Rating:  Summary: From one bored with summer Review: I heard about this book on television, actually, from an episode of the Larry King Live show, in which Larry King interviewed the authors. I must admit, it peeked my curiosty. Upon finishing the first book, I realized I needed to read the rest, I was that intrigued by the series. Although the book becomes more and more predictable as it wears on, I also found it to be philosophical; it forces the reader to take a look at his/her own life. The "end of time" and te "tribulation of the antiChrist" are deep and mortally frightful subjects that I think were tackled thoughtfully and still genuinely in this book. The characters are tired, but as their stories intertwine, the reader also becomes interested in what the future beholds for them -- and himself.
Rating:  Summary: OUTSTANDING! Review: I found this to be an outstanding book that grabs you from the first chapter. It makes you want to go on reading and reading and reading. It also makes you stop and think...hey, would I be left behind? Run, don't walk to get the next book and the next and the next..
Rating:  Summary: Excellently written for the lay person Review: This book, as well as, the entire series I believe was excellently written for a person wishing to understand the bible, but, clueless to it's writing. This series is a wonderful way to share the meaning of the coming of the end. Fiction, tho it is, it really helps one get the jist of the book of Revelations plus parts of others. It surely made me want to know more and understand more about the writings and messages of GOD. Highly recommend anyone wishing to understand the "coming of the end" read this exciting and very easy to follow series. I am an avid reader and did not believe I would get into this type of reading, however, after the first book I could not put it down and had to buy the rest. I have never been so enthralled as I am with this series. Thanks to the authors for making this excellent reading FOR ME. Wish you would do it for every part from Genesis to Revelations.
Rating:  Summary: Written on a level for those most likely to benefit from it Review: What a book! To some of us educated people it comes across as poorly written, mythical mish mash for those who don't have a brain in their head. This book is propaganda pure and simple but the authors don't deny that. They have an agenda and are going for it. How many of us can say that we had an agenda that reached over a million people?Yes, it is simplistic writing. Yes, the series (4 of which I've read) can get rather redundant. Yes, I can see how it has lead tons of non-believers to Jesus Christ. But I guarantee that was because it was written to the masses who did not have to have a Masters to understand it. Criticize the simplicity and reading level to those it's aimed all you like. The authors could have aimed for the more sophisticated readers and all they would gotten would be a bunch of affluent, intellectuals whining about how anyone could possibly think there was a such a thing as a God who created us or had a son born of a virgin mother. Heaven forbid anyone be so antiquated to believe those outdated theories. This book is fascininating if you can get past the simplicity. Read it knowing full well that the authors do have an agenda. But the truth of the matter is the more educated you are, the more likely you are to be "left behind".
Rating:  Summary: Collge student that hates reading Review: I am a senior at the University of NC at Wilmington. I have no shame in admiting that I hat ebooks, I hate reading. But, I heard so much about this series that I thought if there ever was a book that I could read, this would be it! I have only had the book 3 days and my girlfriend already says she is jealous of the time I have given to it. Through 2 days I am on the 8th chapter. I cannot wait to get home from work today so I can read some more! If you are intellectual and open-minded, I would highly suggest that you at least try the first in this series of truly cutting edge thoelogical enterpretation. Whether it be accurate or not, it surely is enough to make you want to find out for yourself. Enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: Best book I have ever found to reach non-believers Review: It is amazing to me to read a few low ratings of this book by Christians. Theologies aside, this book and series has been the primary reason (behind the Holy Spirit) in reaching my non-believing family and in-laws with the Gospel message. I recommend giving this book to everyone you are trying to reach. Most non-believers will read a "#1 fictional best seller" that is being made into a movie! After 7 years of no success in reaching my loved ones (with non-fiction books and discussion), God has used this book to get them to understand that 100% faith/trust in Christ is only way for salvation. Thank you Lord for providing Christians with such a fantastic tool for reaching the lost with your good news! For those that may not agree with all the theology, I can only say that God is indead using this book in a special way. Try giving it to a few non-believers! Rick
Rating:  Summary: Be careful, don't forget this is an average work of fiction. Review: Left Behind and the accompanying multi book series would make a great action television series, but if you're planning on gaining insite to the Book of Revelation, leave it alone. My comments are stated because many people I know are taking this literally. Remember this is fiction. As I read, I wondered if Jenkins and Lahaye will soon attempt to write their slant on the experiences of the people that were snatched up first and taken to Heaven. They would seem to be as knowledgable of those events as they are of the Rapture. How you take this book depends upon what your religious (Christian) faith teaches you. I (I'm Methodist) personally do see the end of the world this way and I only say that because too many people are taking this as gospel. I would have rather given it 2 and 1/2 stars but didn't have that choice.
