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Rating:  Summary: MidWest Book Review Review: I have grown so weary of ministering to men who scream at their wives, " You must submit and do anything I say," and have the nerve to call it Godly. Finally in Mr. Haggins wonderful book he addresses this problem and so many more that face women today.So many women have been led to feel as if they were second class citizens in the spiritual realm. That is not the case, but rather God deeply loves and respects women. Rev. Haggin explains in simple terms what all the Scriptures concerning women taking roles of authority, fulfilling commissions and just plain being used in God's Kingdom really means. This book is a real eye opener and should be required reading for all women and men who are serious about obeying God and His Word. Well worth your time. Highly recommended.
Rating:  Summary: MidWest Book Review Review: I have grown so weary of ministering to men who scream at their wives, " You must submit and do anything I say," and have the nerve to call it Godly. Finally in Mr. Haggins wonderful book he addresses this problem and so many more that face women today. So many women have been led to feel as if they were second class citizens in the spiritual realm. That is not the case, but rather God deeply loves and respects women. Rev. Haggin explains in simple terms what all the Scriptures concerning women taking roles of authority, fulfilling commissions and just plain being used in God's Kingdom really means. This book is a real eye opener and should be required reading for all women and men who are serious about obeying God and His Word. Well worth your time. Highly recommended.
Rating:  Summary: Something that confused me. Review: I read this book through okay. But there was an instance where I wasn't totally satisfied with Hagin's explanation in regards to Ephesians 5:24 where the scripture says "Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing". Hagins answer reflected the fact that in the mouths of two or three witnesses shall every word be established. That did not satisfy me. I had to do my own research. I found the answer directly from the verse itself, instead of my "own bible". Wives are to be subject to their own husband, just like the church is subject to Christ. The verse doesn't stop there, is continues by saying "in every thing". In every thing what? In every thing that is Christ like. You see, if the verse stopped before it reached "every thing", then there might have been a problem. But, "every thing" refers to a christian and christlike relationship. Hagin doesn't say this, I'll admit. But I don't read after Hagin for his Theology, I read after the truth in the Bible that he teaches. This book is a good starting point for research, and cover the issues very well.
Rating:  Summary: Something that confused me. Review: I read this book through okay. But there was an instance where I wasn't totally satisfied with Hagin's explanation in regards to Ephesians 5:24 where the scripture says "Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing". Hagins answer reflected the fact that in the mouths of two or three witnesses shall every word be established. That did not satisfy me. I had to do my own research. I found the answer directly from the verse itself, instead of my "own bible". Wives are to be subject to their own husband, just like the church is subject to Christ. The verse doesn't stop there, is continues by saying "in every thing". In every thing what? In every thing that is Christ like. You see, if the verse stopped before it reached "every thing", then there might have been a problem. But, "every thing" refers to a christian and christlike relationship. Hagin doesn't say this, I'll admit. But I don't read after Hagin for his Theology, I read after the truth in the Bible that he teaches. This book is a good starting point for research, and cover the issues very well.
Rating:  Summary: Fairly balanced approach Review: I think Hagin gives a fairly balanced approach to this mine field of a topic. He is definetly convinced that women should be able to minister in all the ways men are, yet here and there he inserts quotes from people he respects that advocate that women should have a certain submisive attitude while doing it. (He cites a woman who preaches and starts churches but won't baptise). I personally see no problem with women baptizing or serving in any of the 5 fold office gifts. I do believe that 1 Timothy 2 is refering to women in general and not just "wives", though I could be wrong. The word translated "authority" in 1 Tim 2 is used nowhere else in scripture. The context though puts it in reference to eldership. Hagin doesn't touch this interesting point. I believe the scriptures thus teach that a woman may be an evangelist or an apostle, but the eldership of a local church should be composed of the Fathers and Husbands. It's not a matter of gifting at all, simply placing the responsibility on men to step up and take resposibility for their local church.
