Rating:  Summary: A must-have title Review: For those who are in the throes of spiritual warfare, or those who are studying the topic, this title is a must-have for your library. It's not a long read, but it is a deep read - and one that you will find yourself coming back to time and again.Mr. Frangipane is one of my all-time favorite Christian writers. He rightly divides the Word and his wisdom abounds; his humble spirit is found in the essence of his writings. This title, 'The Three Battlegrounds,' will reveal much to the reader on the three most difficult realms of living - with oneself, with one's fellow believers, and with the Lord. The author is astute, with deep knowledge of the Word, and he ever draws the readers back to the source of their faith and love, Jesus Christ. This is one of his best, though all of his writings are on the mark. Be sure to pick up 'Holiness, Truth and the Presence of God' as well. You won't be sorry!
Rating:  Summary: A Field Manual for the Spiritual Warrior Review: Frangipane thoroughly explores spiritual warfare in three arenas: the mind, the church, and heavenly places. Although it is plainly written and easy to understand, this is meat, not milk. This Spirit-led author guides the reader through a training course designed for the prayer warrior. Preparing your heart, examining yourself in the light of the Lord, equipping yourself for battle, entering the fray, and standing in victory in Jesus' name are all stunningly portrayed. So, put on your armor of God, put on your reading glasses, and prepare for war...this book delivers the battle plans of the Captain of our salvation - Jesus Christ!
Rating:  Summary: A must for all intercessors!!! Review: I have read this book three or four times throughout the last 5 years. Everytime I pick it up, the Lord reveals something new to me. As an intercessor this book has proven to be a vital tool in prayer. If you are a prayer warrior, read this book.
Rating:  Summary: Call to Action Review: I've been searching to learn more about intercessory prayer and spiritual warfare. Frankly, I've spent a good deal of my Christian life afraid to engage my spiritual authority over evil as it has been given to me through Christ. I was scared by other Christians who warned about making sure you have no unconfessed sins or unknown sins in your life to be protected. Frangipane addresses these issues but in a sensible way without instilling fear in his readers. This book has inspired me finally to action with complete faith in the authority and righteousness of Jesus. This was an eye-opening read that I saw ring true with what I've been seeing in my daily life. Frangipane focuses on the love that Christians must have for Jesus and for one another. I found myself grabbing the phone to share meaningful insights with my sister (accountability/prayer partner), my mother, my husband, and my friends. After reading this book, I went back and was reading again "Praying God's Word" by Beth Moore (another favorite author of mine) and noticed that many of her quotes in that book come from "The Three Battlegrounds". I found information in the Jezebel chapter in helping me relate to some of my friends who are having trouble in marriage. I found wonderful insights into my own behavior. I found a sense of purpose and direction in which was previously lacking in my own personal spiritual warfare. I can't tell you how many times my hair was standing on end and a loud, "AH-hah" came from me. I know I will use this book over and over again.
Rating:  Summary: Call to Action Review: I've been searching to learn more about intercessory prayer and spiritual warfare. Frankly, I've spent a good deal of my Christian life afraid to engage my spiritual authority over evil as it has been given to me through Christ. I was scared by other Christians who warned about making sure you have no unconfessed sins or unknown sins in your life to be protected. Frangipane addresses these issues but in a sensible way without instilling fear in his readers. This book has inspired me finally to action with complete faith in the authority and righteousness of Jesus. This was an eye-opening read that I saw ring true with what I've been seeing in my daily life. Frangipane focuses on the love that Christians must have for Jesus and for one another. I found myself grabbing the phone to share meaningful insights with my sister (accountability/prayer partner), my mother, my husband, and my friends. After reading this book, I went back and was reading again "Praying God's Word" by Beth Moore (another favorite author of mine) and noticed that many of her quotes in that book come from "The Three Battlegrounds". I found information in the Jezebel chapter in helping me relate to some of my friends who are having trouble in marriage. I found wonderful insights into my own behavior. I found a sense of purpose and direction in which was previously lacking in my own personal spiritual warfare. I can't tell you how many times my hair was standing on end and a loud, "AH-hah" came from me. I know I will use this book over and over again.
