Rating:  Summary: AWESOME! Review: This book has intrigued me and awakened me. Time for a reality check. I hope those of you who read this will pray for me to seek God, to give up my sinful nature and to pursue righteousness through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The only reason I am still alive today is because people did not give up on me and kept me in their prayers. I'm hoping that I can lead the life God intended for me to lead, but I know I won't be able to do it alone... this book so much as reminds me of that very fact... without HIM we can do nothing.This book has opened my eyes to the possibilities of the future of our world. The storyline may be fiction, but the basis is the truth. I don't see the point in arguing theology, everyone seems to have their own interpretation of the 144,000. I just seek to know the truth.
Rating:  Summary: Disgruntled Review: I had a hard time putting the book down. It was very riveting and intriguing. I can see why some people might be disgruntled after reading this book. If I thought that I might be a candidate for being "left behind" I probably would be disgruntled too. But who are we (finite beings that we are) to tell an infinite God who He can chose and who He can't chose! The book was very well written. In my opinion, it was not disjointed at all. Sure there were a number of plots that were being woven together to make an integrated whole. That just made it all the more interesting and hard to put down. If a reader is only capable of following one plot at a time, then maybe they should stick to reading comic books.
Rating:  Summary: Magnificent! Review: I recently read a review of someone who was completely disgusted by this book. I immediately told Amazon that that review was NOT helpful to me. In fact, that review DISGUSTED me! I couldn't believe what this person was saying! I usually don't say if a review was helpful to me, but this chance I simply couldn't resist. I read this book back in 1999, and I could not put it down! In fact, when I saw a movie one night, I actually brought it with me to read in the theater (before the movie started though, of course)! And the fact that so few people were taken (or will be taken) hit me like a ANVIL! Can you imagine just a few million people, out of about seven billion, truly believe in Christ? But, when I thought about it, it started to make sense, seeing as how people all over the world don't give a darn about anything. Now, I will admit that there were a few places in the book where it partially dragged, but that just makes the exciting parts better! And when you reach the end, you will see that it was all worth it (reading through it all), even if you thought it was boring. If you read this book, when you are dome I guarantee you will ask yourself, "Am I a really a true believer?" (And if you don't, please write your own review and criticize me.) This book is one of the best books and one of the most compelling... no, the MOST compelling book I have ever read in my entire life.
Rating:  Summary: I wish there was a choice of 0 stars Review: First of all, the writing was boring and didn't flow naturally. I forced myself to keep reading. I've only ever had to do that one other time (with an Elizabeth Hand novel). Second, I was totally amazed with this book. I loved the part where an entire stadium full of people, and all the players (except one "heathen") at a Christian school disappeared all at once. I'm being facetious. I keep wondering what happens to all Jewish people (the chosen race, according to the Bible I grew up with). What about Mormons? Muslims? Are we so arrogant as to limit God's acceptance of different forms of worship? I, for one, as a believer in God, will NOT commit blasphemy and pretend to know the mind of God and what He will do. I found this book to be obnoxious; it didn't have either a Christian or Sci-Fi feel to me. It was just boring....
Rating:  Summary: Deceptive and Manipulative Review: This is a very upsetting novel. Upsetting due to the extent towhich it sets out to deceive the reader! Purporting to be ascience-fiction novel, it is in reality a fundamentalist Christian book that is attempting to gain new followers by scare tactics. It also has a very simplistic plot and characterisations, which would appeal to the gullible.... My recollection of Revelation was that there were only a relatively few who were "chosen" (I think it was 144,000 people). However in this book nearly every family in the USA, and many other countries, have at least one person who is actually taken up to Christ. This of course causes immense suffering and hardship for their loved ones. But who cares--certainly not the authors of this? They are part of the elite and this elevates them above actually caring about their fellow human beings. They feel smug knowing they are amongst the chosen few. Also, the book is just one in a series and this was not made clear anywhere on the cover-more deception. Nothing much actually happens in this story. In fact, there are only about two significant events in the whole book. One occurs at the very beginning of the story and then we need to wade through the rest of the story before something else significant occurs. Then the story ends, and we need to wait until the next novel.
Rating:  Summary: WOW Review: This was the best book I've read in a long time. It sure makes you stop and look at your life and those around you. It is a page turner..Once you start it you won't want to put it down.. GREAT BOOK and Series
Rating:  Summary: This is an AMAZING book! Review: From the second you start this book to the very last page, you will be hypnotized by this book and the message that goes along with it. This is a story about the Rapture of the Church and the people left behind after millions disappear from all over the globe. One seemingly normal day, Rayford Steele is flying his airplane and then his main flight attendant comes into the cockpit to inform him that lots of people are missing all throughout the cabin. When they land the plane, they learn that millions of people are missing or dead. Rayford gets home to find that his wife and son are both missing, and he realizes that the Rapture has taken place. He also learns that his daughter, Chloe, has not disappeared or been killed and she returns home immiediatly. Meanwhile, Buck Williams, reporter for the "Global Weekly", who was also on Rayford's flight, is assigned the story about the dissapearances, and another story about a rising Romanian leader, Nicholae Carpathis, who is steadily rising in power. Newly saved Christians believe that he might be the Antichrist that prophets talked about in the book of Revealations. To find out about Rayford, Chloe, Buck, and if Carpathia is the Antichrist read "Left Behind" by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins.
Rating:  Summary: Left Behind Review: Fantastic! You will not be able to put this book down, and you will immediately want to buy the rest of the series. What makes this really special is not the rivetting story line, although you will be fascinated at the interplay between characters. The apparent co-incidences which give rise to the various sub-plots make you realise that this is fiction afterall. Its uniqueness comes from its immersion in the book of Revelation and it not only proves faithful to the events described in Revelation, but helps the reader gain a greater insight into Revelation itself. Reading "Revelation Unveiled" by LaHaye as a companion book I found very helpful. The characters in the book are very lifelike and one finds that you are transported into their minds at a time when they need to explain why so many of their friend shave been raptured. In some ways a frightening book, especially for the non-Christian who has no basis for hope in the future. As a Christian, I gained reassurance from the book and fresh hope for the future.
Rating:  Summary: How not to make converts to God Review: The book is heavy-handed preaching, thinly disguised as fiction. Paper-thin characters and a creaky plot. What it does have is an money-making appeal to human fears and insecurities. If God can be conceived as acting as the book proposes, I'll stick to humans who have a loving concern for each other.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful. It could save your life. Review: The first book of this unbelievable series introduces us to the main characters in the following books as well as showing what the world might be like following the Rapture. This is very well written, although due to it's introductery nature, it does not have the action and fast pace of the later books. Please read this series. It just may save your life.