Rating:  Summary: Why isn't there a "0 stars" option? Review: In recognition of the inherent ambiguity in Greek regarding the word 'gyne' the first step is to replace the word 'women' with what Kenneth E. Hagin deems the most appropriate rendering; 'wife'. So, as I see it, Kenneth is saying:
1.) The command in 1 Timothy 2:11-15 has only to do with a wife not having authority over her husband. And so, by implication, an adult woman (for all agree that a child is not to wield authority over a parent) may have authority over any man that is not her husband, if she is married, and over all men, if she is unmarried.
2.) The command has only to do with her not teaching her husband and that teaching other men is allowed. In clearer terms, the verse has nothing to do with the public activities of educating or instructing men that are not her husband; but, instead, has only to do with a wife not publicly teaching her own husband.
3.) The command for women to be silent in 1 Corinthians 14:33b-40 is for wives only and whatever teaching and authority in view in the first two points must be done non-verbally.
Now, all that is left to do is to apply Kenneth's correct hermetical principle, namely that if using `wife' leads to an absurd rendering, and conversely using `woman' leads to a clearer rendering, then one is grammatically bound to use `woman' (and vice versa, of course).
Since one is reason bound to declare point three as utterly absurd one must conclude that since using `wife' results in absurdity one must therefore prefer using the word `women' instead.
Why isn't there a "0 stars" option?
Rating:  Summary: What women need to know, what men need to understand... Review: Kenneth Hagin really hits the nail on the woman issue of preaching, teaching, being pastors, evangelists, prophetesses, etc! Finally, the truth of the scriptures are spoken out through the anointing of this book. People have to realize that if God can cause a "rock" to cry out, why, then, can't he use a woman to do great exploits... People are stuck in that tradition loop where it says that a woman should keep silence in churches.. But what really was the Apostle Paul saying? Was he saying that woman shouldn't preach the gospel, or that they should stop talking, and asking questions during service, interrupting the preacher and those who were listening?? Many will like this book, but those who are enslaved by their own way of thinking will debate... If it was against God's word for women to preach the gospel, people like Joyce Meyer, Juanita Bynum, Jackie McCullough & Gloria Copeland would not be used so mightily of God.. Many are called, but few are chosen.. We have a lot of men who are not answering the calling in their lives.. God is just looking for "someone" who will...Whether it be male or female.. The reason why we have these bodies is to "express" the life that is in us. So to say that a woman should not teach is like saying, "you're not to express the life that is in you because you're a woman." If that's the case, then woman are better off sinners than saints!! Nonsense!! Preach away sistas!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Women Be Free! Review: Let your women keep silence in churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the Law. And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church. What? Came the word of God from you? Or came it unto you only? Holy Bible, 1 Co.14:34-36 (KJV) Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over a man, but to be in silence. 1 Tim. 2:11-12 Adam Clark, one of the most respected theologians and author of a standard Bible commentary wrote on the subject of these verses about women keeping silent in Church... "They are the only verses in the whole Book of God, which even by a false translation can be made prohibitory of women speaking in the Church. How come then, that by these passages, which according to the best Greek authorities, are wrongly rendered, and wrongly applied. How comes it then, that women's lips have been sealed for centuries. How is it, that these texts have been allowed to stand unexamined, and unexplained for centuries?" In his book 'The Woman Question', Reverand Hagin has fulfilled Clark's request magnificently. He analyzes the Scriptures which have kept women bound for centuries, and rightly-divides by the Holy Spirit, illuminating God's wonderful redemptive plan for women, the same as men. Brother Hagin makes the point that Full Gospel (Pentecostal) believers make the loudest claim to adhering most closely to the Word of God of all Christians, yet they do not 'silence women' and they readily 'allow women to teach men'. Therefore, either Full Gospeldom had erred, or traditionalists have missed something very important. Women have been kept in bondage for centuries, and whole denominations founded upon a profound misunderstanding of the verses which clearly state that women should remain silent in Church. Hagin points out that in the original Greek there is only one word for man, none for husband, only one Greek word for woman, and none for wife. Herein lies the key. Therefore, the reader must decide from the context if the Holy Spirit means women in general, or wives. For example verse 34 cannot be describing ALL women, because all women don't have husbands. Clearly unmarried women are not included in this injunction. So in this verse the Greek word 'gyne' should be translated as 'wives'. Similarly, with the other verse; Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over a man, but to be in silence. 