Rating:  Summary: Straitforward take on an weird topic Review: As a person who values rationality, I would hardly be expected to add a book titled "Deliverance from Evil Spirits: A Practical Manual" to my must-read list. But when I ran across it in the bookstore, I felt oddly compelled to pick it up. Far from being loony, this book by Francis MacNutt (now there's a name for you!) has assembled a very straightforward account of his work delivering people from evil spirits.
MacNutt takes seriously the talk of evil spirits in the New Testament. Unlike contemporary scholars who see demons as metaphoric or psychological in nature, MacNutt believes that Jesus Christ truly encountered and overcame dark spirits, and that part of his good news was that in him, the dominion of God had broken into the world to destroy a literal dominion of evil. This concept is simple and easy enough to accept. Though many mainline Christians call Jesus Savior and Reedemer, they often don't ask, "Saved from what?" and "Redeemed from whom?" MacNutt answers: "Saved from bondage to evil" and "Redeemed from the Evil One." Simple answers like these are attractive, and more accessible than reams of scholarly texts explaining away what the gospels present without hesitation.
MacNutt believes that evil spirits exist, that they infest or possess certain people, and that Christians have the duty and obligation to pray for deliverance from these spirits. He also believes that many main-line clerics are reluctant to deal with the demonic, leaving many to suffer the predations of the Evil One. In calm, unnutty tones, MacNutt catalogues a variety of evil spirits, the types of demonic oppression and the power of curses.
MacNutt's thesis is fascinating, and empowering if true. If real, we should learn to recognize evil, protect ourselves from it and rid ourselves of it. Not to say that he is completely convincing. Calling certain demons "laziness " or "anger" (...) comes pretty close to the psychologizing tendency of mainline churches. Some of his claims about the appearance of certain demons is silly. His depiction of a potbellied, top-hatted demon made me think he spent too much time in the voodoo shack. MacNutt also believes in ritual Satanic abuse -- a practice I thought invented by the media. Too, he seems to imply that priests (Roman Catholic? Anglican? Other?) are particularly empowered to cast out demons. What this means to MacNutt's seeming alliance with pentecostal and charismatic groups is not clear.
In any event, MacNutt serves up a non-sensationalistic, rational-sounding and well-organized account of a topic that many in the West do not accept. As a hypothesis for the cause of evil in the world, it is fascinating -- especially for those who take Scripture seriously. While not providing a comprehensive theology of evil and its relationship to God, it goes a long way toward making a bizarre topic more acceptable.
Rating:  Summary: An Orthodox view on Healing Review: As Orthodox Christians we pray, neither commanding God to heal, nor doubting His ability to heal, but pleading for His promised mercy upon all who are ill. The Orthodox Church has never believed or behaved as though the gifts of the Spirit or the healing miracles of Christ have somehow passed away. Did not Jesus promise, "He who belives in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father" John 14:12 St. Ireneaus, writing at the close of the second century, speaks of miracles in his day: "Some drive out devils...some have foreknowledge of the future...others heal the sick through the laying on of hands...and even the dead have been raised up before now and have remained with us for many years." Even in the nineteenth century a Russian Monk (St. Serphim of Sarov) was blessed with the gift of healing. Anyone who wants a better book on the same subject? Read "DIVINE ENERGY: The Orthodox Path to Christian Victory by JON E. Braun"
Rating:  Summary: This is an important book for all ministers and counselors. Review: Francis Macnutt has a long and credible history in the practice of healing prayer. His compassion and faith leads him to share what he knows with others. With many more praying, many many more are helped. His prayer style is calm and confident. It is the power of God and not the energy of hype that brings healing through his prayers and others. Through his instruction and the instruction of John Wimber and Charles Kraft, I too have seen people healed, by God, when I have prayed for them. This book specializes in deliverance from evil spirits, a topic that challenges our enlightened western minds. Many churches that preach the existence of Satan and demons, do not acknowledge that people need help and deliverance. Francis MacNutt's experience and the Biblical record lead to another conclusion. Demonic influence in varying degrees does affect many, and they need deliverance. Those who know this and take authority over the demonic realm can bring freedom to those who need it so desperately. This book will guide you through evidence for demonization, the types of demons that you might encounter, and practical instruction for dealing with them. Franics MacNutt tells us that demonization is different from what is popularly known as "demon possession." Possession represents an extreme and rare form of demonization. Rather one or several demons may link themselves to a part of our lives. Often, they only manifest themselves when their territory is invaded by other forms of healing prayer. It is significant to note the care Francis MacNutt takes to distinguish between demonization and emotional wounds, and the very important difference between Multiple Personality Disorder and demonization. As in all his books, his methods involve a partnership between prayers of faith and modern medicine and counseling techniques. This is an important book, written in a professional style that maintains interest throughout. It was a great encouragement to me.
