Rating:  Summary: Fantastic book to help you jump start your health! Review: Did you know that your liver is the size of a football and weighs about 5 pounds? Me neither... Well, I do now. But believe me, there's a whole lot more information in this book that little tidbits like that (hehe). That "slim-fast" drink diet has nothing on a live juice fast! If you wanna do things right, get this book and do it right!Your liver is the hardest working organ in the body and with our typical American lifestyle it is under enormous strain. It will blow your mind to discover just how much toxin the liver works to eliminate from the body and how critical the liver is to your quality of life and protecting against and fighting disease. Your liver does about 500 or more different processes, many of them at the same time. It works constantly, without rest to keep you alive and well. Toxic Relief will make you want to eat right and make you afraid not to. You'll want to be a lot nicer to your liver after reading this book. The book takes you step by step through a process of liver detoxification (2 week program) and juice fasting (which follows the liver detox - actually the 2 week program is to jump start your liver so that you will gain the most effective results from the juice fast and eliminate, safely and effectively, the most toxins from your system as well reap the most healthful benefits of the juice). Not only does Dr. Colbert tell you how to go about juice fasting, he tells you what kind of juicer you need, where to buy it and even how much to expect to spend. He lists the important vitamins, minerals, amino acids, herbs and other nutrients and foods that are most beneficial to liver detox and restoring health to the GI tract (your intestines and digestive system) and he tells you how much of each to take, when to take it, and how. He also lists and explains the foods that are harmful to your liver. The book also includes juicing recepies for each day during the fast (morning, mid-morning, afternoon and evening). There are six recipie veriations for six different types of drinks for each time of the day or you could apply a different drink for each day of the fast. The recepies are fantastic and enormously simple, but it's also fun to totally create your own concoctions. Dr. Colbert tells you what juices are most important, even for your particular blood type, and tells you specifically what juice should make up the bulk of each drink. Dr. Colbert spends the majority of the book discussing the health benefits and healing qualities of juice fasting and liver detox, but also explains the spiritual benefits of fasting and gives some practical tips about how to approach a spiritual fast. This was an excellent book! Not boring in the least and gives you real information that you can put to use right away. He's not trying to sell the reader on some product or multi-level marketing scheme. This is just good information on how to jump-start your immune system, increase energy, fight disease, look and feel great! Every person in America should read this book and follow its prescribed program. I bought a juicer right after reading it and am on the program now! WOW!!! That's all I can say. You're gonna feel amazing and you're gonna get a ton of those poisoness toxins cleaned out of your system! Get this book! You will not be disappointed, I promise!
Rating:  Summary: Think I'll pass on this diet Review: Heard the taped version of TOXIC RELIEF: RESTORE HEALTH AND ENERGY THROUGH FASTING AND DETOXIFICATION by Dr. Don Colbert . . . the premise is an interesting one; i.e., we eat far too much junk and that fasting can help us get past that activity . . . it will also make us feel better, especially if we then take to making our own health drinks with fruits and vegetables. As I was listening, I was thinking that this is something I should perhaps try . . . however, the more I listened, the more I saw it wasn't quite as simple to do as Dr. Colbert suggests . . . there's a lot of thought and advance preparation that is required, and it doesn't appear to be inexpensive . . . if anything, after you factor in all the herbs and vitamins, along with the purchase of an expensive juicer, you well might wind up spending more on such a diet. However, what bothered me most was the tone of the second half . . . instead of being about what we eat and how to eat better, it switched gears to become about religion and the author's conservative Bible beliefs.
