Rating:  Summary: Power Packed Bold Truth About Tithing Review: "Tithing" the 64 page book by Norman Robertson is a powerful, informative, no nonsense teaching on why tithing is for today, and what blessings and promises from God's Word tithing holds for the Christian that will practice tithing in a faithful manner when based on Biblical truth.This book is short, to the point and guaranteed to challenge and inspire the true believer.
Rating:  Summary: Tithing: Not a Personal Decision - A Biblical Mandate! Review: After reading the review below, I just had to write a comment. As a pastor, I have tried over the years to explain the importance of tithing to my congregation - tithing is an act of obedience to God's Word. Even though I gave the message of tithing regularly, I continued to get questions from members who clearly misunderstood the message. A friend recommended Norman's book and after reading it, I purchased a copy for each family in my church. For many church members who already tithed, it was re-affirmation that what they had being doing was Biblical. For those who "tipped" God occasionally, the light went on: the very next week after giving out the books, I got lots of calls. People asked why I hadn't told them this stuff before - I had, just not as simply and clearly as this tithing book. The result to our church is an increase in tithes and cancellation of church debt. The result to our members is increase and promotion at work and in their businesses. This book is not the theological masterpiece of the century: it is a simple and easy to understand message about the truth of stewardship and tithing. It contains simple stories and illustrations about the benefits of tithing to the local church. As far as I can see (and I have talked with other ministers about this book) every point that Dr. Robertson makes in this book is backed by scripture! I encourage you to get this book and decide for yourself.
Rating:  Summary: Tithing: Not a Personal Decision - A Biblical Mandate! Review: After reading the review below, I just had to write a comment. As a pastor, I have tried over the years to explain the importance of tithing to my congregation - tithing is an act of obedience to God's Word. Even though I gave the message of tithing regularly, I continued to get questions from members who clearly misunderstood the message. A friend recommended Norman's book and after reading it, I purchased a copy for each family in my church. For many church members who already tithed, it was re-affirmation that what they had being doing was Biblical. For those who "tipped" God occasionally, the light went on: the very next week after giving out the books, I got lots of calls. People asked why I hadn't told them this stuff before - I had, just not as simply and clearly as this tithing book. The result to our church is an increase in tithes and cancellation of church debt. The result to our members is increase and promotion at work and in their businesses. This book is not the theological masterpiece of the century: it is a simple and easy to understand message about the truth of stewardship and tithing. It contains simple stories and illustrations about the benefits of tithing to the local church. As far as I can see (and I have talked with other ministers about this book) every point that Dr. Robertson makes in this book is backed by scripture! I encourage you to get this book and decide for yourself.
Rating:  Summary: ***Best Ever!*** Review: As a pastor, I have tried over the years to explain the importance of tithing to my congregation - tithing is an act of obedience to God's Word. Even though I gave the message of tithing regularly, I continued to get questions from members who clearly misunderstood the message. A friend recommended Norman's book and after reading it, I purchased a copy for each family in my church. For many church members who already tithed, it was re-affirmation that what they had being doing was Biblical. For those who "tipped" God occasionally, the light went on: the very next week after giving out the books, I got lots of calls. People asked why I hadn't told them this stuff before - I had, just not as simply and clearly as this tithing book. The result to our church is an increase in tithes and cancellation of church debt. The result to our members is increase and promotion at work and in their businesses. This book is not the theological masterpiece of the century: it is a simple and easy to understand message about the truth of stewardship and tithing. It contains simple stories and illustrations about the benefits of tithing to the local church. As far as I can see (and I have talked with other ministers about this book) every point that Dr. Robertson makes in this book is backed by scripture! I encourage you to get this book and decide for yourself.
