Rating:  Summary: Mary call her self Inmaculate Conception,Aparition Francia Review: To give honor to Mary is to give honor to all ladys and to Jesus his son. Some religious people thinks that Mary have a place of honor in God heart but they refuse what give to Mary that honor of place, are this a contradiction? Yes for sure. If we read Luke we would find there what and why is she called Coredemptrix.In there we read, Simeon took the baby in his hands and giving thanks to God he said this baby is for the rise of a lot of people of israel and you Mary would recieve a knife in your heart and because of this the heart of many would be open.Simeon is very clear he said by this pain of Mary through her son many would open their hearts with the coperation of pain in Marys heart. This means too, that Mary is always the ones who would acompany Jesus in his travesy through the earth and not for coincidence but because she is the new EVE and Jesus the new Adam. With that title Coredemptrix the catolic church is not putting Mary as a savior but as the new Eve as the new women whithout sin with Jesus the new Adam and also giving to Mary the participation in the plan of salvation.All woman in the world have to rejoice if the church granted this title to Mary because that means her dignity her image of woman is along and always closed in all participation with jesus our Lord and also place of honor in the earth and in heaven of all ladys with God.
Rating:  Summary: "Generations shall call me blessed!" Review: Understanding of all phenomena, natural or supernatural is based on a synthesis of observable instances including empirical and intuitive, logical assumptions, and deductive analysis. In Christianity this understanding is called dogma, or what it is we beleive. There are many places where doctrinal error can be introduced into dogma, so great precision, and time must be allowed for all the ramifications of neologisms to be assessed before it is accepted as dogma. This is not to say that all neologisms are in error, but rather to say great care must be taken with them.St. Augustine was a great theologian, and he understood the care needed to maintain the dogma very much. But some of his speculations about the nature of sin, and the nature of the Holy Spirit have come to be accepted without proper care in the Occidental Churches, which have been rejected by the Eastern Orthodox Christian faith. One of St. Augustine's neologisms is treated in this book very carefully by St. John Maximovitch--the neologism of original sin, or that mankind is liable for the guilt of Adam and Eve. The neologism of original sin, adopted by the Roman Catholic Church, created a logical problem, that of our Lord Savior's birth as a descendant of Adam and Eve. Surely our Lord Christ did not inherit the guilt of Adam and Eve. If he did, then his death on the Cross was meaningless. In order to address this, the Roman Catholic Church, instead of recognizing the error of adopting Augustine's speculation, introduced yet another error, that of the Immaculate Conception. St. John Maximovitch addresses this error eloquently, demonstrating how the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception does not glorify the Theotokos, but indeed, denies her of her rightful honor. St. John Maximovitch is careful to never malign the purity of the All-Holy (Panagia) Theotokos (God-Bearer). St. John Maximovitch also addresses the modern error of the Protestant rejection of Mary as someone worthy of veneration and honor in the Church. This error is nothing more than a childish reaction to the error of the Roman Catholic Church. The Protestants, recognized that the dogma of Mary had been compromised by the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception. But instead of examing the doctrinal elements of Marian dogma, preserving what it true, and rejecting that which is false, have rejected it in its entirety. In fact, much of Protestant dogma is simply a negative uncalculated response to the errors of the Roman Catholic Church. What they fail to realize is that in their rejection of Sacred Tradition, they have made themselves vulnerable to any and all neologistic speculations. This is a wonderful book, explaining much of the Orthodox Christian Faith in the context of Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture. I highly recommend this book to anyone and all who wish to understand the special place the Theotokos has in the Church, and how to venerate her properly without confusion. This is a truly special book, written by no less than a modern Saint, living in a modern America. It will change the Way you see the Theotokos, and the Way you see the Church.