To read The Ways of God is to sit in a polished pew on Sunday morning at the local Southern Baptist church, listening to a well-thought-out sermon series. Bestselling author Henry Blackaby (Experiencing God) and coauthor Roy Edgemon expound on simple scriptural truths about God, point by point, in short, topical bursts that can easily be assimilated by the reader. Familiar stories and personal anecdotes pepper the text, heavily seasoned with appropriate scripture. The authors examine five facets of the "ways of God," starting with the premise that God's ways are not the ways of the world. God's ways, they write, are those of love. God's ways are also sovereign: "God is in control. God can stop a storm or an earthquake because He is sovereign. He can save the vilest sinner because He is sovereign." Because of this, the authors believe that peace, rather than worry, should reign in us throughout every circumstance. "People watching you go through the same situation that they go through should see the difference that your God-based outlook makes." God's ways are true. "Jesus rebuked unbelief because it denies Him. If something is true, that should settle it." God's ways are also eternal: "If you talk about Jesus, you had better live what you talk, or you can blur in time what people should be seeing of eternity." No room for mystery, doubt, or questioning here--just good, old-fashioned, biblical preaching. --Cindy Crosby