Rating:  Summary: A must read account Review: A truly pivotal moving book about the atrocities that a number of christians have and are experiencing in socialist countries - TORTURED FOR CHRIST is an affecting account shared and experienced by the author himself, Richard Wurmbrand, who have been tortured, starved and imprisoned all because of his faith and cause for Christ. No particular form of belief have been found throughout history which have suffered as much of its believers than those of true christianity. The so-called-christian church scandals found from Jimmy Swaggart to Jim Baker's "ministries" (w/c the media have loved and overwhelmingly popularized) are all washed away of any significance compared to the accounts found recorded in his book if the subject of true christianity is concerned. With such men, women, and even children standing for their faith in Christ amidst tortures, imprisonment, and even death itself - these are the people that really represent the truth and reality found in the Faith that speaks to the world in screaming certainty, quite resembling the authentic obedience to Christ of Mother Teresa of Calcuta, found through her ministries (who died around the time when princess Diana did, whom she surpassed in the number of her charity work but is much less heralded on the time of her passing away than the much celebrated said princess). You want proof in God? Then read this book. I've read it some years ago, but the stories i've read here are still stuck in my mind throughout the years since. Also, check out Wurmbrand's book on Marx and see what is the true spirit at work within communism.
Rating:  Summary: Encouragement - Perseverance - Gratitude - Integrity Review: I just finished "Tortured for Christ." As a busy executive, I have never typed a book review, possibly because I have never been so over-whelmed by such a book as this! This book by Richard Wurmbrand, not only addresses how he persevered through "unimaginable" suffering at the hands of his tormentors, but also is a clear warning and wake-up call to those of us living in America! Our great country is currently slipping down the same slope that eventually took over his country of Romania. For example: Just as the Communist Party, through the CYO (Communist Youth Organization) forbade parents teaching their own children about God (at the expense of prison and "life" separation from them), the "radical liberals" are very effective in brain-washing our youth through the public school system. In addition, we see the increase of government intervention in our personal lives as more and more the norm. Our freedoms, given to us by our "God-fearing" Founding Fathers, are slowly being eroded and Pastor Wurmbrand's book gives clarity as to how the "unthinkable" can become reality for us! Even though this book was very difficult to read from an emotional viewpoint (when evil goes unchecked the unthinkable occurs), I was greatly encouraged by the amazing perseverance of Pastor Wurmbrand, his fellow prisoners and the power Underground Church. He was so grateful for the grace and mercy that Christ had covered him with, that he could truly "love" his tormentors. This "inconceivable" ability can only be possible through the supernatural presence of the "Living God". It's interesting to note that you can say the name of Buddha, Confucius, Mohammed, numerous Hindu gods, etc., but no name in heaven or earth stirs the soul (for or against) like the name of Jesus Christ! Pastor Wurmbrand's unwavering integrity - never compromising the truth of his convictions - was truly inspiring! "Tortured for Christ," a book written almost 40 years ago, will change the way you think about those persecuted for righteousness - FOREVER!
Rating:  Summary: Encouragement - Perseverance - Gratitude - Integrity Review: I just finished "Tortured for Christ." As a busy executive, I have never typed a book review, possibly because I have never been so over-whelmed by such a book as this! This book by Richard Wurmbrand, not only addresses how he persevered through "unimaginable" suffering at the hands of his tormentors, but also is a clear warning and wake-up call to those of us living in America! Our great country is currently slipping down the same slope that eventually took over his country of Romania. For example: Just as the Communist Party, through the CYO (Communist Youth Organization) forbade parents teaching their own children about God (at the expense of prison and "life" separation from them), the "radical liberals" are very effective in brain-washing our youth through the public school system. In addition, we see the increase of government intervention in our personal lives as more and more the norm. Our freedoms, given to us by our "God-fearing" Founding Fathers, are slowly being eroded and Pastor Wurmbrand's book gives clarity as to how the "unthinkable" can become reality for us! Even though this book was very difficult to read from an emotional viewpoint (when evil goes unchecked the unthinkable occurs), I was greatly encouraged by the amazing perseverance of Pastor Wurmbrand, his fellow prisoners and the power Underground Church. He was so grateful for the grace and mercy that Christ had covered him with, that he could truly "love" his tormentors. This "inconceivable" ability can only be possible through the supernatural presence of the "Living God". It's interesting to note that you can say the name of Buddha, Confucius, Mohammed, numerous Hindu gods, etc., but no name in heaven or earth stirs the soul (for or against) like the name of Jesus Christ! Pastor Wurmbrand's unwavering integrity - never compromising the truth of his convictions - was truly inspiring! "Tortured for Christ," a book written almost 40 years ago, will change the way you think about those persecuted for righteousness - FOREVER!
