Rating: Summary: Argues against rapture using Scripture and history Review: ... Dr. Thigpen DOES give clear information using scripture and history of why the rapture is never going to happen. If you don't believe me, read it for yourself. (And by the way, if you would like an idea of what fundamentalists really think about who will be raptured, glance through Mark Hitchcock's book "Is America in Bible Prophecy?" Mr. Hitchcock says that only evangelical Christians who believe you are saved by faith alone with be raptured. Therefore, if you think that how you actually live your live has ANYTHING to do with salvation, even if you have more faith than anyone else, you will not be raptured and will not be saved. This is an example of the subtle anti-Catholic agenda at work here.) God bless you all.
Rating: Summary: Raised on the Rapture Review: As a former "rapturist" I heartily recommend this fine work by Paul Thigpen. Not only does he show how the rapture doctrine of modern dispensationalists is unhistorical and unreasonable, he also shows quite convincingly that is it unblblical as well. If you are "enraptured" by the "Left Behind" books, please do yourself a favor and read this book - find out what Christians have always believed about the end times and the return of Christ. I also recommend David Currie's book RAPTURE for those who want a scripture-by- scripture refutation of rapturist exegesis.
Rating: Summary: 40% good, 60% off-topic, unprofessional & unnecessary Review: Disclaimer: I am not Catholic. I am not a Lahaye fan. I am not convinced of the timing of the 'rapture'. I believe that the Bible teaches that it will happen .... eventually. I can live with that. I understand that Dr. Thigpen is presenting a (well deserved) Catholic response to the LaHaye series and at the same time expressing the Church's teaching on the topic of the 2nd coming of Christ. I found it distracting that he makes so many sarcastic generalizations about Fundamentalists. It is clear that he had many problems with LaHaye but, in places, he resorts to name-calling, placing him on the same level as LaHaye. In making his point, he oversells the difference in the beliefs of those holding to that 'risky rapture scheme' (my words) and the Catholic position. In the end, he completely omitted the Church's teaching on the subject, making it seem that the difference in beliefs are drastically apart, when in fact, it might just be a matter of timing. (Refer to "False Profit: Money, Prejudice, and Bad Theology in Tim LaHaye's Left Behind Series, A Catholic Answers Special Report" from Catholic Answers, San Diego 2003) Will believers be changed and 'caught up' (raptured - who cares that the word has a Latin root)? Yes, the Church says, but not when SOME Protestants teach. Probably later. Logic errors are distracting too. For example, is the teaching of the 'pre-tribulation rapture' new? Yes it appears to be less than 200 years old. But it is his own argument that revelation from God has continued after the Bible was completed. So why does it matter that this idea is relatively new? Ultimately, he admits that the Church has not come forth with a detailed statement of the meaning of some of these passages and the the Bible student must do his or her best to find the answer. In fact, the actual statement regarding the 2nd coming of Christ mirrors (or is mirrored in, depending on one's viewpoint) that of the Southern Baptists' statement in their statement of faith, "Faith and Message". I recommend this book, but keep in mind that it is part doctrinal and part 'pep talk for Catholics'. As one would infer from the title, it never claims to be a 'balanced' treatment of the topic and that is fine. Honest labeling. It also challenged me think a lot about many things. I like that.
Rating: Summary: The Catholic Response to Left Behind Lunacy Review: Dr. Paul Thigpen has written a helpful book that is clear, concise, and charitable. And that is quite a feat considering the subject matter. As a former evangelical Protestant Dr. Thigpen understands both the inner logic (so to speak) and the strong appeal of the belief in the pretribulational Rapture. The Rapture Trap emphasizes the Big Picture: Why did Jesus come the first time? Why will he come again? What are Christians to be doing in the meantime? What is the purpose of suffering and tribulation? Who has the authority to rightly interpret Scripture? These and other crucial questions are handled adeptly and with a firm foundation in Scripture and Church teaching. The Rapture Trap exposes the overt anti-Catholicism of Tim LaHaye, creator and co-author of the wildly successful Left Behind books. Dr. Thigpen documents LaHaye's ridiculous and laughable attacks on the Catholic Church and shows how this anti-Catholic bent is not simply compatible with "left behind" beliefs, but is a natural outgrowth of those misguided notions. As an added bonus the book contains a chapter about private revelations and Marian apparitions. Dr. Thigpen provides a commensensical list of questions to consider in evaluating the validity and importance of apparitions. Highly recommended for both Catholics and non-Catholics who are looking for an introduction to this important topic.
