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Rating:  Summary: Catholic Faith and Baptism and Pope Review: "Whoever wishes to be saved, needs above all to hold the Catholic faith; unless each one preserves this whole and entire, he will without a doubt perish in eternity... This is the Catholic faith; unless everyone believes this faithfully and firmly, he cannot be saved." -Athanasian Creed (ca. 400) TRIALS OF THE CHURCH: 1)ARIANISM - COUNCIL OF NICEA I (325) RESOLVED THE CRISES. 2)GREAT WESTERN SCHISM - COUNCIL OF CONSTANCE (1415) 3)PROTESTANT REVOLT (THEY DIDN'T REFORM ANYTHING) - COUNCIL OF TRENT (1545) 4)MASONIC FRENCH REVOLUTION - COUNCIL OF VATICAN I (1869)Original families of Protestantism: 1)Lutheran 2)Calvinist 3)Zwinglian 4)Anglican 5)Free Church or Congregational Council of Trent (1545-1549) condemned the heresies of Luther, Calvin, and others. Syllabus of Modern Errors: Category III - Indifferentism, Latitudinarianism. 15.Every man is free to embrace and profess that religion which he, led by the light of reason, thinks to be the true reason. 16.In the worship of any religion whatever, men can find the way to eternal salvation, and can attain eternal salvation. 17.We must have at least good hope concerning the eternal salvation of all those who do not at all dwell in the true Church of Christ. 18.Protestantism is nothing else than a different form of the same true Christian religion, in which it is possible to serve God as well as in the Catholic Church. These four propositions are errors that were rejected, proscribed, and condemned in his full Apostolic authority, by Pope Pius IX. Therefore, any interpretation of his earlier remarks concerning invincible ignorance which supports or affirms any one of these propositions is also rejected, proscribed, and condemned. Requirements for Salvation: a)FAITH - belief in all things the Catholic Church teaches, which are ... all things whatsoever I have commanded you. All infidels are excluded, as well as those who have never been in the Church, Such as Jews, Mohammedand, and pagans, and such as have been in the Church but fallen away, such as heretics and apostates. (Prots reject the true faith.) b)Baptism - sacramental incorporation into the Body of Christ, which is His Church. This enables the benefits of all the other sacraments necessary for salvation. Catechumens and excommunicates are excluded, because the former are not to be admitted to the communion of the Sacraments and the latter have been cut off from them. In terms of a syllogism we have the infallible major premise: "Baptism is necessary for salvation," the infallible minor premise: "True and natural water is necessary for Baptism," and the infallible conclusion: "True and natural water is necessary for salvation!" Justification can be attained by a person with the Catholic Faith together with at least a desire for the Sacraments. He cannot attain Salvation unless he receives the Sacraments. Justification is the road to salvation, and NOT salvation itself. After all we are Catholics who believe in a dogmatic faith, good works, and sanctifying grace, NOT Protestants who believe in confidence alone! c)Pope - Subjection to the proper authority of the Church, especially the person of the reigning Roman Pontiff. Anyone who rejects this authority is to be treated as "the heathen and the publican." However, the Pope is also a human being and possesses the gift of free will, and in non-infallible matters, that is, when the Pope does not speak "ex cathedra," he is quite capable of sin, even grave sin. But this neither diminishes, nor nullifies his office and authority. Schismatics are excluded, who have faith and sacraments, but are not subject to the lawful pastor, the Roman Pontiff; therefore, they profess faith and receive sacraments outside the Church. (Prots reject the Pope.)
Rating:  Summary: Great Book Review: A very thorough book on the many heresies that have been produced in the last 2000 years of Christianity. Detailed and informative enough to give you a good perspective on what was happening but not so "heady" that normal people can't understand it. The end of each chapter has a brief summary of the heresy and what it consisted of which is a really nice way to wrap it up.
