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Rating:  Summary: A Must Read Review: For any cradle Catholic who wonders what Happened. And for any recent convert who wonders what all the fuss was about.The premise of the book may or may not be contrived. (A communist agent who leaves behind a diary, to be discovered by a nurse, at his death)But what the diary contains is indisputable. It is what has happened to the Catholic Church.It's a thin book, that packs a lot of punch. I read it 2 years ago, and still refer to it.
Rating:  Summary: Interesting Monologue Review: I read many good things about this book. I'd say that I was 90% satisified ... the lacking coming from perhaps too high expectations after having read several of the other reviews.One thing I would like to come to more knowledge about, is if this book comes from a real story or a realistic story. Either way, it gives a unique insight on ways which the modern world attacks Holy Mother Church. The actual implication is found only sparcely in the book -- however the ideas for destroying the truth in the Church abound. It is well worth the read, as it flows fast and you should finish it in one or two days. If you liked this book, you may like "Against the Heresies" by Archbishop Lefebvre. The one caution, however, is an arguable excommunition he inflicted onto himself for ordaining four bishops outside of papal approval in 1988.
Rating:  Summary: Interesting Monologue Review: I read many good things about this book. I'd say that I was 90% satisified ... the lacking coming from perhaps too high expectations after having read several of the other reviews. One thing I would like to come to more knowledge about, is if this book comes from a real story or a realistic story. Either way, it gives a unique insight on ways which the modern world attacks Holy Mother Church. The actual implication is found only sparcely in the book -- however the ideas for destroying the truth in the Church abound. It is well worth the read, as it flows fast and you should finish it in one or two days. If you liked this book, you may like "Against the Heresies" by Archbishop Lefebvre. The one caution, however, is an arguable excommunition he inflicted onto himself for ordaining four bishops outside of papal approval in 1988.
Rating:  Summary: A work of fiction Review: If you like fiction and do not like the many changes in the Catholic Church since Vatican II, then this book is for you. You will get much to criticize since this book criticizes much. An unidentified nurse (author supposedly died in 1984) obtains notes from a dieing man that is supposed to be a priest (for convience, nothing can be substantiated). The notes describes a man that was adopted at age 4. He became so emotionally disillusioned at age 14, when he found out that he was adopted, that he left his loving parents, left the Church that he was so devoted to, and became a communist. (Many children have been adopted and are grateful to their adopted parents.) His assignment was to become a Catholic priest and influence change in the Church??? This book appears to be more the result of someone opposed to the changes in the Church after Vatican II and thus attribute these changes to be a communist plot (imagine the communists having such influence for change). The notes only refer to how this super-intelligent priest influenced the changes in the Church and little about his life except how he influenced these changes. It even has a romantic encounter that ends with the woman becoming a clostered nun (how romantic). It is my contention that this is simply a book about sour-grapes. It is NOT well written at that. I personally do not like many of the changes that have occured over the last 35-years but do not give credit to a communist plot. Read it if you must but credit it only as fiction. Nothing more. The only worthwhile reason I can think to read this book is to see how many changes have occured in the Church since Vatican II. God bless.
Rating:  Summary: True or not, what it claims has actually come true Review: It may not seem very true, the book was published after Vatican II which brought controversies. But they say it is an account of a plot that started in 1938. Still, true or not, it tells about many of the things that has brought the Catholic Church to crisis. In my eyes, this book's writer was a bit prophetic, because it talks about things that have actually come true.
Rating:  Summary: One of the most important books you could ever read! Review: This book is a shocking eye-opener, about how the communists have infiltrated the Catholic church and how they destroy the dogma. Most people don't know how damaging communism has been to the Church, but you'll know why the Holy Father keeps denouncing communism all the time after you read this book. Also, the Fatima prophesy takes on a whole new meaning after reading this book. More information along these lines can be found by reading Father Malachi Martin's books.
Rating:  Summary: come ON people Review: This book is absolutely ridiculous. Obviously someone with a delusional, gigantic ego wrote this fictional book. I have a friend reading this and eating up every word and it just makes me sick. There was nothing in this book that made me believe that it is true. The only thing the author is good at is twisting recent changes in the Church and making them appear evil. As someone who is active in the Church I can tell you he good that has come about because of the changes from Vatican II. Do not believe the lies portrayed in this book!
Rating:  Summary: Con job Review: This book is one of two things: either the most incredible revelation of infiltration of the Catholic Church, or a fairly boring piece of fiction. As I began reading it, I was prepared to believe that it was true. The more I read, however, the more I became convinced that it must be a work of fiction. The things that convinced me were: (1) The whole story about how the book came to be in the hands of a poor Catholic nurse stretches credibility, particularly when the nurse intrudes her own words into the narrative. (2) The anonymous author claims to be a Communist, but speaks almost exclusively using Catholic terminology. (3) His motivations in writing his "memoirs" are very unconvincing. He says that he is only writing them to get them out of his system and that he intends to destroy them before anyone can read them, but the book looks very much as if it is intended for publication; in particular, the "romance" with a young woman is too much like a stereotyped romantic fiction. The letter from the young woman sounds like something out of a melodrama. (And people do not quote others' letters in full in their memoirs, unless those memoirs are intended for publication.) The whole thing looks nothing like a set of private memoirs. (4) He claims too much: that is, to have thought up just about every change which has occurred in the Catholic Church in the past 40 years. In other words, everything this man claims to have thought of has either come about or been seriously suggested by people in the Church. If this is true, it would make this anonymous man the most influential Catholic of at least the last 19 centuries. (5) Despite this enormous influence which he claims, and despite his claim that he is writing the book only for himself, he is awfully vague about how he worked. As a result, the whole thing is extremely unconvincing. (6) Both the style and content are amazingly similar to what one reads in typical traditionalist attacks on the modern Catholic Church. (7) As the book goes on, it becomes more and more preoccupied with traditionalist concerns, and almost completely abandons any attempt to tell a story. In conclusion, this book is a work of fiction. As everything in it denies even the possibility that it could be fiction, it is a con job - one which successfully conned me out of my money, since I bought it. Judging from the other reviews, it seems that many others have also been conned by it. I am prepared to believe, if given sufficient evidence, that Communists may have deliberately infiltrated the Catholic priesthood; but this book offers no evidence.