Rating:  Summary: An Important Insight Review: Francis MacNutt makes a very important observation in this book: Demons infect emotional wounds just as pathogens infect physical ones. He is careful to treat both the infection and the wound, so as to prevent re-infection. A very valuable book..
Rating:  Summary: Very interesting Review: I don't normally agree with many of the mystic books circulated, because most of them are garbage. My father is even more particular than I am, and he is phobic of anything containing of magic circle. This taught exorcism for the Christian rather than the Wiccan, which I liked, and even my father had no problem with it.
Rating:  Summary: Deliverance and Healing Go Hand in Hand Review: I have had this book in my collection for a long time now, and I have been in the Deliverance and Healing "business" for a long time now. I am always impressed with the personal humbleness and straight-forwardness of Francis, and if he doesn't know something, he will tell you that also. This should be in every person's collection, especially for the ministerial body, but there are other books that may lend additional insight to the relationship between medical illness and spirits of Darkness. Here are a couple that I recommend - The Demonologist: The Extraordinary Career of Ed and Lorraine Warren, and The Power of Divine: A Healer's Guide - Tapping into the Miracle by Tiffany Snow. We are in a warfare like no other, and the Lord provides the right information at the right time for it. And NOW is no better time! Blessings to All, as we fight the fine fight!
Rating:  Summary: Evil should hold no power over a good man. Review: I have mixed feelings about this book. It seems to assign much more power to evil spirits than they actually possess. To go to extremes of ritual and drama to exorcise evil spirits is to assign to them a degree of power that they do not wield. Yet, as the author points out, this approach is not exclusively Christian, or even western, for certain Buddhist sects have also practiced simular rituals. No doubt the practice preceeds any of the surviving major religions. I'm not denying that disincarnate evil actually exists, but it cannot hold power over you unless you are operating at the same low level. It is far better to contemplate the Good in creation. Evil spirits can only enter a heart, or a mind, if it is empty of Good to start with.
Rating:  Summary: A Useful List for Exorcism, Spiritual Warfare, Deliverance Review: Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. These books will help you determine what is the devil's strategy, and to defeat him. Prayer and Faith in the Blood of Jesus is a powerful tool in the hand of each of us as a child of God. Be free from sickness of mind and body, obey the Lord, and He will protect and save you. Read your Bible and be open to the Word of God through His Holy Spirit and His trained teachers. Go to church and associate with others of firm belief. You will be saved, and UNAFRAID.
0595246184 The Demonologist: The Extraordinary Career of Ed and Lorraine Warren by Gerald Brittle
0972962336 The Power of Divine: A Healer's Guide - Tapping into the Miracle by Tiffany Snow
0800792327 Deliverance from Evil Spirits: A Practical Manual by Francis MacNutt
1571740791 Remarkable Healings: A Psychiatrist Discovers Unsuspected Roots of Mental and Physical Illness by Shakuntala Modi
0800792068 A Comprehensive Guide to Deliverance and Inner Healing by John Loren Sandford, Mark Sandford
0892280018 Demons & Deliverance: In The Ministry Of Jesus (Spiritual Warfare Series)by Frank Hammond
Rating:  Summary: Life Changing Review: This book is an incredible tool and blessing to me. It is a concise, practical, wise, Jesus-centered, and intelligent handling of an extremely misunderstood subject. Practically the book gave me the tools I needed to pray for both my wife and daughter who were being demonized. The victory over demons was won on the Cross by Jesus, but Francis provides a framework for us to understand and utilize this victory. God Bless Francis MacNutt
Rating:  Summary: Life Changing Review: This book is an incredible tool and blessing to me. It is a concise, practical, wise, Jesus-centered, and intelligent handling of an extremely misunderstood subject. Practically the book gave me the tools I needed to pray for both my wife and daughter who were being demonized. The victory over demons was won on the Cross by Jesus, but Francis provides a framework for us to understand and utilize this victory. God Bless Francis MacNutt