Rating:  Summary: Did Mary hurt the feminists' feelings? Review: Some people are only "open-minded" when it comes to views that mesh with their worldview. That's what's going on in some of the previous reviews. For my part, I agree with the message that Mary Pride is teaching, and I admire that she's been able to accomplish what she has accomplished while performing her Biblically-defined duties as a wife and mother.
I think that feminism rejects Biblical standards and, as a result, has left many ruined lives in its wake. "Families maintained by women with no husband present increased three times as fast as married-couple families in the past 10 years." This is occurring as "Between 1994 and 2002 the number of felony convictions increased 20% in State courts." Tell me that changes in our family structure have not brought about negative results!
I am a 33 year old reformed feminist. I'm a college graduate, like some feminist reviewer here bragged about being. In fact, I graduated summa cum laude. Since I've figured out that I need to adopt God's chosen role for me, I've married and become a SAHM. And I've never been happier, even when I was earning a large annual income.
I'm a little confused over statements that women have always worked outside the home. On what planet? "Before the First World War, a non-working wife was the norm as wives devoted themselves to the comfort of husbands and children." "Women working in the 1800's were virtually unheard of".
I am grateful for women like Mary Pride, who tell it like they see it. I don't expect to agree with everything she says, and feel that if you read a book expecting it to affirm your values, then maybe you should only read books written by yourself? Basically, this woman is giving her viewpoint on a subject that can get quite touchy, and she's being denigrated by people who don't agree with her viewpoint. Never mind that it's well-argued and totally affirmed by what I've read in the Bible.
I think that's where the problem is! People who have rejected Biblical principles are reading this book expecting its opinions confirm their worldview. Not possible, I'm afraid. It boils down to this: You think that feminism has enabled you to choose to stay home with your kids. I (and I think Mrs. Pride) believe that I am able to stay with my daughter DESPITE what feminism tells me I should want. Sorry, but my husband is the only one acting like a man in this household, and that's how my daughter and I like it.
Rating:  Summary: Some good - more bad Review: This was a tough book to rate (I waivered between 2 and 3). In some ways it rated a 5-star, because Christian women need to feel that staying home with their children is a noble and worthwhile pursuit. And Pride gave some good material in this realm. But in other ways it deserved a 1-star, because Pride is no theologian or particularly skilled in Biblical exegesis. Yet she makes some pretty strong statements about what the "Bible teaches" (which were at times both out of context and incorrect).Unfortunately, in our church, this book had the effect of polarizing people. Some took Prides opinions and ideas as if they were direct interpretations from God (not knowing that there were other valid ways to look at many of her scripture references), and they started criticizing and pointing fingers at any women that chose to work. Instead of people expressing their views by saying "the Bible says...", we started hearing people defend their view by saying "Mary Pride says...". And that wasn't healthy. Decisions like these need to be made by husband and wife together in prayerful consideration of their families well-being. Just as a stay-at-home mom should feel accepted, so should a career women that's doing what she believes God would have her do at this time. We don't want to move from one extreme to another. Just FYI, my wife stays at home and homeschoolds the kids. I work at a home office and spend much time overseeing the kids as well. We are conservative evangelical Christians. If you're looking for a good balanced book on this whole issue, then this probably isn't it. I can only conclude that those that rate it 5-star were hungry for something to support their desire to stay at home and feel OK about it (it does accomplish that, but not in an overall good way).