Rating:  Summary: Love for Christ Review: I thought that this book was really good because it speaks from personal experience. Alot of people in third-world countries are experiencing unpleasurable things just because they will not denounce their faith in Jesus. People who are being tortured and killed do have a good relationship in Christ, better than that of anyone that I know. This book is a good way for us to understand what's going on in other counties. I had no idea that any of these horrible things was going on in other countries until I read this book. Alot of the time people think that that kind of stuff only happened back in Jesus' time, but this book shows us that communism is very much alive today.
Rating:  Summary: Perseverence in Faith Review: I too give this book the highest of marks, not because of any literary stature, but because of the amazing author. My own faith has been wonderfully strengthened because of the perseverence of Pastor Wurmbrand and his insistence on loving those who tortured him. To the reviewer who tried to compare Mr Wurmbrand with Stalin, I would say the huge difference between the two is that Wurmbrand only had love for those atheists, he didn't try to destroy them, only show them love. I had the priviledge of meeting Richard Wurmbrand in person and was able to feel the bones that had been broken and never set properly, I saw the gnarled mess that his feet were after being beaten countless times. The atheists that he spoke out against had only hate for him, while he returned love. How can anyone take umbrage with a person who loved those who hated him?
Rating:  Summary: Perseverence in Faith Review: I too give this book the highest of marks, not because of any literary stature, but because of the amazing author. My own faith has been wonderfully strengthened because of the perseverence of Pastor Wurmbrand and his insistence on loving those who tortured him. To the reviewer who tried to compare Mr Wurmbrand with Stalin, I would say the huge difference between the two is that Wurmbrand only had love for those atheists, he didn't try to destroy them, only show them love. I had the priviledge of meeting Richard Wurmbrand in person and was able to feel the bones that had been broken and never set properly, I saw the gnarled mess that his feet were after being beaten countless times. The atheists that he spoke out against had only hate for him, while he returned love. How can anyone take umbrage with a person who loved those who hated him?
Rating:  Summary: This book will wake you up to the real world Review: Richard Wurmbrand's book "Tortured for Christ" is one of those rare books (like Chuck Colson's "How Now Shall We Live") that will affect readers' worldview, spiritual awareness, and draw them to a closer understanding of God. Mr. Wurmbrand tells of sharing the gospel with the Russian soldiers who occupied his native country of Romania and their spiritual conviction, despite the fact that communism had effectively removed any mention of God in their society. This is one soldier's prayer, moving in it's simplicity: "Oh God, what a fine chap you are! If I were You and You were me, I would never have forgive You of Your sins. But you are really a very nice chap! I love you with all of my heart." What a refreshing prayer for those of us who have become complacent in our faith. The impact of Christians on Romanian culture can't be ignored. Richard Wurmbrand writes of two Christians who shared Christ with Prime Minister Gheorghiu Dej. While the Prime Minister originally had them thrown in jail, years later he called them to his deathbed to receive Christ. It's a relief to learn that communists don't seem to believe their own propaganda-in another instance, the author Fadeev committed suicide after finishing his novel "Happiness" in which he claimed that true happiness consists of working toward communism. It's impossible to read Mr. Wurmbrand's book and ignore the call to help our Christian brothers and sisters being persecuted for their faith around the world. He writes of one family with six children-the father was imprisoned for his underground Church work. The two oldest teenage daughters became prostitutes to support the family, and this affected one of their younger brothers so deeply he had to be institutionalized. What a sad commentary on Western Christians this is-clearly we should have supported this family so they wouldn't be reduced to this state. Those in communist countries who financially help Christians are frequently imprisoned themselves-it's our obligation in the West to help them. Voice of the Martyrs supports these Christians so that the communist pressure isn't so intense. When I shared Voice of the Martyr's philosophy with a Christian acquaintance, she told me that she didn't like to dwell on this because it was such a "downer." This statement epitomizes our attitude in the U.S. yet sounds so shallow after reading the gripping, soul-searching account of Mr. Wurmbrand. I doubt the veracity of anyone's Christianity who doesn't care to hear the truth of persecution around the world. We have done nothing for too long, and I believe we will be judged for it.
Rating:  Summary: A Peek at the Undergound Church in Eastern Europe Review: Richard Wurmbrand, a Romanian Jew who gave up athiesm for Christianity in his youth, writes about his years working as a pastor in the secret, Underground Church in Romania. Wurmbrand writes about this very book that it has "no literary value," which is true. He writes in a "stream-of-consciousness" style, seemingly paying little attention to chronology and jumping from event to event.