Rating:  Summary: Tithing: Not a Personal Decision, but a Biblical Mandate! Review: As a pastor, I have tried over the years to explain the importance of tithing to my congregation - tithing is an act of obedience to God's Word. Even though I gave the message of tithing regularly, I continued to get questions from members who clearly misunderstood the message. A friend recommended Norman's book and after reading it, I purchased a copy for each family in my church. For many church members who already tithed, it was re-affirmation that what they had being doing was Biblical. For those who "tipped" God occasionally, the light went on: the very next week after giving out the books, I got lots of calls. People asked why I hadn't told them this stuff before - I had, just not as simply and clearly as this tithing book. The result to our church is an increase in tithes and cancellation of church debt. The result to our members is increase and promotion at work and in their businesses. This book is not the theological masterpiece of the century: it is a simple and easy to understand message about the truth of stewardship and tithing. It contains simple stories and illustrations about the benefits of tithing to the local church. As far as I can see (and I have talked with other ministers about this book) every point that Dr. Robertson makes in this book is backed by scripture! I encourage you to get this book and decide for yourself.
Rating:  Summary: Thank You! Review: At last a book that has scriptures to back the message of tithing. My church never teaches this subject because they don't want to offend people, but they have done us a dis-service. I read an article that Norman wrote on [another website] and decided to buy his book from amazon. Now I tithe according to the Bible and God has blessed me abundantly!!! Get this book - it'll change your life!
Rating:  Summary: A bold attempt, but weak in Truth... very weak! Review: Bible study is a favorite pastime of mine and I also love to read a lot of books and research biblical themes and do Word studies in the Greek and Hebrew of Scripture. Studying God's Word is one of the most exciting things on earth to engage in, and being in His presence is the ultimate! I've personally found that studying the Bible and spending time with the Lord helps to keep the Christian strong, happy and able to discern truth from error. To date, I've read more than 40 books (by a variety of authors of various opinions and perspectives) concerning the subject of tithing and Christian stewardship. I spent two years researching this topic and studying the Word. That doesn't make me the authority on tithing, but it just means that I've been doing my homework (2 Timothy 2:15). Having been raised with the traditional teaching myself (concerning tithing), I am not surprised by its popularity in the Church today or by the reasons why many pastors support the doctrine. It seems as if our entire modern concept of "church" depends on it. While I believe that most leaders are sincere in their motives for embracing the doctrine of monetary tithing, I equally believe that the doctrine is wholly unbiblical and a tradition wrought by man. In fact its very origins are romanistic almost entirely! The early Church completely refuted the practice for more than 200 years after Calvary before the concept began to slowly creep into traditional practice. While the doctrine's influence stems from some aspects of biblical example, the parallels most Christians make from Old Testament to New Testament are completely inaccurate and actually defy biblical directive concerning matters of giving (especially according to the principles taught by our Lord). The bottom line is: monetary tithing is not a directive for the Christian at all! However; freewill, voluntary giving motivated by love and the prompting of the Spirit of God is. This book, unfortunately, is one of the worst presentations I've seen with the intention of proving that tithing is applicable to Christians. While the cover is flashy and the wording used to encourage Christians to tithe come across as "compelling", the author completely disregards the proper context of Scripture in more places than one and fuels much of his emphasis with traditional teaching rather than bold Scriptural proof. He even includes a section titled "The Tithing Beatitudes". One wonders where such "beatitudes" are found in the Bible or who it is that made Mr. Robertson an authority in the Church to issue these alleged "beatitudes." The fact is, the items Mr. Robertson calls beatitudes are not beatitudes at all and they are nowhere to be found in the Bible. In fact (to put it in blatant terms), they actually neglect biblical fact (though I'm sure the author and many devout tithers would disagree). The real beatitudes applicable to the believer were given to us by the One who has the authority to issue such principles of the Kingdom; JESUS CHRIST! Sincere examination of some of these methods the author uses to enforce