Rating:  Summary: Interesting, but incomplete. Review: Father Hogan has given us a brief synopsis of the major heresies that have arisen throughout the history of the Church. I found his approach to be quite objective. In fact, I was expecting a bit more of a Catholic apologetic particularly in response to the Reformers. There was no treatment of the counter-reformation. And yet, my expectations as to content are not the proper criteria to judge this work. It would appear that Father Hogan simply wanted to provide the facts and theology relating to each heresy and point out where these ideas differ from the norm of the faith, the Nicene Creed. In that task, his is an excellent work. I've hoped for a long time that someone would gather this information in one place, and Father Hogan has done just that. This book is meant to be a jumping off point for further study, and it achieves that goal marvelously. Take this book as an introduction, an overview if you will, and then delve deeper into historic christianity. Enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: No Salvation Ouside the Catholic Church Review: Fr. Feeney is Not the Heretic but The "Hoganites" are. Ex Cathedra: There is but one universal Church of the faithful, outside of which no one at all is saved. (Pope Innocent III, the Fourth Lateran Council, 1215) Ex Cathedra: We declare, say, define, and pronounce that it is absolutely necessary for the salvation of every human creature to be subject to the Roman Pontiff. (Pope Boniface VIII, the Bull Unam Sanctam) A doctrine or dogma of the Church is a truth which has been revealed by God and must be believed by all Catholics. When the Pope speaks Ex Cathedra, or "from the Chair" he has invoked his highest teaching authority. An Ex Cathedra pronouncement is a dogma that is absolutely immutable and unquestionable. Saint Benedict Center has been insisting since its foundation over fifty years ago that all the evils plaguing the world today are the result of a weakness within the Catholic Church. And that weakness is precisely that our pastors are no longer preaching the NECESSITY OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH FOR SALVATION. Please read The Devil's Final Battle: We are living in the most sinful era in history, worse than the days of Noah. No one on this earth is exempt from the Chastisement about to befall us if the Catholic Church does not obey the Fatima Message very soon. This does effect YOU, your life, your family, your freedom and your salvation NOW! "In the Third Secret it is foretold, among other things, that the great Apostasy in the Church will begin at the top." These are the very words of Cardinal Ciappi (personal Papal Theologian to Pope John Paul II). The result of "the great Apostasy" starting "at the top" is corruption of the clergy and the laity in doctrine, in morals and in liturgy. Today, the Church is in great crisis. Its very leaders - priests, bishops, and even Cardinals - cause scandal within and without the Church; heretical statements are proclaimed and immorality practiced - such as HOMOSEXUALITY, pedophilia, abortion, contraceptives, and divorce, just to mention a few. The fact that bad priests are a chastisement is testified to by St. John Eudes. We recall that he told us God will send bad priests when He is angry. God is very angry with His people because He is not only sending us bad priests, He also apparently sent us bad bishops and bad Cardinals too. The Holy Father is telling us that one-third of the clergy (who are the stars of Heaven) have been dragged down by the devil and his co-workers - the Masons, communists, homosexual networks - and are now working for the devil himself; not for God, not for the Church of Christ, but for the devil.
Rating:  Summary: Great Review of all the Major Heresies Review: Fr. Hogan uses the Nicene Creed in order to show that the heresies within Catholicism all have dealt with some distortion of just who God is. This book is very readable and incredibly informative. When applicaple Fr. Hogan ties the past into the present. There is also a great presentation of the thought of Pope John Paul II toward the end of the book.
Rating:  Summary: Very Informative Review: It's not an exhaustive look at every heresy that ever appeared in the Church, but it is a pretty thorough listing. Each heresy is given anywhere from 3-10 pages, some heretics (such as Luther) receiving longer treatment, some (such as Marcion) receiving less exposure. There is nothing new under the sun, so the Scriptures say, and this book proves it. No heresy is original, and after reading this book, you'll see what I mean. Was Luther original? Not really. You can see bits and pieces of his theology finding their inception in Marcion, or Nestorius, etc. The key to avoiding the repetition of these heresies is being aware of their original appearance in history, the arguments for them, and how the Church handled them.
