Rating:  Summary: Reading More Review: I quietly read this book in less than 8 hours. As a new Christian, it fed me what I was hungry to know, just like the characters in the book. I remember hearing about morality plays during the Shakespearean era. This is a morality work with present day relevance. Eat it up, then...pass it on!
Rating:  Summary: Great Premise...Wooden Characterization Review: This book has an interesting plot, but the characters wrapped up in the action are wooden and poorly written. These authors have a tendency to tell the reader that a character has a certain attribute, rather than showing the character exercising that attribute. Don't tell me that Nicolae is brilliant and persuasive--Show me(and I'm sorry reciting the names of the countries of the world is not the example I was looking for). This habit of the authors is clearly seen in the character of Cameron "Buck" Williams. We are told about 100 times that he is Buck because he Bucks the system--Show him doing that and let the reader process it subconsiously. I am also of the opinion that the authors couldn't write a believable woman at gunpoint. If I hear one more female character refered to as whining, or that she feels like a giggling schoolgirl I'll scream. The authors also have a tendency(which continues in later books) to have characters address each other by their formal titles after awhile Captain Steele and Mr. Steele gets old. There should be a little more informality as characters become acquainted. Finally, The discovery that made Israel Prosporous and made Nicolae's rise posible--Miracle Gro--Please.
Rating:  Summary: Unsupported dogmatic tract with mindless characters. Review: Well, I'd been looking at this series in bookstores for some time before I decided to buy book one. I don't think I'll be returning. This novel will probably only appeal to Christians, and those who are not converted will not likely find much to run with. The story is somewhat interesting, but the way it's written ruins it. The dialogue is totally self-serving and stilted (Daughter to her born-again father: "Wow, dad. It's hard for me to accept, but I can see your faith means a lot to you. Maybe it's something I should check out." I paraphrase.) The last couple chapters are pretty exciting actually, probably saving the book from a one-star rating. The populace is apparently stupid. Millions of people have disappeared, and clear signs are evident that things are going just as the Bible prophesied. Yet no one seems to notice but our select few heroes. Everyone else is busy with pseudo-scientific explanations that make no sense. I am not a Bible literalist, but if things started happening like in the book, I'd be converting faster than you can say "time of tribulation." Plus, no mention is made of all the Muslims, Buddhists, or any other non-Judeo-Christian faith. Perhaps that's picked up in subsequent novels, but the omission is glaring. If you're a fundamentalist Christian looking for some easy-to-read brain candy, this one's for you. If you're not, don't expect this novel to serve as anything but a lightweight adventure featuring occasional laughs but only a decent ending.
Rating:  Summary: Left Behind (the series volumes 1-4): Excellent Review: I just finished reading the 4th in the edition (Soul Harvest) and all 4 have been outstanding. The style of writing reminds me somewhat of Stephen King, where the characters are well developed and the plot keeps you turning the pages. The characters are, of'course, related by circumstance and faith, but the books are set up so that you read about what's happening with one character at a time for a few pages, then you pick up for a few pages with the character you read about before that, and so on. It's rather like a soap opera where the scenes change and when you're not peeking in, the character is living his life until you can get back to him to check on him. Of'course these books deal with the Apocalypse and the central binding factor of the characters is their faith. If you're offended by this somehow, don't read these books. If you're on the cusp of belief, a true believer, or simply like a great tale, these books are for you. You'll find yourself referring to your Bible!
Rating:  Summary: LEFT BEHIND Review: This book is fiction that could possibly happen. It was the best book that I have ever read. Yes it was a very easy read, but also very thought provoking. I never expected to get this excited about a book, but I just couldnt put it down. I have read all six books and am very anxiously awaiting the seventh. I have recommended this book to everyone in my family and urge you to read it to. The message is plain and simple to understand. It speaks the truth about how easily people fall under the influence of sin, and the simple plan of salvation. THIS IS A MUST READ!
Rating:  Summary: Impacting look into what is to come Review: Left Behind is a book that has taken me by surprise. As a Christian having always been interested in the rapture of the church, this book has surprised me with its very clear story of what events could very likely take place. A captavating read for Christians and non-Christians alike, I couldnt put it down. I highly recommend this read to everyone.
Rating:  Summary: Read it for yourself and Decide on your own Review: Although this is not the best example of writing technique that I have seen, the message that is given is presented in a way that can be understood by all. I used to attend church and read the bible, but turned my back for the last 15 years. I just didn't have "time". However, by the time I reached the 12th chapter, I gave my life back to God. I am looking forward to the other books in the series, not so much for the writing ability, but for the message that it presents. I believe that reading this book will make you take a closer look at your own life. Perhaps that is why there are some "Christians" that have written bad reviews--Hit to close to home. Anyone who has read Revelations would agree that it is a difficult book to fully understand. This book (along with reading Revelations) can help even the young understand what WILL happen someday. This book is a stepping stone on a road that leads to God. In the end, it doesn't matter how you received God--Whether you grew up in the church, were saved by a missionary, learned through reading the bible, or through a book like this one--on that day, all that matters is if your name appears in the Book of Life. "Left Behind" will not speak to everyone, however, I urge you to read it for yourself and make the decision on your own. Buy it, borrow it, check it out from the church library, or from your local library. Do not put too much weight on the reviews that have been given for this book, even mine. Read it for yourself. Anyone wishing to email me regarding this book or this topic may feel free at Llew10@yahoo.com
Rating:  Summary: Horrifying... Review: ...that supposedly "good" people could be so smug and sadistic as to find the eternal torture of people who don't agree with them "entertainment". The ultimate coffee table book for those who are "absolutely, positively" sure they are going to heaven and can hardly wait to laugh at those who were stupid enough to believe in a loving and forgiving God.
Rating:  Summary: Left Behind Review: This was one of the best books I've read in a long time... As a christian it woke me up to what we don't really think about, the rapture. It made me realize that it WILL happen at any time! You'll want to make sure you're "ready"! I want to have the faith NOW that Bruce, Buck, Rayford, and Chloe found after the rapture. I sure don't want to be left behind. My brother got this book for Christmas and gave it to me because he already read it. I read it over a 2 day drive home from the holidays. It was the best Christmas present I didn't receive for Christmas =) ha,ha! I can't wait to get started on the next book. I'm not an avid book reader because I don't have time with 3 small children at home, I usually just flip through magazines, but this was one book I just couldn't put down. I highly reccommend it, I'm sure you'll want to read the whole series too. Get started today!
Rating:  Summary: You don't know what you are missing! Review: This is probably the greatest book in the history of Christian liturature! Don't listen to people who tell you it is bad. This book is a huge eye opener, and a n awesome ministry tool. If there is a Christian or Non-Christian in your life who needs a little something to bring them home, this is it. YOU DON'T KNOW WAT YOU ARE MISING!