his position on tithing will reveal that they, too often, completely neglect Bible fact. Tithing can be a good practice if it is actuated because of a sincere motivation of love and/or obedience to the Spirit of God. But all matters of Christian giving are primarily governed, not by religious mandates like tithing, but by the personal decision of each individual believer in Christ according to their relationship with Him. Neither Jesus, nor the Apostles, taught tithing as a principle for Christians to incorporate in their consideration of how to give to the Lord. We have a bold commandment from Jesus Himself to love one another as He loved us. When Christ is our master, and when His life is our example and motivation, how can something like the old, inferior, cancelled regulation of tithing (Hebrews 7:11-18) presume to be more powerful than the cross of the Lord? It cannot. And that is precisely why this book is inadequate and weak at best. The author, no doubt, means well and is probably motivated according to the traditional teaching he has been indoctrinated with over the years as well. If you're searching for a more thorough, in-depth biblical examination of tithing please check out Russell Earl Kelly's book called "Should The Church Teach Tithing," or Michael and Mitchell Webb's book called, "Beyond Tithes and Offerings". Both are excellent works that take the reader beyond mere traditional teaching and into the meat of Scripture, encouraging the reader to investigate the facts with an honest examination of literal Bible text. In any case, don't just take the word of an author, study it for yourself and submit your understanding to the Lord and ask for His divine counsel and wisdom. Be teachable, humble and a diligent student of the Word. God will be faithful in bringing the truth to light! Praise the Lord!
Rating:  Summary: Another attempt at Mixing Law and Grace... Review: I don't care who the author is; every time someone states that tithing is for today, they usually go to the OT Law to prove it. By doing so, they already have a faulty major premise. Those advocating tithing as binding on the modern-day Christian, have to go to the OT seeing that there are no NT scriptures to support tithing. The only places in the NT where tithing is mentioned deals with tithing under the OT not as a NT principle. Tithing was under the OT Law to which Christ did several things: * Fulfilled it * Abolished it * Nailed it to His cross * Slew the enmity (through his cross) * Blotted out the handwriting of ordinances which were against us All of these references deal with the Law. Consequently, as a one Dr. Jay Snell has noted, we obey the Law not as an external document to damn; but as an inward impulse. And further, if you are a Gentile by birth, you were NEVER under the Law to begin with. Only the Jew was given the Law. Under the New Testament, the Christian was never and is never told to give a certain percentage by compulsion; on the contrary, we have the freedom to give freely as we have purposed in our hearts. Not a legalistic 10%, but an amount that we have chosen from the heart because we give out of love. This also means that giving beyond 10% is possible and probable. Ask yourself reader: "Have I ever been blessed so much that I have not had room to receive it?" This is an oft-quoted promise based upon Malachi 3. But as you drive down the streets of anywhere, USA, you cannot tell the tithers on one side of the street from the non-tithers on the other side. Something is wrong somewhere. I recommend that if you purchase this book, also get other books such as NO More Tithing," and "Beyond Tithes and Offerings." These will provide a balance to the legalism that usually accompanies modern-day teaching concerning tithing.
Rating:  Summary: tithing is unbiblical Review: I have carefully studied the topic and read the Bible verses on this. Tithing is for those under the law. The law was nailed to the cross (Colossians 2:14) when Jesus died and we are set free. The only 'rules' for the New Testament believer are - to give generously (we will get back in the same measure as we give), proportionately (to our salary), cheerfully and what one has individually decided 'in his own heart' to give. There is no compulsion or requirement that we give 10% of our gross income and only to the local church. Here is a link to an article. I pray that you will honestly read it. Since amazon.com does not allow reviewers to include web links, simply go to the [x] search engine and search for the article by Brian Anderson of Milpitas Bible Fellowship entitled "Old Testament Tithing vs New Testament Giving" The article is at [X]
Rating:  Summary: Not a good book Review: I have to agree with Dr. Kelly this is a poor book. There are scripture quotations but they are taken out of context. Makes the case for a biblical command for Christians to tithe but fails to back this up. Also suggests massive "return on investment" for tithing- motivation of such givers seems suspect to me.