Rating:  Summary: Great but some flaws Review: It's a great book, but there are some flaws. Such as we should seek God first before approaching courtship! There's a story about a Josh and how he was talking to a friend about a couple, and how they felt God was leading them out of the courtship. I don't believe in "trial courtships." That's practically like dating! That's a big flaw here in this book. It's a great book but I have to agree that its kind of fluffy, and that courtship cop story, how cheesy is that?! I would like to reccomend to all Christian singles a much much better book, but less well known authors but with a much better message. I reccomend, When God Writes Your Love Story by Eric and Leslie Ludy and When Dreams Come True by Eric and Leslie Ludy. A much better and more biblical message. I would reccomend buying When God Writes Your Love Story by Eric and Leslie Ludy, first! Not only does it have guidelines but its much better written, with a man and woman's point of view. Not only that but at the end of the chapters, there are some bible verses and points to think about. They have a much better message and I believe its more biblical.
Rating:  Summary: Fails to tackle the hard questions. Review: I agree with some of the reviewers who called the book "fluffy." Yes, his stories are cute, Harris's way seems to have worked well in several instances, and he is certainly correct that young people today need more guidance than they receive. Here is my difficulty: Speaking from a strictly personal view, I married in '92. At the time, I was estranged from a wildly dysfunctional family (Mr. Harris does address this is passing, as in "this is not what your heavenly Father intended") as was my spouse. My spouse was a Christian, but I was not, having been raised in a cult. Prior to getting married, we failed to address many of these issues and it has put a huge strain on our relationship. It's a testament to our faith and God's love that certain external things didn't tear us apart completely--and I can't believe our Heavenly Father intended this either. Harris does mention the importance of "talking" but he seems to have kept things pretty superficial on that level as well. I was also a bit--well, offended--that Mr. Harris knew so little of his intended before he decided to begin a courtship--as another reviewer said, he focused on her cuteness (he even admits that he wasn't paying attention in church when she gave her testimony.) My biggest difficulty with this book (and it may be related to Harris's youth rather than a failing) is that many couples--even those who have given their lives to Jesus--are still going to have to deal with some very hard questions in their marriage. It isn't all cuteness, wedding preparations and romance. How do we deal with non-Christian in-laws (or just the in-laws you can't stand?) If one of you was raised a non-Christian--paricularly, if one was raised strictly in another faith--how much of that "faith" does the person still cling to? How will the two of us handle money? How will we raise the children--who stays home, and why? And yes--you do need to talk about sex before you're married. Not just the "bad things" of admitting what one might have done in the past (Harris handles this topic admirably well) but some people do have major issues with sexuality, even in marriage. And even the love of Jesus is not always enough for the couple to bridge some of these issues. In my marriage, I have seen many couples split over sex, money and children--and these were Christian couples who had tried everything. In wedding vows, we say "till death do us part." That's a very long time, and Harris doesn't go much past the words. He's an assistant pastor, and I would like to see him write a follow-up book where he does address these issues. Marriage is the biggest undertaking of our lives--we literally join everything, from families to bank accounts. And yet almost nothing in this book addresses life beyond the wedding. Frankly, I had expected better.
Rating:  Summary: Fun and full of help Review: This book builds on IKDG and offers a fun, enjoyable read full of humor and interesting info about Josh's own journey through 'courtship' to marriage. The first time I read it I didn't care too much for it, because it seemed to descriptive to me in certain parts--more than was necessary. But since then I have re-read it after urging from a friend, and liked it more. I think perhaps parents should read it first but if your parents let you, it's a great book.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Book Review: I only gave it four stars before (February 8th, 2002) because my b/f and I broke up because of it . . . it makes you think though. I still haven't finished the book. I just haven't gotten back to reading it . . . it is now June 2002, I started it back up with an open mind and I enjoy it a lot. My ex and I are still . . .exs but we are best friends and study partners of the Bible. It turns out our break-up was a blessing and if we had stayed together it would have been a curse. He has now given his life to Jesus and will be baptized this weekend. Just think . . . if we hadn't broken up . . . life would be so different. I give this book 5 stars . . . excellent book. I love how he supports his views with Scripture . . . :)
Rating:  Summary: Not again! Review: More anecdotal mush from "I Kissed Dating Goodbye" author Joshua Harris.
Rating:  Summary: Ministry to Singles Review: My girlfriend recommend me to read this book. I really appreciated what it had to say about the proper attitudes and actions of a relationship. I would highly recommend this book for anyone heading into a real serious relationship.
Rating:  Summary: Boy Meets Girl- Should be in High School Curriculum Review: Getting "Boy Meets Girl" happened by accident, but once opened, I couldn't put it down. Josh's insight on romantic relationships gives you a whole new perspective. It lets you see things in a whole different light, and parallels deep thoughts with easily interpertated stories. Dating is no longer a game played for the fun of the moment, and sex before marriage is revealed for the waste of virginity and commitment that it really is. Normally if books like this have you bored, rethink your attitude! It's not fanciful fiction, nor is it too high in intellect for the normal reader. This book is captivating, insightful, and it doesn't gloss over uncomfortable issues like sex. Yet it handles those and all issues carefully, and discusses them from a Christian viewpoint- realizing that a relationship with a member of the opposite sex is not so important as a relationship with God. Josh addresses such issues as: beginning a relationship, time management with those you love, communication, lust, sex before marriage, and others.
Rating:  Summary: A MUST READ if you've struggled in relationships! Review: "Boy Meets Girl" and "When God Writes your Love Story" are two must-reads for anyone who has sturggled in relationships, or if you are wondering if it is worth it to wait for God's will in this area of your life. I was waiting, but was giving up hope. Now that I have read these books, I'm back on my mission to follow God's will, no matter how long it takes. I am totally convinced that when you let God lead in this area of your life, as well as the other areas, you will reap rich blessings and rewards beyond our own imagination. I love the examples given in both books, about the roles of men and women, and the benefit of postponing physical gratification until marriage. I loved both of these books. You can feel secure in recommending them to your friends!
Rating:  Summary: A logical view to relatioships, who knew Review: For anyone considering dating this book puts forth biblical principles and shows you how to apply them, not only that IT MAKES SENSE.
Rating:  Summary: A FULFILLING READING EXPERIENCE Review: I read this book after a personal relationship of my own ended badly, and I quickly began wishing I had read it before. While much of what Mr. Harris says is nothing Christians haven't heard before, the author does a fine job of putting every lesson about intimacy and romance you've ever heard together piece by piece until what has always remained a very confusing puzzle becomes crystal clear. By citing scripture and the personal experiences of both himself and people he knows, Harris illuminates many common problems Christians encounter in their relationships and gives solid guidelines on how to conquer them. Admitting some ambiguity will always exist in a relationship, Harris refuses to demand his readers follow every line of his advice literally. Personally, for example, I see nothing wrong with kissing your girlfriend, but this is one of those matters Harris leaves for each reader to decide about for themselves. Another questionable area is how much you should let others be involved in your courtship: is it really good to let your church peers know everything you and your girlfriend/boyfriend do? Certainly, however, the general values Harris addresses can be adapted to any romance--and probably should be. Another nice touch is where Harris addresses the question of "Is 'courting' holier than 'dating," pointing out that some of his critics may be reading more into the terms he uses than he ever intended. Overall, a sensitive worthwhile read for any Christian who wants to find God's will in romance for them.