Rating:  Summary: Critical Principles for All Believers!!! Review: It is very difficult to present written works that provide detailed information, amazing clarity, inspiration, and an emphasis on Scripture. Francis Frangipane has created just such a work in his presentation of the Three Battlegrounds. Sections one and two reveal very practical information concerning the struggles Christians face in the battle over their minds and their churches. The information revealed in these sections will help to integrate common sense, experience, and practical applications into your church and/or personal devotion. Section three is so simple yet powerful it will blow you away. Here we are taught about the battle involving the Heavenly realm or at the strategic level. Frangipane does not present controversial techniques nor does he disguise his own personal agenda. He simply presents clear information concerning the battles that rage. Like many readers, I underline as I read. Looking back over section three, I have noticed that a majority of the pages have underlining and some chapters are almost completely underlined. Christians of all experience levels and backgrounds will benefit from reading this book. The book reads quickly and easily because there is not any extra opinions or information. The material is well developed but to the point. This work does not present the "shaky ground" findings of some spiritual warfare advocates. It does however present historical, Scriptural, and pracitical information so that prayers can address specific strongholds in all of our lives.
Rating:  Summary: Critical Principles for All Believers!!! Review: It is very difficult to present written works that provide detailed information, amazing clarity, inspiration, and an emphasis on Scripture. Francis Frangipane has created just such a work in his presentation of the Three Battlegrounds. Sections one and two reveal very practical information concerning the struggles Christians face in the battle over their minds and their churches. The information revealed in these sections will help to integrate common sense, experience, and practical applications into your church and/or personal devotion. Section three is so simple yet powerful it will blow you away. Here we are taught about the battle involving the Heavenly realm or at the strategic level. Frangipane does not present controversial techniques nor does he disguise his own personal agenda. He simply presents clear information concerning the battles that rage. Like many readers, I underline as I read. Looking back over section three, I have noticed that a majority of the pages have underlining and some chapters are almost completely underlined. Christians of all experience levels and backgrounds will benefit from reading this book. The book reads quickly and easily because there is not any extra opinions or information. The material is well developed but to the point. This work does not present the "shaky ground" findings of some spiritual warfare advocates. It does however present historical, Scriptural, and pracitical information so that prayers can address specific strongholds in all of our lives.
Rating:  Summary: If you're in ministry: YOU NEED THIS BOOK... Review: Pastor Francis Frangipane has collected some of his very best messages on the spiritual battlegrounds that confront any Christian-worker in today's world and church-world. He identifies most of the major "traps and snares" and how to deal with them in your own life and ministry. I highly recommend ALL of his fine books and booklets; this one is probably the best of its kind available anywhere. ESPECIALLY if you are an intercessor: this book needs to be in your library and read at least two or three times over.(!)
Rating:  Summary: An Excellent Handbook On Spiritual Warfare Review: THE THREE BATTLEGROUNDS is a spiritual warfare manual organized around the theme suggested by its title. The three arenas are the mind, the church and the heavenly places. There are seven or eight chapters devoted to the techniques of spiritual warfare suitable for each separate battleground. The book is based on the belief that spiritual victory depends on both wisdom and virtue. It is suggested that the reader first become familiar with the terms described in the short glossary at the end of the publication. The text is lean but loaded with useful insights and information. THE THREE BATTLEGROUNDS is most valuable as a handbook which we can refer to regularly during our ongoing struggles while waging spiritual warfare.
Rating:  Summary: Don't end up MIA or a POW! Review: This book is the "Art of War" for the christian walk. I have read many great spiritual warfare books in my life but none so advantagous as this one. Francis clearly has spiritual insight as he proclaims "Every battle we face in life is over the Word and whether or not we can build our lives upon the faithfulness and integrity of God." If you are hungry for more information on why you keep stumbling in the same area time and again, pick up this book and read it. I have found that I have the power (through Christ)to overcome the enemy every time. I simply agree with him, that I am a sinner then I confess that sin before the Lord and rejoice. This book has given me the understanding that God sees every sin I do and if I want forgiveness, I have to confess the sin, no matter how embarrasing it may be or how horrible it is. I know much of this seems simple and basic but the devil decieves us by making us think we are not decieved. This book can really help open your eyes to what is wrong in your life and why God seems distant.