Rating:  Summary: Father Feeney is Not a heretic Review: Richard Hogan says that:"Father Feeney and his followers were not mistaken in upholding the principals that outside the Church there is no salvation." Then he condems Fr. Feeney for following The dogma saying that an individual can't interpret what the Church taught!!!! "This heresy taught that all those who are not full members of the Roman Catholic Church are condemned to hell." Such double talked!!! The Church refutes Hogan- ExCathedra:"There is but one universal Church of the faithful, outside of which no one at all is saved." (Pope Innocent III, the Fourth Lateran Council, 1215). This seems totally clear, and it is but this is one of those statements which liberals try to "explain away" by arguing that it does not mean what it says. This HERETICAL approach usually goes like this: "Oh yes, there is no salvation outside of membership... but there are different forms of membership...implied, specific, induced, electromagnetic,honorary,retired, animal, vegetable, and mineral among hundereds of others." The liberal (Richard Hogan)holds that EVERYONE is a member "somehow" of the Church. Therefore, EVERYONE can (and does!) go to heaven. Isn't that Nice? Rather than point out that the word "outside" as used above in an Ex Cathedra infallible statement could ONLY have meaning if it actually conveyed a meaning, let me take a slightly different approach. The "Church of the Faithful" MUST mean a certain organization and institution and no other. The Church does a number of unique things. One is to offer Mass for the remission of sins;another is teach the Marian dogmas. If one give his "loyalty to any other organization, THEN one is not in the one Church of the Faithful. The one true Church is that which is united by dogma and morality. There are not two "Catholic" positions on abortion, nor on the Real Presence, nor the Assumption. Nor are these dogmas "optional." So if part of the "church" (sic) holds other than the truth on these matters, then this part is not part of the true Church, and those who are members of this "part" are NOT members of the true Church. To put is slightly differently, if the words "Church," "one," and "outside" means anything at all, then the statement MUST be understood as it reads--clear, distinct, and dogmatic. If these words are so open to interpretation that one can define "church" as including Protestants, Rabbinical Jews, Mohammedans, etc, then language has been destroyed and real communication is impossible. Yet this is exactly what happens if the clear teachings of the Church are denied. EVERY word thereby becomes open to "alternative" understandings. If Joe Prot who denies the perpetual virginity of the Blessed Mother is "somehow" a real member of the "church" so that salvation is "possible" for him as he now believes, then the teachings of the "church" are on both sides of this (and every other) issue. Jesus told us that a kindgom divided against itself can not stand. To us faithful the Blessed Sacrament is Jesus. To the others it is a piece of bread. This DIVIDES us; therefore, both sides can NOT be within the same kingdom of Christ. This principle is true with regard to EVERY dogma. Therefore, if the above statement does not mean exactly, precisely, clearly what it "says," then there is no "Church of the Faithful." Lumen Gentium#16. "But in their sincere search of the truth of God they 'are ordained to' or 'ordered to' Christ and to its Body, the Church. They are found however in a deficit situation,..." Please note that the Pope is not saying that these non-Christians are "related to" the Church, but are in fact "ordained to" and still in a "deficit situation" as regards their eternal salvation. By saying thus, the Pope refute's the translation placed on the Encyclical Mystici Corporis by the 1949 Protocol Letter of the Holy Office, which Letter uses the erroneous translation of "related to" instead of the correct "ordained towards". ... Father Feeney and the Truth About Salvation, Chapter 9, wherein the Holy Office letter and the Encyclical Mystici Corporis are discussed.] The reader must keep in mind that "Our Sunday Visitor" is a LIBERAL publication and they quote the so-called new catechism of the catholic church. "The three Ex Cathedra definitions by three different popes are objective truths applicable for all time, and not subject to interpretations which contradict the obvious, literal meaning intended by the popes who defined them, nor subject to the vicissitudes of history or cultures." "Any contrary opinions which have been expressed by popes who were not defining, or by the private speculations of saints or theologians, ought to be rendered null and void by the three solemn definitions of the popes on Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus, and by the Decrees of the Council of Trent." Fr. Feeney can't be accused of heresy because "Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus" is what the Church has always taught. Fr. Feeney was and remain until his death a faithful Catholic and that in essence it was the political correct thing to Slander his good name. Fr. Feeney was never tried by any Church Tribunal on his procedure, doctrines, or any of the other things that are associated with his name. Neither Fr. Feeney nor the Cardinal was ever tried on the issue of heresy. It was Fr. Feeney who accused them of heresy NOT the other way around. Fr. Feeney was NEVER publicly accused of anything except disobeying the order of going to Holy Cross. His actions was justified on two basis: 1)the compulsion of conscience 2)The Cardinal was wrong and Fr. Feeney was FACTUALLY RIGHT.
Rating:  Summary: Proves there is no such thing as a new heresy. Review: This is one of the most useful books to have crossed my desk in months. Rev. Richard Hogan examines the heresies which have beset the Church from the Ascension to the present. This book is a historical goldmine, shedding light on such heresies as Gnosticism, Arianism, Nestorianism, Luther and the Reformers, and even modern crisis in the Church. A thorough reading of this book will show the reader that there really is no such thing as a new heresy. There isn't a heresy that hasn't already been dealt with in the Church's 2,000-year history. One comes away from this book with a deep appreciation for a Church that has withstood the tests of time. I highly recommend this book for all students of the Church. It pulls together all of the false religious teachings that the Church has survived into one place.
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