Rating:  Summary: A Must Read Review: I have been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis recently and have been interested in living a healthier life style long before I was diagnosed. I have done a fair amount of research on suppliments and diet. I have found Dr. Colbert's books to be short but to the point. I had read a review from a lady in Alrington, TX on one of his other books and she stated he did not give enough information about "What" products to use. My response to her is that she lacks knowledge and I disagree with her. In my opinion his books on Toxic relief was VERY helpful! If you already have a base of knowledge his books are one of the greatest books you'll ever read! There is so much research going on in this world....and it all revolves around the Toxins in our every day lives! With a immune system disease.....this is a GREAT book for ALL to read. I Loved the book so much I have ordered just about read all of his other books! Anyone who has not read any of his books is missing out on some very valuable information! And in times such as they are...we ALL can use as much faith and inspiration we can get from what ever source spiritually we can!
Rating:  Summary: Toxic Relief Review: I have been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis recently and have been interested in living a healthier life style long before I was diagnosed. I have done a fair amount of research on suppliments and diet. I have found Dr. Colbert's books to be short but to the point. I had read a review from a lady in Alrington, TX on one of his other books and she stated he did not give enough information about "What" products to use. My response to her is that she lacks knowledge and I disagree with her. In my opinion his books on Toxic relief was VERY helpful! If you already have a base of knowledge his books are one of the greatest books you'll ever read! There is so much research going on in this world....and it all revolves around the Toxins in our every day lives! With a immune system disease.....this is a GREAT book for ALL to read. I Loved the book so much I have ordered just about read all of his other books! Anyone who has not read any of his books is missing out on some very valuable information! And in times such as they are...we ALL can use as much faith and inspiration we can get from what ever source spiritually we can!
Rating:  Summary: Non-believers shoot down this book but it's awesome! Read... Review: I love this book! It has completely opened my eyes to why I didn't feel good anymore. And now I know how to take care of myself. One other thing is I love how all of this comes from a Christian perspective. Bible verses that really do click with the material. And I am feeling a lot better now that I'm practicing some things in this book. I also recomend his other two books, Walking in Divine Health and What You Don't know may be Killing You.
Rating:  Summary: Very Valuable Information Review: If you do not share Christian beliefs you will probably be offended by this book. Dr. Colbert clearly identifies himself as an evangelical Christian doctor. In fact, he is THE doctor to a lot of evangelical Christian evangelists. The latter part of the book is all about fasting based on Biblical principles.
According to the Bible, gluttony is the same as drunkeness, and people perish without knowledge. In other words, what you don't know can definitely hurt you. There may be not many drunk Christians but there are sure a lot of fat ones, and it isn't a good witness to the rest of the world if we are all fat and dying from illnesses that can be prevented with the right kind of information and discipline. We need to be incorporating sound knowlede to help us combat unhealthy habits and diseases.
I had tried the discipline part, it didn't work because I didn't have the valuable information that I needed. Our soils are depleted of a lot of nutrients and that is why we need a daily regimen of supplements. I love the book and have found MOST of his suggestions very helpful. I am a Christian who has struggled with weight issues for a long time, and I had been feeling really tired and down for the last couple of years. I had put on over thirty pounds over the last seven years and I didn't think the weight would ever come off. I tried exercise, extreme fad diets, drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water (in addition to about a liter of diet coke a day and coffee) and, I wasn't getting anywhere, and I felt the same as before I started, tired, sick, and hungry. I still had digestive problems, the same old cravings, and I couldn't seem to lose any weight, even when I was exercising regularly at least three times a week. I felt that my body just kept betraying me everytime I tried and I was really discouraged. Now I realize that part of my lack of success was due to toxicity in my body and high insulin levels as a result of the stuff I was eating and when I was eating it.
I found some practical answers for my own health and well-being in this book. He strongly suggests juicing which I have started doing. You don't have to spend some $400 on a Vitamix. I just got a juicer from my local Wal-Mart. My co-workers noticed immediately, I mean, within ONE week, that I had more energy, was more positive, and that my skin glowed. And that was just juicing once or twice a day, not the five times a day that he recommended when fasting. I wasn't ready to fast, so I started juicing breakfast, part of lunch, and made healthier suppers with more veggies and less animal protiens. Juicing does take a little preparation, but it is so worth it! It seemed cumbersome at first but now I'm used to it. And the recipes he lists taste so good, and it is so good to know that I am nourishing myself the right way.