Rating:  Summary: Left Behind Review: I was not sure I wanted to read another book about the Rapture of the Church. I found some of the twists within the story goofy, but the basis of the story caused me to think about my spirituality and how deep it runs. It was also a piece of fiction that I did not forget shortly after reading it. It caused me to think and ask questions. Being a Christian who does believe that the Rapture will occur, that some people will be "left behind," and that the scriptures of Revelations will occur, I found the story engrossing. Its easy reading and plot line should appeal to many.
Rating:  Summary: I couldn't put it down Review: This book is an inspiration for Christians to start spreading the Word. So our loved ones won't be left behind. I don't advocate "shoving Jesus down anyones throat" but i think it is important to live Godly lives and be a witness through our actions and words to those who don't know Jesus. I really enjoyed this book and the whole series (so far).
Rating:  Summary: A powerful series for some -- not for others Review: The books are the authors attempt to explain what happens on earth after the Rapture (the taking away from earth of all believers in Jesus) comes to pass. It's a fictionalized account of what many believe will happen. It's told through the eyes of a small group of people who are not Raptured -- they are "Left Behind". I think it's fascinating that someone has chosen to tackle the story and write about it. The whole concept is a dichotomy in our culture. Tens of millions of people believe it in the United States alone, even more study it, and yet it is virtually ignored in all mainstream media. As much as possible the book is still ignored in the media except for the occasional poor review to keep readers away. Interesting considering it has sold as many copies as Harry Potter. I don't think it's difficult to determine which series has received more attention between the two. This series won't be for everyone. The writing lacks the deep intellectual probing that some books thrive upon. In fact it's only slightly more complex than the aforementioned Harry Potter. The authors try not to offend and it does make the story alittle simple. I'd expect much worse horrors to overtake the earth after the calamity of hundreds of millions of people suddenly disappearing -- major looting and anarchy. In the book society pretty much works together and soon everything is running relatively smoothly once again. You also will not find any profanity or sexual description in these books. They are made for the enjoyment of everyone although for some readers this will cut down on the special "flair" that they expect from books. While the later works have more of an ethnic mixing, the first book does not. It's basically four people in white suburbia trying to cope. The authors could have thrown in a person of a different race, but under the circumstances I'm glad they didn't as I feel it would have come across as the token minority so prevalent in TV shows from the 70's. There is such a thing as trying too hard. The authors are obviously fascinated with the Jewish people and their role in the post rapture world. Their positive admiration for this group comes across. For instance the person who discovers the single greatest invention in the history or humanity is Jewish. Based on the percentage of Jews in our world population the probability of this occuring randomly is only about 1 out of 350. But it should also be noted that the very nature of the subject of the book would make Israel and the Jewish people the main focus group above all others. Many of the women in the story show great strength of character, but I have to say that overall the men seem to show just a bit more. Although I also noticed that among the main characters, the men seem to be the ones who make the most mistakes and I've picked up an underlying current that they wouldn't make as many mistakes if they listened more to the women. It is understandable though that some readers will not like that no woman could really be called a leader. Overall the series will be enjoyable to some and not so enjoyable to others, but I found it to be daring to tackle such a taboo subject matter and I feel it is worthy of reading. I hope this review will help others to make the choice for themselves.