Rating:  Summary: Back to theWord Review: I was given this book by a friend and once I began reading I could not stop until I had read all of the books. The books were so compelling I found myself dusting off my bible and reading it with a newfound hunger. I would recommend the series to any believer and definitely to any non-believer.
Rating:  Summary: CALLING ALL WHO WANT TO BE RAPTURED WITH CHRIST! Review: When I purchased this book, my intention was to give it to a friend who I knew truly desired a personal relationship with Christ, but she didn't really know where to start. I really wanted to introduce her to the reality of Christ in a way that would not turn her off. After purchasing that first book for her, I purchased one for myself, and have plans to purchase several more for my friends and family! I am a Christian who, like some of the characters in the book who were actually left behind, grew up in a Christian church and in a Christian family. However, I do proudly confess that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God. This book has creatively given me new excitement about witnessing and evangelizing to others so that as many as possible will be raptured with Christ's church, and not be left behind. Some may want to compare this book to others that have been written about the Apocalypse. But you must know that this series is different. It is written by people who have dedicated a great part of their lives developing a relationship with Christ and sharing the love and wisdom they have gained. So if you're looking for just another meaningless thriller, keep looking. But, if you're looking for a great read with a higher purpose, I believe you've found it, my friend.
Rating:  Summary: Captivating page turner you can't put down! Review: I finished this book in two sittings! 468 pages of exciting and entertaining reading. Characters are well developed. I enjoyed reading every word, and was not tempted to "gloss over" unnecessary paragraphs. I am anxious to read all 7 books! For my kids, I also bought the first of the "Left Behind" series entitled "The Vanishings". My son is also captivated! WORTH EVERY PENNY!
Rating:  Summary: Oh my... Review: First, let me state right off that I am not Christian. I picked up this book partly because I've heard so much about it and partly because I'm curious about all lines of religious thought. (I have translated copies of the Bible/Qu'ran and many, many other religious/theosophical works on my bookshelves). That said, this book struck me as an overdone modernization of a Christian myth. And yes, I fully expect to get flamed for saying that. The writers continually remind the readers of things (characters/incidents/revelations) that happened fifty pages previously as if we had forgotten. Half the time I thought the writers were writng for high schoolers (or younger) because of this, and the tone they use overall. This is an annoying practice they continue into the other books in the series, alas, with increasing frequency. They don't give us readers enough credit for remembering anything (or, as I suspect, they are using the book as a pulpit to bang their spiritual views into our heads as hard as they can--the conversion/personal epiphany passages are hammered on with the greatest frequency). I think they have an interesting idea, but a better editor would have been welcome. And it would have been very nice if they had left the lectern and pulpit at home.
Rating:  Summary: Great book!.... regardless of Toilet Paper Pastor's opinion. Review: I've read all seven books(so far) in the series. This first one, of course, sets up the storyline for the rest. The ending of this book is so great, you'll not be able to wait to get your hands on the next one! So, let the "career" college student and pastor(?) have his minority opinion. Myself, I've studied the Bible for some 23-years, and have read numerous Bible prophecy scholors. I've read nothing thus far in the LEFT BEHIND series that would detract from the meaning or correct interpretation of the Book of Revelation. If anything, you'll gain a better understanding of Bible prophecy.
Rating:  Summary: Powerful book! Review: A good friend of mine gave me her book with the assurance that I would not be able to put it down. I thought is was well researched and very interesting. It reminded me that we have to be effective witnesses of Christ and be willing to tell others that there will be a time when the church will not be here. It was a thriller, thought provoking and all around enjoyable to read. I am looking forward to getting into the series.
Rating:  Summary: Not to far fetched Review: I have told everyone I know to read these books. Why? I have an idea that when our Savior returns,and I do believe in a pretrib rapture. And except for the names, people,I can see how our Lord would cause Mr.LaHaye, and Mr. Jenkins to reach as many as would be warned and search for the truth before his return. These books are a must read and when you start you just cannot put them down. They hold you! Think not? Well even those who say the bible is hard to understand, can understand the "Left Behind" books. Then read Revalations!
Rating:  Summary: 2nd Rate Theology With 2nd Rate Literature Review: I was given the first book of this (almost unending) series of books. I read it, hoping to get good Christian literature. Unfortunately, all I got was a very poorly written book. In particular I found the writing and the theology to be exceptionally poor. The writing was very childish. The characters are not developed at all. None of them do anything you wouldn't expect from them. To be quite honest, the plot was corny, tacky and cheap. I don't know why Christians herald this as a great piece of Christian literature. As I was reading, I kept wondering why this book was so simple. I felt like I was being talked to as a second grader. As Christians we should expect better writers (like C. S. Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkien, Dorothy Sayers, to name a few), not this junk! The theology was also problematic for me. I hold respect for differing positions in theology, but I think this dispensational premillenialist view of eschatology should no longer be taught. It has been a huge embarrassment to the Christian faith. It seems to always correct itself when it is wrong, rather than admit it got it wrong. This book is just a platform to excite this eschatological view. I am not giong to give a thorough review of dispensaitonal premillenialism, but I think it is important to point out that it suffers more good scholarly criticism than other view. Don't allow this book to indoctrinate you in eschatology, try studying a good book (like R. C. Sproul's "The Last Days According to Jesus"). It is a shame that they use a book like this to create excitement for such bad theology. The book did have some good points, but everything was so plain. It was not an exciting read, because they said out in the open what everything was. There was no hinting or allusion to things to come (like other good books do). I was disappointed that this book has been called one of the greatest works in recent Christian literature. The most you can get from this book is how to read 2nd rate literature and how people misinterpret end-time theology.
Rating:  Summary: Revelation Drama for the Everyday Christian Review: This book is a good dramatization of the book of Revelation. I am a Pastor and I like its insight, creativity and simplicity. I am not a fan of Revelation prophacy, but I am a fan of how these authors envisioned how it could happen to the average person. Its Steven King style supense with a Christian core. Yes if your looking for a commentery on Revelation this book is not for you. If your looking for a good piece of Science fiction that will make you reflect on who you are, where you have been and where will you be on the day of Jesus Christ, this book may be enjoyible. I resisted reading it when a parishoner offered it, becuase I am not a Revelation scholar, but when I started reading it, I could not put it down. Once again its not a theology book, its Christian science fiction. My 2 cents Pastor Rob
Rating:  Summary: Great Idea occasionally marred by sophmoric writing Review: If you're someone who reads alot and enjoys an occasional challenge when you read, this book may not be the one for you. By taking the Book of Revelations, and creating a fictional story revolving around the second coming of Christ, the writers have come up with a great idea. Unfortunately, the characters never really go beyond cardboard two dimensional cutouts who only seem to serve as instruments to further the plot, and the dialogue I wouldn't wish on the best of actors to try and make work. However all that said, if you can accept these shortcomings, and are interested in prophesy and the book of Revelations you may enjoy this book.