Rating: Summary: Deceptive - No Real Backbone for Statements Review: I am very disappointed to read a book that deceives and mocks the truth and then offers an independent opinion. These people twist everything into a knot just to get your money for the book and then you believe it! The Bible is the oldest, most dependable resource. Don't leave what others write in a book. Use your own analytical thinking skills to decipher the truth. Blasphmous fools will try to decrease the credibility of the bible for their OWN PROFIT.
Rating: Summary: I Recall It Was Interesting Reading Review: I read this some time ago and think I'd like to read it again. That doesn't mean the content is scholarly and exhaustive or that it is shoddy and makes it's points at the expense of others, as some reviewers seem to indicate they actually believe. I suppose it could just be reviewer's rhetoric.
Anyway, does anybody really care who thinks what about the end of the world, the world as we know it or whatever you think it is Thigpen is writing about? Why would it matter what we thought? The only thing that really matters is that our belief and actions are consistent as we live, day to day. After all, there isn't anyone who knows the day or hour. But how many even know the whys and wheretofores?
How many of the reviewers are really qualified to explain the right and wrong beliefs about what happens at the end? I don't know, nor do I care. If you think the subject is worth reading about, Paul Thigpen provides some useful information to consider. If not, don't bother. I liked it and that is the bottom line for me.
Rating: Summary: The Truth Review: I recently completed The Rapture Trap, and I thought it was excellent. I want to say thank you to Paul Thigpen for writing a succinct, informative and well-documented refutation of the rapture theory. Finally there is an answer to all those Fundamentalists who refuse to open their eyes to the truth of the written word and sacred tradition. I have been searching for this type of book for years, and now Paul Thigpen has written a work that demolishes the rapture theory. I have cringed through books by such authors as Hal Lindsey, Chuck Smith, John Walvoord, Dave Hunt, the "Left Behind" characters, and a host of others. None of these authors completely agree on anything, but they all have one thing in common - to satisfy their own agenda, rather then God's agenda. If they read Mr. Thigpen's book, perhaps they would retract their Catholic attacks and embrace the truth he so skillfully communicates. Mr. Thigpen exposes the dangers of private scriptural interpretation and the complete lack of evidence of any rapture teaching prior to the eighteenth century. He provides interesting insights into the errors of the Scofield Bible. He also reminds readers why such a "Rapture" teaching is so popular - it allows people to avoid punishment and consequence for their actions. Leave behind "Left Behind", and venture into Paul Thigpen's work; you'll do yourself a great spiritual credit, and keep the second coming of Christ in balance with the truth. Thanks again, and thanks to Ascension Press.
Rating: Summary: Why I would recommend this book Review: I think this book does a good job of "debunking" the Rapture movement of today. As a Catholic who is learning to "come back" to the church, Thigpen also does a good job of giving reasons for the Magistrate to exist. I learned a lot from this book, which is exactly why I bought it in the first place. I will be recommending this book out to everyone I know.
Rating: Summary: A great Catholic answer to Lindsay, LaHaye, et. al. Review: I thoroughly enjoyed Mr. Thigpen's book, having been one who in prior years was deceived by the "Rapture Fever" that followed the writing of Hal Lindsay's "Late Great Planet Earth." Mr. Thigpen not only explains how this new doctrine came about but issues a warning to those who believe it. Rapture believers could easily not recognize the Antichrist, being so assured they will never see him. It is good to see Catholic authors answering the Rapture doctrine and the "Left Behind" series by Tim LaHaye. Hopefully we will also see non-evangelical Protestants register their votes with their own books. But for now, this Catholic is happy that Mr. Thigpen has provided such solid writing.
Rating: Summary: Good, but marred by Roman Catholic flag-waving Review: I'm a serious anti-dispensationalist. I bought this book primarily to read a response to rapture advocates written from a catholic (little c, not Roman Catholic in particular) point of view. Thigpen's presentation of the (young) history of the rapture doctrine and a real analysis of the doctrine in light of Scripture is overall very good. The biggest problem is that this isn't where the book ends. A little under half of this book is spent arguing for a Roman Catholic view of history and church authority. As an Orthodox Christian ("Eastern" Orthodox) who converted from confessional Lutheranism, I find his arguments and historical accounts to be both one-sided and uncritical of Roman Catholic positions. To the interested reader wanting a critique of the rapture that goes beyond "I don't see it that way", this is a good read. It offers a Church-centric response to a damaging false doctrine. I'd stop though, when Thigpen begins agitating for an uncritical acceptance of Roman doctrine.