, but wasn't quite sure where to start. I had trouble setting aside fifteen minutes per day for prayer...how on earth did they manage it? Like Brother Lawrence, they had learned to practice the presence of God.
We learn how Brother Lawrence was able to include God in every detail of his life, and focus his activities to suit. We (thankfully) see that he was not always successful, but rather than dwell on his failures, asked for God's forgiveness and simply went again. He shares his insight and life's journey through four conversations with Abbe Joseph de Beaufort, fifteen letters and six maxims.
Through his writings, Brother Lawrence shares a humility and a desire for communion with God that is not only infectious, but also simple enough for anyone to apply. With enough practice, anyone can become a prayer warrior.
Larry Hehn, author of Get the Prize: Nine Keys for a Life of Victory
Rating: Summary: A Timeless Classic Review: This beautiful gem of a book contains the conversations, letters, spiritual maxims and a brief biography of a seventeenth century French monk, Brother Lawrence. Although almost three hundred years old, this book is a timeless classic. It portrays the lifes journey of Brother Lawrence from a solider to a man of God. It chronicles his struggle to accept the grace of God and then tells of his life as he strove to live in the presence of God. One of my favorite chapters is his letter to a soldier. It is interesting that as a former solider he does not contemn the violence of a soldiers profession; rather, he encouraged the young man to live a Godly life. Repeatedly, Brother Lawrence stresses that the presence of God can only be maintained by heart and love, rather than my understanding and speech. Thus, he would rather mediate on the truth and character of God than spend time in deep exegetical study. Tozer echoed the same though three hundred years later when he stated that the evangelical church is sacrificing a relationship with God for orthodoxy. Like Richard Foster, who wrote Celebration of Discipline, Lawrence distinguished between mediation and study. One needs to slow down and be with God. This book really helped me stop the academic rat race and slow down to spend time in communion with God and my fellow man. Trained in a rational academic environment, it is all to easy for me to spend my time in exegetical study getting to know about God rather than spending time in the Word getting to know God. The other Lord's Day, I came to the church building early to practice my sermon, only to discover that the cleaning crew failed to their jobs. Instead of prayer and preaching, I spent the next two hours cleaning toilets and washing glass doors. I remembered Brother Lawrences admonition that he never grew tired of doing the smallest things for God. Instead of becoming angry, I was able to maintain a joyful attitude that stayed with me throughout the morning services.
Rating: Summary: Everything Is Significant Review: This book helps you to see the significance of everything if done as unto God. It has to do with attitude. The Bible tells us to have the same attitude Jesus had. He came to serve and we're required to do likewise. Brother Lawrence served and found joy in doing so. There were no minimal tasks to him. Brother Lawrence reminds us "God knoweth best what is needful for us, and all that He does is for our good." He lived his life with that childlike trust in God. He talks about God hiding from us sometimes. He discusses faith being tested. Although he lived a simple life, he was a profound thinker and his work has impacted generations.