Rating:  Summary: Review from the Publisher Review: This book was THE ANSWER to my many questions about the Catholic Church of today. It will shock any devout Catholic who has been led down the path of the NOVUS ORDO in all innocence, and makes suspect all the Roman Catholic Bishops and Archbishops who will not allow the traditional Tridentine Mass. I doubt any devout Catholic can put down this book willingly before reading it cover to cover.
Rating:  Summary: REQUIRED READING FOR RC CLERGY AND ALL ROMAN CATHOLICS Review: This short book is worth its weight in gold and then some....Every ROMAN CATHOLIC CLERGY SHOULD READ IT. AND I RECOMMEND THAT YOU BUY THE BOOK AND GIVE IT AS A GIFT TO YOUR LOCAL RC PRIEST. The author of this book #1025 in a long line of recruits writes his memoirs for his own personal use (not for publication). He, however, is fatally injured in an automobile accident and the nurse who attends him inherits his briefcase with the contents of the book. He carries no identification papers but his code #1025 and his notes about how he was recruited, how he became a priest and how he schemed and infiltrated the Roman Catholic hierachy to systematically destroy and dismantle the traditional teachings and liturgy of the Church. This is a revealing diabolical scheme which began sometime after WWI and continues to this day. The plan of one world religion coupled with the secular plan of one world government that the ILLUMINATI AND FREEMASONS have planned for the last 3 CENTURIES can only become fruitful if THEY can penetrate and corrupt the only TRUE CHURCH, THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. By using one of its tentacles, communism, the octopus of the illuminati penetrates and corrupts the RCC from within because it was unable to destroy it from the outside. THE Freemasons' inability to penetrate the RC Church externally also drive them in by recruiting members from the clergy. Among those recruited johnXXIII, paulVI, JPI, JPII and most of the cardinals(current)and past, bishops etc. All the plans and the changes put forth in this invaluable document HAVE TAKEN PLACE IN THE CHURCH SINCE THE MURDER OF POPE PIUS XII in 1958. He resisted change and warned against modernistic ecumenism. The "red" papal claimant john XXIII opened the doors of the Vatican to the devil. By this time, the anti-apostles had already infiltrated the hierachy as AA-1025 explains and the seeds already planted in prior decades together with john XXIII the gardener bloomed during the "illegally" called Vatican II. Paul VI , another papal claimant destroyed the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, by engaging protestant ministers to slash and desecrate not just the liturgy but also the altar, and the traditions associated with the Mass and the appearances of the Churches and its priests and nuns. Most Roman Catholics are unaware that Pope Pius V in 1570 fixed for all time in the Bull "Quo Primum" that there be only one rite for the celebration of the Mass and that is the Mass of the Latin Rite. This decree was to last in perpetuity and could never be legally revoked or amended at a future date. (dated july 19, 1570). This is the infallibility of the Pope. That under the guidance of the Holy Ghost at work, there can be no error in matters of faith. This celebration of the Mass and the way it is said IS CONSIDERED A MATTER OF FAITH. Christ cannot contradict HIMSELF. When the Pope by virtue of his APostolic Authority commands something in PERPETUITY, for all times, that is what it means. It also means it cannot be contradicted at a later date by a successor. THERE IS THE RUB! ! ! HERE IS JUST ONE OF THE ERRORS OF VATICAN II ! ! ! IN TOTAL THERE ARE 202 HERESIES FROM VATICAN II AND STILL COUNTING ! ! ! HERE IS JUST ONE OF THE DISTINCT ERRORS THAT AA-1025 SUCCESSFULLY ACCOMPLISHED. HERE IS HIS SHORT-LIVED SUCCESS--CHANGING THE MASS. Now k.w. aka jp2, is also a heretic( 101 HEREISES AND STILL COUNTING)because he changes the words of the CONSECRATION OF THE MASS and therefore invalidates the NOVOS ORDO(short for new world order) mass even further... In case those of you who are Roman Catholic did not know, the Rite of Blessing the Holy Water was also changed. You see, there were two parts to the blessing. Part I : the blessing itself . Part II: the rite of exorcism. Part II was discarded therefore the so-called Holy Water is not effective because it has not received a proper blessing. The Sacrament of Holy Orders was also changed by the AA agents. Is the priest valid???? That depends on his lineage...This means was the Bishop who conferred Holy Orders on him a validly ordained bishop before the death of Pope Pius XII in 1958. If the lineage is corrupt the priest is not a validly ordained one. THESE ARE JUST A FEW OF THE CONSEQUENCES OF AA-1025. I would be very willing to give more examples of the corruption. Please email me for this information. I STRONGLY URGE YOU TO BUY THIS BOOK AND BUY ONE FOR THE PRIESTS OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. I SINCERELY PRAY THAT THIS BOOK WILL WAKE UP SOME OF MY FELLOW CATHOLICS FRON THEIR DEEP DEEP SLUMBER BEFORE THEY LOSE THEIR VERY SOULS. The Latin Mass is offered in every state of the UNION EVERY SUNDAY FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO ARE INTERESTED. THERE IS A LATINMASSFINDER ON LINE. Feel free to send your comments.
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