1 Tim. 2:11,12 Here Paul is not talking about ALL women but about wives, and about wives learning something, and asking questions. When the Greek word 'gyne' is translated as wife instead of woman, then these 'troublesome' verses make sense, and harmonize perfectly with the rest of Scripture. See how it reads when 'gyne' is interpreted as wife, and husband rather than 'man' is used. (Both perfectly legitimate translations). Let the wife learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a wife to teach, nor to usurp authority over a husband, but to be in silence. 1 Tim. 2:11,12 The Author points out the need for such an injuncution regarding wives. There is no need to prevent women in general from dictating to men in general, that was not the problem, nor will it ever be. But some wives certainly have tried to dictate to their husbands. Paul and the Holy Spirit are simply saying that they shouldn't. Furthermore, in Paul's day, women were poorly educated, and if they didn't understand something, they should not disturb the meeting, but rather ask their husbands when they get home. Having preached in Hill Tribe cultures where both men and women are still poorly educated, I can personally vouch for this interpretation. Our meetings contained lots of women, often sitting at the back suckling babies. When one didn't understand something, she would start a conversation, "What does he mean?" Another woman would try to explain to her, "Well, it's like this..." Somebody else would join in loudly, "No, he's saying..." Soon I'd lose their attention, and they would become a noisy distraction, to the rest of the people. Thank God, He's left us a clear instruction for such situations, to tell them to be quiet, and ask their husbands to explain when they get home. Hagin emphasizes the importance of the Law of Scriptural Interpretation. That every Scripture must be interpreted in the light of every other Scripture on the same subject, and it MUST harmonize with all other Scripture. Was Paul, writing under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, illogical enough to 'tell women to be quiet' in the 14th Chapter of First Conthians, whilst telling them that they could pray (out loud) and prophesy (out loud) in the 11th Chapter of the same epistle? Of course not! But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered dishonoureth her head; for that is even all as if she were shaven. 1 Co. 11:5 Paul would not prevent women speaking messages from God, he would allow His daughters to prophesy. (As foretold in Joel's prophecy, fulfilled in Acts 2.) Neither should anybody else stop women prophesying under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Brother Hagin states that he is convinced that Paul was saying; "I suffer not a wife to teach or usurp authority over a husband." With the proviso, that if the husband were not yet a Christian, she might well have to teach him. Even take authority in the home if the husband is not assuming his role in godly leadership. The Woman Question covers other topics in equally illuminating style with chapters entitled; Is the Man the Head of the Woman? Must Wives Always Obey their Husbands? Must Women have their Heads Covered in Church? Proper Dress and Adornment for Christian Women And concludes that with God, there is neither male nor female, just people. The distinction God makes is founded not on sex but on marital status. In Church matters, in regard to spiritual concerns in the Body of Christ, there are no distinnctions between men and women. As far as God is concerned, there are none. Many Christians go wrong by missing the point of these verses. They relate not to a man-woman situation, but to a husband-wife one. The man is not the head of the woman in the Church. The husband is the head of his wife in the home. There is therefore neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female; for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. Gal.3:26-28 In concluding this review I challenge you if you claim to be a Christian, if you hunger after truth, not tradition, if you are willing to repent when Jesus shows you your error, to read this powerful Scriptural analysis of the 'Woman verses'. I, as a man, a Spirit-filled follower of Christ, and a full-time missionary, have no hesitation in unreservedly endorsing every word of Reverand Hagin's anointed book 'The Woman Question'. Every Christian man and woman should read it, and seek the Lord for fresh revelation of this vital issue. To those willing to repent and follow Christ. It's message will fit like an old-glove on a bruised hand, and be a life-transforming blessing in your walk with the Saviour. Buy it, and put copies in your Church library, and in your public library. Give it to your pastor and the women in your life, and the Lord will confirm His Word.
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