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Rating:  Summary: Exposes Gothard's grotesque distortion of biblical faith Review: A carefully-researched, well-documented look into the dark side of Bill Gothard's wealthy and powerful parachurch ministry, exposing cultic doctrine, outrageous Scripture twisting, extreme legalism, a pattern of seemingly abusive treatment of staff, & authoritarian leadership without proper accountability that should be a matter of grave concern among conservative Christians. This book has been strongly endorsed by Jay Adams, Ronald Allen, Elwood Chipchase, Earl Radmacher, Samuel Schultz, Norman Geisler, & many other highly-respected evangelical leaders. Foreword by Ron Rhodes, a well-known expert on cults and apologetics. The authors write in a remarkably irenic and loving spirit, devoid of any personal animus, but are uncompromising in their determination to expose unbiblical teachings and harmful practices. Highly recommended, especially for those who have family members or friends caught in this web of deceit.
Rating:  Summary: Truth that sets the flesh 'free' or Spirit free ?, Review: Even the apostle Paul had those that followed him more than Christ. He would mildly correct those that Christ is the one to follow. No wonder those who have 'followed Bill Gothard' instead of the principles of scripture would be disappointed. I have been apart of the seminar for over 29 years and dont think Mr Gothard is a god. His purpose is to motivate us to get to know who Christ is and grow in that knowledge and experience. Those who put him up on a pedestal no doubt will be disappointed as many of these reviews point out. No man can please everyone all of the time. The concern is that do people reject the principles of scripture and their flesh feels relieved that they can find fault in one who has taught about those principles - so that they can relax in the flesh. Did Moses enter the promise land ? No he didnt. So we should reject what God taught through him ? If the same standards that are used by the authors in the book were used for themselves they would indeed fall short. Follow Christ not a man and you will not be disappointed. But focusing so much to destroy someones reputation can be done to anyone - what does it gain but fleshly strife. If you truly have peace with God you would truly not gloat over what you perceive to be the sins of others but be grieved and pray for those that fall short.
I suggest that you go to the button and click on the most helpful reviews and see for yourselves an accurate consensus of opinion.
Rating:  Summary: These reviews are hilareous Review: I read this book a year ago and was shocked and amazed by what it exposed about Bill Gothard and his teachings. I knew some families that were into Gothardism but I did not know all the teachings and principles behind it. The first couple chapters were very in-depth and the authors bent over backwards to show that they were NOT merely spreading slander but addressing real problems with accountability and sin. I read most of the reviews here and stopped after about 30; they were pretty much all the same--either supporters of the book, or supporters of Bill Gothard. I noticed a trend in the reviews of the followers of Gothard. They pretty much consistantly attacked the character of the authors of this book, while defending Gothard and his teachings and wonderful seminars. My father is a lawyer and it is common for the person who cannot argue with truth to attack the character of the one who is telling the truth. I actually got a good laugh out of their reviews, if you have some time to spare please read through them and see what I am talking about. I thought the reviews in and of themselves gave a good example of how gothardites (lack of better term here) respond to the truth about Gothardism. One review talked about how the authors were wrong in pointing out the sexual sins of Gothard's brother. They in turn named how the son of the authors got into trouble with the law. I wonder if this person even read the book...they obviously missed the point, when I got it clearly, and I am still quite young. The point of the authors was Gothard's handling of the sins of his brother, which was not in accordance to God's Word. THis is just one example of many stupid and ridiculous attacks made in these reviews.
Read the book, I promise it will make you think. And it might make you mad. Good. Truth is controversial.
