Rating:  Summary: Good morals, good message Review: I really enjoyed this book and I was very challenged. Joshua Harris' words made me take a step back and evaluate my motives and the relationship I am in. I basically thought this book conveyed a very strong message. Dating should definitely be only for the purpose of a prospective marriage, not just for the sake of dating. I personally felt that some of the specifics do not necessarily apply to my life. Some of the physical rules and boundaries are very gray areas in my opinion. I think physical boundaries are going to be different for every person. I personally have a lot of self-control and will not allow my thought life to exceed my morals. On the other hand, physical relationships can cause some people to stumble, especially in their walk with God. This book has a wonderful outlook on finding that right person. I strongly believe that dating a Christian is extremely important. No matter what you call it, dating or courtship, it must be focused on God and seeking His will. I am convinced that we have to give ourselves to God before we can ever expect to grow in Him. Our world can't revolve around the person we are dating. The focus must be on serving God, and each of your relationships with God must be developing above all else. Only then can a relationship truly last. Romans 12:1-2 tells us to offer a bodies as "living sacrifices, holy and acceptable". This has to come first, then we can seek a spouse. I really enjoyed this book and am so thankful for Christian writers that can convey a message of truth to the generation that can change the world. That is an incredible opportunity.
Rating:  Summary: Ready for a change in perspective? Review: I bought this book after a friend recommended it and was not disappointed. Josh Harris has a taken a bold, and controversial, step by calling Christians to re-evaluate their motives in forming new relationships. He offers his advice as just that: helpful suggestions from an ordinary guy who has used them in his own life. To add credibility, he offers plenty of examples from his own life that illustrate why these principles are so important. Harris cautions us to evaluate our motives in relationships, which isn't always easy because a lot of times our motives are selfish. Rather than dating for the sake of being with someone, Josh offers an alterative: dating with purpose aka courtship. This book offers lots of advice for those in relationships and places a lot of emphasis on respect, communication and maintaining a Godly standard. Finally, Josh dedicates a whole chapter to making sure you are ready to get married. That chapter alone is worth the price of the book for anyone considering marriage. Don't waste any more time. Buy this book. It will change your whole perspective on relationships!
Rating:  Summary: Excellent book for singles AND those who are courting . . . Review: I just finished this book a few days ago. I read it after my girlfriend read it and recommended it to me, and she read it after her friend read it and recommended it to her. So, here I am, recommending it to anyone who may come my way. I never read his first book, "I Kissed Dating Goodbye," but I've heard enough great things about it that I imagine it's every bit as good as "Boy Meets Girl." I wish I had read this before getting into the courtship I am currently in. However, I think this is great reading for anybody, regardless of whether s/he is single or s/he is courting. Certainly Christians will love the focus of the book, which is to keep the courting period as God-centered as possible, but I think non-Christians could learn a thing or two about dating. I wouldn't say this book should be taken as "dating gospel," as some of the suggestions may be considered "too extreme" or "too old-fashioned" by some readers. However, it's great to get a Christian perspective on dating. Who knows? This guy could become a John Gray for Christians.I'd also recommend the 12-part video series "The Song of Solomon", which is taught by Tommy Nelson. That series, along with this book, are filled with tons of wisdom about how to approach dating and relationships in a way that's Biblical.
Rating:  Summary: highly recommendable Review: I've read "I kissed dating goodbye" and found the book very help,full of insights.It made me reflect on how i date & with the person i was dating.So after reading the book & a friend of mine told me that joshua Harris is going to release a new one "Boy meets girl"..i looked forward to reading it & yeah,the book did met my expectations.He presented it in a very simple & realistic way. And it does not only help you in terms of looking or waiting for 'the one' but the book also made me reflect my relationship with God & how much He loves me.He wants the best for me & though i was deeply hurt & wounded with my previous relationship,it doesnt hurt to trust & wait on the Lord. I read the book twice & recommended it to my friends. Enjoy reading! Looking forward to another book by Mr. Harris.
Rating:  Summary: This is a life-changing book! Review: If you have read Joshua's first book, or even if you haven't, I highly recommend this one! This is another life-changing book. For those who may have thought that "I Kissed Dating Goodbye" left some unanswered questions, this gives a better picture of what can work. It did for Josh and Shannon. This book is not full of a bunch of boring, legalistic rules to follow, it's truly a new way of looking at dating and life in general. It challenged me to take a new view of many of the things I had been doing that weren't working. The perspective I have gained through Joshua's books is great. And if you come back to the website to see what people are saying about your newest book, Joshua, I want to thank you for taking the time to write it!
Rating:  Summary: A Little Insight in This World of Confusion Review: Wow! If there is one book I would suggest for anyone who ever plans to marry this would be it. The insight provided in this book will enrich your life, straighten your thinking, and show you the path to purity. If you want to learn how to give your love life over to God and live for His glory, read this book. If you want to find a Biblical guide to Godly relationships, read this book. If you are looking for some clarity in your decision of who to marry, read this book. If you are afraid there is no one out there who could love you with complete purity, read this book. I cannot say enough to show you the impact this author has had on my life. I prayed for insight and God led me to this book. I pray that you will be as blessed by it as I was and am. Joshua and Shannon, thank you so much for your inspiring story and the principles that will allow God to write one for each of us (the readers). I am praying for you that God will bless your lives as richly as you have blessed mine.
Rating:  Summary: From where have you taken your counsel? Review: It happenned! Every once in a great while a book comes along and is a powerful catalyst in my life... this is such a book! Josh Harris offers wisdom beyond his years for his readers to consider, and then "digest." I am SO MOTIVATED and EXCITED because my mind has been refined! We seek the affection and attention of the opposite sex, yet never fully and passionately yield and "throw our cap" to the One true love of our lives... the man Jesus Christ. God is so good! "Taste and see that the Lord is good... it is He that has made us and not we ourselves." He wired us, and true fulfillment is ours when we trust and obey the Creator, the God of heaven and earth. What attracts you to the opposite sex? What do you do to attract the opposite sex? Okay, now think... where have you learned this way of thinking? Isn't it time you consider what voices you have been listening to? From where have you taken your counsel? "I beseech you... present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service... be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may be able to prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God." (Romans 12:1-2) Read BOY MEETS GIRL, and get ready for powerful insights, times of deep soul searching, and a transformation of your thinking... to the glory of God and your good! "And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh and the affections and lusts. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit." "Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be glory both now and evermore." Galations 5:24-25, II Peter 3:18 Buy it NOW! You will be SO happy you did! :o)
Rating:  Summary: Great Book! Review: I really appreciate this book because not only does it advocate purity in relationships, but it tells you how to do it. If you are contiplating a serious relationship or if you are a concerned parent who would like to teach your children what is appropriate behavior, this book and it's prequel, "I Kissed Dating Goodbye" are excellent aids. I highly reccomend.
Rating:  Summary: Great Book Review: I think this was a great book. I read "Kiss Dating Goodbye" and this book follows up where the other one left off. Joshua Harris gives great advice. He uses this book to give you new insight and perspective. It is wonderful because there are no "rules and regulations" but yet it is sound guidance.
Rating:  Summary: My View of Relationships Was Changed! Review: Thankfully, I've grown up in a Christian home. My parents gave me Boy Meets Girl to read, and I am forever grateful to them for it. What an awesome book! This book changed many of my views on the issue of dating/courting. I had been really confused about how to have healthy, God-centered relationships, but now I feel like my mind has been opened. Boy Meets Girl taught from a Biblical perspective that helped me see the truth in relationships without making me feel like I was already a failure. I definitely recommend this book! What a life changer!