Rating:  Summary: What REALLY is the spiritual limit to the human potential? Review: I could tell you a lot about this book. The fact that it shows the thresholds we deal with... on an emotional level; on an intellectual level; on a physical level; and on a spiritual level. But that's not the point. The point is this... this book will jar your sense of theology, idealogy, and reality. Maybe you don't like it when the fiction of a story becomes a possible reality. Maybe you're the type to want to have a nice safe outline of events that you can leave with the book when you put it down. Maybe you're one of those people who likes everything to stay "fantasy" and not mess with your "theology." Then maybe this isn't the book for you. But if you like to be challenged, stretched, and probed when it comes to what you think about God, all while enjoying a great story along the way, then maybe this IS the book for you. And maybe... just maybe... you have the courage to read it. But be warned... you just might end up the better for doing it!
Rating:  Summary: A Good Christian Mystery Review: I found this book just a little weird. It's not one of those books that the first page you read holds your attention until the end. I found it almost difficult at times to want to finish. It did turn out to be a much better book than I anticipated when I started. It just seemed to take the long way around what they were trying to convey.
Rating:  Summary: Customer Review Review: I found this book just a little weird. It's not one of those books that the first page you read holds your attention until the end. I found it almost difficult at times to want to finish. It did turn out to be a much better book than I anticipated when I started. It just seemed to take the long way around what they were trying to convey.
Rating:  Summary: Unique Perspective on End-Time Events Review: I found this to be a breath of fresh air amongst all the apocalyptic literature being produced today. It was well researched and very entertaining. I highly recommend this book, but don't read it until you've read the equally good book, "Blood of Heaven." You will miss some important connections if you read them in reverse order.
Rating:  Summary: What a Thrilling Page Turner!!!! Review: I loved this book. I read it for my book report book. I was afraid that I would not be able to finish it on time. I didn't have to worry about that! I finished it in four days!! That's pretty fast for me because I'm only 12. I highly recommend this book to anyone who likes to read. Christians and non-Christians alike.
Rating:  Summary: A Good Christian Mystery Review: I only bought this book becuase of the blurb from Frank Peretti on the back. (Peretti is my favorite author.) I was not disappointed. It seems a bit slow to pull the plot all together, but that appears the intention of the author. It was an intriguing perspective of some end times prophesy. A work of fiction for the christian reader, that will set you mind to thinking,,, what if.....
Rating:  Summary: A hard to put down page turner. Review: I ordered this book after reading other reviews comparing the style to Frank Peretti (my personal favorite). After reading this book, I have ordered Bill Myers' other books, Blood of Heaven and Fire of Heaven. A really good read!
Rating:  Summary: GREAT BOOK AND GREAT BOOK!!!!!! Review: I ordered two books from Amazon last month. Bill Myers' 'Threshold' and 'The Fist of God' by A.T. Nicholas. I loved both of them so much, I'm going to buy a few more copies to give to my friends. Threshold was well written and it will remind you of Peretti's style. It was a great read. The Fist of God was phenomenal! It blow me away! The storyline was a classic good vs evil plot set during a presidential campaign, but there are some really cool twists throughout the book. The plot unfolds through the eyes of a homicide detective, who becomes a reluctant participant in the bloody battle for souls. A great book!
Rating:  Summary: Test the Waters, Take the Plunge! Review: I picked this one up at the used bookstore and hoped I wasn't purchasing someone else's junk. The premise was intriguing--though a bit misleading on the front jacket statement--and the layout looked good, but I'm often disappointed by Christian fiction. (I keep trying to like it...I really do.) Okay, this time I wasn't disappointed. I read the first two chapters, testing the waters like a wary swimmer, and next thing I knew, I'd summoned the courage to dive in. Two days later, I surfaced with this treasure clutched firmly in hand and a smile on my face. Myers built his characters with adequate depth and added enough details regarding paranormal research for me to suspend disbelief. I appreciated his balanced, yet insightful, views of demonic activity and found myself whipping through the pages. The ending left room for a sequel while still wrapping up most of the loose ends, and Myers didn't shy away from showing that spiritual battle does have casualties--on both sides. Why not five stars? Though fast-paced and credible, Myers doesn't write with quite the tightness and craft of Peretti or the Thoenes. A number of times he stumbled over point-of-view problems, though not to the point of confusing the story. It was merely a distraction. One an editor could've easily cleaned up. Myers comes up with some great premises and manages to fill them with practical and allegorical insight. His writing seems to be maturing, and I'll be hunting down his next books with unabashed anticipation. Next time, I'll dive in without hesitation.
Rating:  Summary: The research and facts behind the writing of Threshold Review: If I've learned anything in writing "Threshold" it's that truth can indeed be stranger than fiction. As with "Blood of Heaven" I've tried to make all of the science as accurate as possible -- which includes the paranormal research being conducted to one degree or another in laboratories around the world. The same can be said regarding the various supernatural experiences. Except for the climax, which is more symbolic and allegorical in nature, most of the mentioned encounters have to one degree or another been experienced, documented, or verified by myself or others. When it comes to these two areas, science and the supernatural, I'm afraid what fiction I've added only pales by commparison. My research began as early as 1976 when John Smalley, Keith Green, and I were involved in the deliverance of an influential West Coast psychic from intense demonic activity. It was then the story began to take shape. I wanted to show how crafty and deceptive the Adversary can be in comparison to the purity and power of Jesus Christ. Other elements came from my trips around the world as a film director for various mission groups. The spiritual warfare some of these men and women are waging overseas is worth a book in itself. Recently, I've spent hours in prison interviewing David Berkowitz, the serial killer once known as the Son of Sam -- a man who had been deep into the occult and who was charged with shooting thirteen people, but who is now a commited Christian. There was also an extensive and gracious conversation with Dr. Edwin May, who for twenty years headed up a psychic research program for the CIA and who also provided the information on current Russian progress in this field. Dr. Richard S. Broughton was kind enough to speak with me and allow me to visit the Institute for Parapsychology, one of the top psychic research labs in the world. There were also numerous conversations with pastors, physicists, medical researchers, and followers of Eastern religions. Their stories and research were both encouraging and chilling. Encouraging in that their ongoing studies clearly demonstrate the presence of a supernatural world and the power of faith. Chilling in that sometimes many of these well-meaning men and women are entering into areas of the occult without even knowing it. Finally, many have been writing wondering if there will be a sequel to "Threshold" and/or "Blood of Heaven." I'm happy to say, yes.