Rating:  Summary: Book Review Review: I was sent this book to review. Having some familiarity with Don Veinot (whose real name is Lyndon Veinot Jr.) and the Midwest Christian Outreach and having some familiarity with IBLP and Bill Gothard (although I do not know him personally), I was interested to see what this book was all about and why it was written. The authors started out by laying a foundation of how they perceived the state of the church to be in over the last 40 to 50 years. This seemed to be fairly accurate. The rest of the book focused on both Mr. Gothard personally and what is perceived to be taught at the seminar. When examining the arguments, as to refuting what is taught in the seminar conducted by Mr. Gothard, my impressions were that the Veinots, instead of approaching the material with a mature prayerful demeanor, tended to be reactionary instead and used cursory biblical reasonings as to why the seminars teaching were in error. This lack of deep biblical thought was quite noticeable throughout the book. Therefore I think they need to divorce themselves from their emotions (admittedly hard to do at times) and examine very closely the biblical principles which are presented at the seminar with an unattached allegiance to either the detractors or the promoters of the seminar. The next area of the book was focused on Bill Gothard personally. There were certain allegations that were against those close to Mr. Gothard or against those whom worked for his ministry. This tended to focus blame on Mr. Gothard by association rather than direct complaint against Mr. Gothards character. Could we then make a personal attack against Christ for the failures of those around him such as Judas or even Peter (as some non-Christians are wont to do) or should we understand that even those closest to us at times have failures in their lives and that we should do all we can to restore them with to a clear conscience ? This brings us to one final observation. The Veinots have searched out and found that Mr. Gothards brother, over 20 years ago, had been guilty of personal failures in his life. They then try to say that Mr. Gothard should have revealed in detail all the foibles of his brother to the public. Would this have been the proper thing to do ? Or should time be spent in private to restore a brother to fellowship, not excusing it but properly dealing with it in private. We all can think of times when a family member has fallen short of the mark. Should we then publicly ridicule such a one ? If we were to use the same reasonings should then not the Veinots be blamed because their son was arrested in a crime spree, in the Chicago area twelve years ago, with 16 charges of theft.(Chicago Tribune Jan 27, 1991) If you were to now protest vehemently that this matter of the Veinots was just brought up - then shouldn't you be just as repulsed that the Veinots brought up Mr. Gothard's brother's transgressions which were over 20 years ago ? Please be consistent in your deliberations.
Rating:  Summary: Just what I was looking for. Review: I wish I could give this book more than 5 stars. If you, friends or family have been influenced by Bill Gothard, or you are interested, you owe it to your loved ones to read this book. The authors are not slanderous. I found this book to be very interesting to read and very educational. I like to be informed and this book is exactly what I was looking for. I have a waiting list of friends wanting to read this book so I'm buying an extra. My sister in law wants her own so I'm getting one for her.
Rating:  Summary: Truth That Sets Free Review: With deep regret we feel the need to encourage the reading of this book. We are "insiders" who understand and have experienced life under Bill first hand (for 10 years) and have been under his teachings for 15 more. I have worked for him at his headquarters in Oakbrook, IL. With great sincerity and respect we accepted his material as "gospel truth" and applied it to our lives. It would not be fair to omit that we experienced many benefits for making the scriptures the center of our lives, as his followers are encouraged to do. However, the more I became involved with him first hand, the more I began to realize that the ministry, as it appears on the outside, is not at all what it is on the inside. Great inconsistencies surfaced almost immediately after "signing on". With highest regard for Mr. Gothard we over and over again (almost foolishly, looking back at it) gave him the benefit of the doubt; and this to our hurt (almost losing all our savings, our home, our relationships with our children and our health) as so many others have.
Bill Gothard's organization has many devoted and sincere followers who accept him at face value. He is one of the best salesmen I have ever met...his apparent success, testimonies and achievements are carefully promoted (usually by himself). But what is sadly lacking is the absence of genuine love, Christ's kind of love that "seeks not its own", but the welfare of those it serves. He carefully maintains the image of a super-Christian and keeps himself on this pedestal by pushing away any who get too close and would dare to question him or provide any kind of healthy accountability. He is an authoritarian tyrant whose treatment of others is nothing less than oppressive, heartless and cruel. What's so confusing and keeps people coming back is that he can be quite charming and kind at times. When Jesus walked on earth, the greatest problem He had, was with the religious leadership of His day; for although they had an outward display of religious zeal, Jesus pointed out that a heart for God (which should be demonstrated by love for others) was sadly lacking in their lives. This error was so serious that Christ considered them His enemies - they later confirmed their "enemy" status by openly turning on Him and putting him to death.
Great pains were taken in the writing of this book to be fair and accurate. Much room and allowance was given for normal human frailties. But as we have witnessed, the half has not been told. Having now been away from this organization for some time, I am amazed as to how blinded I have been. If it had not been for the pleas, prayers and fastings of my closest friend I don't think I would have realized my mistake before it was tragic. Sadly, most that leave are not as fortunate as I have been, but leave used, destitute, and disillusioned. This book very clearly explains the irony as to how this could continue to happen over and over again.
The final chapter of Bill Gothard's life has not been written and if things continue as they are, it will be one of great heartache, sadness and loss for many, especially for those who propagate his authoritarian hypocrisy in families and churches across the land. The pages of this book would save many from great error if they would but prayerfully consider the restorative spirit in which it was written.
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