Rating:  Summary: Great Book! Review: This is a great book to read, but do remember that it is fictional (although based on facts from the bible). In other words, nothing can replace what has already been written in the bible. Other than that, I thoroughly enjoyed the author's story. It is a very quick read and I am anxious to read the remaining books in the series. This book was a little reminder to me to live as though today might be my last. I intend to do so.
Rating:  Summary: Evangelical Masturbation for Millennialists Review: Blatant fear-tactics and the arbitrary morality of Christian Fundamentalism. This book was apparently designed to scare unsuspecting Science-Fiction readers (a genre this book has been deceptively assigned to). Instead, it merely provides a way for Fundamentalists to take comfort in visualizing their mere belief in Jesus really *will* make them better than those sinful heathen do-gooders. Should also be quite a thrill to Fundamentalists who yearn to see their superiority acted out with something more complex than their Playmobil set.This book can also be used to nuture a sense of worth and piety in self-serving, polluting, abusive or otherwise twisted people who nevertheless have their "salvation" in the bag via the 'big J'. Otherwise, Christians who believe in a compassionate god (or value their god-given faculty for critical thought) should be embarrased by this fiction. Thank goodness there is no accounting for taste in popular fiction, and even Barbara Cartland is more popular. :) Cherish your doubts, for doubt is the attendant of truth.
Rating:  Summary: WOW! Review: I really don't understand how any one could say anything bad about these books! I will admit that this is the slowest of the books, but if you can make it past about page 100 you're in for the ride of your life. When airline pilot Rayford Steele is flying his 747 and over 100 people suddenly disappear from it Ray knows he's in for a time of trial. How could that many people disappear at once, and without a trace? The only logical explanation to Ray seems to be that the rapture just occured. What will the future hold for him? Will he make it through?
Rating:  Summary: Left Behind Review: As soon as you pick up this book and read a few pages you won't want to do anything else. It's addicting. It manages to keep your cruriosity at a high the whole way through. In cities all over the world mysterious dissapearances of friends, family, co-workers, and many others causes alarm in the folks who were "left behind." What's the cause? Aliens? A new nuclear weapon designed to cause people to disappear? Could it have anything to do with religion? Those are the questions you have to answer by getting the book and reading it. Ideas of world dictatorship are also brought up throughout the story. Tim F.Lahaye and Jerry B. Jenkins did an excellent job of keeping the plot flowing and keeping the readers interested. Lots of details and descriptions let you know exactly what's going on. If you're looking for a good book to read in you're spare time, this one is great!
Rating:  Summary: WOW! Review: I believe that this was the best fictional book I've ever read! The writers don't waste any time, they begin the story off very quickly. The writing is so intense that it keeps you glued to the book until you finish. I thought this book had a very realistic story line, based on a lot of foundational knowledge of the scriptures. But then they created a what if story about it. What a wonderful way to introduce your friends and family to the Lord.
Rating:  Summary: Left Behind Review: I can only say that this book is a blessing for me. It has helped me to change my life. If you are ready, this book and the rest in the series will help you to reach the ultimate goal. Good Luck.
Rating:  Summary: Weak storyline coupled with weak theology Review: It is hard to know how to evaluate a book like Left Behind. Is it aiming to be a piece of light fiction - easy to read, yet lacking a factual foundation? No - the subject matter is a little too dire for that. Is it then a theological treatise, presenting a case for the Rapture? No - there is a definite 'novel' feel to it. And this, I feel, is where the primary problem lies with Christian novels such as this one - they try to integrate two styles of writing (fiction and theological) which quite frankly is difficult. No doubt there have been some successes in the past (such as Pilgrim's Progress), but Left Behind tends to focus on the 'fiction' (storyline) angle predominantly. From what I see the book appears to be written based on a premise of premillianism (probably dispensational) which shapes how the story develops - though admittedly I have some amillenial bias. Looking at the story itself though, I found the character development very thin, and the real purpose of the first book appears to be to whet the appetite for the second (and following) books - it lacks literary completeness in and of itself. For twelve dollars US I was expecting alot more...
Rating:  Summary: Left Behind #1 Review: ...Two friends recommended this series within a day of eachother. Once I opened the first, I couldn't put it down. Very EasyRead. That was a week ago, and I'm now on the forth book.
Rating:  Summary: Amateur writing ruins an interesting premise. Review: Interesting premise. No character development, or at most character development from one cardboard figure into another. Wimpy conclusion. Condescending tone. After what happens to Israel before the events of this book occur, I can't imagine the Rapture being necessary. After that, it just got worse. Nonsense.
Rating:  Summary: Left Behind Review: I really enjoyed this book! I couldn't put it down! It is definitely A CALL TO BE READY!