I had to re read this book a couple of times to glean everything he mentioned regarding the supplements. And, those can be expensive (because there are so many) and difficult to find, when you live in an area without specialty health food stores. But I say, start with the ones you can find, get a pill box that divides the day into quarters, and separate them for a week at a time. I got myself a good pill box to arrange my supplements for the week, and although I can't possible buy all of them right now, the ones I do have I've been taking faithfully for about a month and a half, and I do notice that I no longer suffer from constipation, gas, nor bloating, and I've lost 8 pounds in three weeks. I used to just take a bunch of TUMS and suffer. And, my cravings have been reduced by about 50%. I have almost totally eliminated caffeine and I eat at least five to eight servings of fruit and veggies a day, based on the ones he suggests in his book.
You don't have to follow Dr C's advice rigidly to have noticeable results. Get a juicer and make sure the water you use is filtered, and get some basic supplements and you can be well on your way to feeling better! I think the information on detoxification is very interesting and useful, and I feel that the information in the book has empowered me to make better choices for me and my family. I have learned to love vegetables and fruits, and my husband, who is a die-hard fast food/junk food junkie has started to eat what I eat and he doesn't complain when I serve up healthy veggies.
Rating:  Summary: Non-believers shoot down this book but it's awesome! Read... Review: LOL, it's funny when someone mentions religion how quickly the lost souls defend themselves and talk negative about this book. Religious or not, this book is a very good way to flush the body and create a healthy lifestyle by using the principles Dr. Colbert mentions. God is perfect, are you? I think not! So why judge a man who is of God and writes about Godly things? Anyway, this is a great source of valuable information and it works! I feel better than I did in high school and I'm 35 now. It's amazing when you flush your body of all toxins. Try it, you won't be disappointed....unless of course, you can't stand to hear the truth and the word "God". Grow up, learn to know the Lord. After all, He is your only hope to get into Heaven. Why not treat your body like the temple God wants! We only have one body here on Earth so take care of it ok? This is not just a "religious" book, it's a must for anyone. Peace.
Rating:  Summary: A Priceless Book on Restoring Good Health. AWSOME!!! Review: Next to the bible, there's no better and more beneficial knowledge than what can be found in this book. If you or someone you know has experienced major or minor health problems no matter how frequently, then this book is for you. It exposes the mystery behind fasting and simplifies health related issues while giving concrete practical solutions that could significantly restore or improve your health and possibly save your life. If you're not an expert on the relationship between health, nutrition and the functions of your bodily organs, then to NOT choose this book is to more than likely choose an early death. Why not choose life - buy this book.
Rating:  Summary: Toxic Relief - A key to mind, body, & spiritual healing Review: This book is a golden key to mind, body, and spiritual healing. It is an in depth study of the miraculous benefits of juice fasting in detoxifying your body, mind, and connecting to the spiritual. The first portion of the book is dedicated to the mechanics of what to feed our bodies and the direct affect it has on us and how this fast miraculously heals. The final portion of the book explains the spiritual benefits of the fast. During fasting, the flesh begins to separate from the spirit and you begin see through new spiritual eyes, a purer heart, and an increased ability for discernment. You truly know the meaning of walking in divine health. This book is not written in poetic phrases, but following it's instructions holds the key to unlocking the ability within ourselves to write divine poetry and connect to His Spirit like we never have before - and all this while walking in divine health. Here we find the answers we've been looking for.......
Rating:  Summary: Perhaps the Best Review: This book is perhaps the best book I have ever read on health. I have seen Dr. colbert on TV and his knowledge on health is vast. He gives sound advice and tells you what you need to do. You can not build a building on quick sand. And you can not build your body until you build your liver back from all the damage you have done. I highly recomend this book>