But while Wurmbrand does not skillfully craft a litarary masterpiece, he does give the reader quite a masterpiece as far as emotions and history are concerned. I'm aware of little historical work on Undergrounc Churches anywhere--be it Eastern Europe, the Middle East, China, or other lands. Wurmbrand does history a great service as he provides a first-hand account of Romania's secret church, how they worshiped, how they evangelized, how they communicated and provided support for each other, etc. The resourcefulness of the Church was both inspiring and surprising.
This book is also very emotionally charged. Wurmbrand pulls no punches as he describes the means by which he and other Christians were tortured: placed naked in a freezer until nearly dead, warmed up, then placed back in the freezer repeatedly; made to partake in a mock-Communion service of urine and feces; cut several times then placed in a room full of starving rats; and then there's the conventional methods of torture: beating, attacking your family, and raping. Reading Wurmbrand's descripting of these acts shocked this reader several times.
I highly recommend this book for both its historical and inspirational value. It is also highly recommended because, while Romania's Underground Church no longer has to operate in secret, there exist Underground Churches in other nations of the world: China, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Cuba (just to name a few). Reading about this particular underground church has given me insight to how the other Underground Churches still opperate today.
Rating:  Summary: A tearjerker for those of faith... simply compelling Review: This book by a Christian recollects the horrors that Christians endured behind the Iron Curtain in communist Romania. Richard Wurmbrand was a Jewish convert and recalls their Soviet liberators that rescued them from Nazism merely supplanted one evil for another. He points to his persecution, and recalls that endured by his wife and son. The tortures were graphic and manifests the depravity of man. I was awestruck by the child-like faith and the lack of bitterness by Christians at their tormentors. They were starved, beatean, persecuted, and imprisoned. What is more, they would not repudiate their faith. I was particularly moved by a young boy who refused to recant Christ. Under the penalty of his own torture, they boy asked that his father not give in to cowardice to protect him by repudiating his faith. The poor child echoed his Christian patriotism in avowing, "For Christ and Fatherland." Thereafter, he was promptly pummeled to death for perceived disrespect to his communist torturers. This incident alone makes manifest the sheer barbarity of the communist system. Though, many former communist butchers had the hardness of their hearts broke and moved by the testimony of those they persecuted. The stories are captivating and I could highlight one after the other, but I can only point the reader to Wurmbrand's book. Wurmbrand stood up for the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact nations covered up their militant state-sponsored atheism by infiltrating and controlling a few token 'tolerated' churches. Not surpisingly, they had disinformation stooges heading this enterprises feeding lies to the outside world about religious tolerance in the communist bloc. Wurmbrand like other patriots, such as Russian nationalist Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, emerged to tell the real story of the anti-christ communist system. When Ronald Reagan called the Soviet system "an evil empire," he was speaking the truth and it was little more than an observation. For occasional abuses in the United States, like municipalities harrassing churches with zoning ordinances and attacks on an expression of faith by individuals in public places, we don't realize how good we have it in contrast to Red China today or Romania during the Cold War. My life has been a cakewalk in contrast to the sufferings endured by the persecuted church. This book is humbling, compelling, and emotional for those of faith.
"We are pressured in every way but not crushed; we are perplexed but not in despair; we are persecuted but not abandoned; we are struck down but not destroyed." -2 Corinthians 4:8-9
Rating:  Summary: Tortured for Christ Review: This book is basically an autobiography by a man who was living in Rumania during the time when the Communists took over the country. He was a recent convert to Christianity from atheism, and preached the gospel much at that time. The Communists did not approve of this, and told him to stop. He kept preaching in the underground church, but was eventually thrown into prison. There, he suffered terrible tortures, but kept on trying to reach the souls of his persecuters.
I, for the most part, enjoyed this book. However, to a new reader, there might be some things that one would find questionable, if one did not fully understand the circumstances. There might be some passages which might seem "preachy" to a non-Christian reader. Keep in mind that the writer was trying to spread the gospel. Do not be offended; offence was not at all his intent. At that time, many Western churches were essentially turning a blind eye to the plight of these oppressed and tortured peoples, and it may seem as if Wurmbrand comes down on the Western churches. One must read in context and understand that he was trying to promote change; to get people to see the injustice and help.
I liked this book, and I would hope that a reader would enjoy it as well, so I warn readers to remember the context. Thank you, and I hope you enjoy this book, and see the joy, amidst the sadness.