Rating:  Summary: Why is this book so popular Review: This book is the first of a series of 12. I first heard of this book on christian radio when going to work and I decided to check it out. The book is not small, but I managed to finish it in one day. I passed the book to my wife and it had the same effect. The dynamics of the paragraphs is not the best writing I have read. So why is this book so popular. I think it is the way they are able to write a story that makes you feel it could happen tomorrow. The three world currencies we are heading toward (dollar,eurodollar, and yen). The one world government (UN,NATO). The book does not identify the people who work for these organizations as villians but rather people who manipulate there power. The book is basically about a world without children and Christians and how the world would react to such a sudden event. Sort of like Steven King's Stand. Even if you don't believe in the "rapture", it might be worth reading for the entertainment value and the curosity about what those "crazy people" are reading. Have Fun, Live Life.
Rating:  Summary: A good place to begin Review: I first picked up this book after hearing the author advertise it on a christian radio station. I read the book from beginning to end in one sitting. My wife and mother had the same experience. The book is an interpretation of the bible concerning the world after the return of Jesus and the dissapearance of millions of christians and children (the innocent. The reason the book has so many people anxiously awaiting for the next book in the series is because of the similarities it has with current times. The making of three world currencies, government alliances, and a globalization possible through the limitless internet. If your beliefs differ from these authors, it still makes for an interesting fiction book. The possibilities in this story are just to close to home for me. Enjoy.
Rating:  Summary: Left Behind Review: This book is about an aging man who is pretty much going through his mid life crisis and another guy who is a famous reporter. It shows the effects of their struggles with their faith and the effects it has on them. This book shows what would happen if the end of the world may be approaching and you are without God and Jesus Christ. I think that the genre of this book is religious science fiction, because it deals with God and a fictional story about the end of the world. I hadn't ever read a book from this genre before. This book struck me in how it predicted what the end of the world might be like. How the people disappear and the missiles and planes crashed into open areas in Israel and did not harm them. It was such an interesting book. I identified most with the character of Buck. The reason that I had a connection with him was because of his struggle with his religion. The following is a quote from the book from the character of Buck: "Was there a God? Would death be the end?"(Page 9) Although I have struggled with religion in my life, I am starting to win the battle and now I litsen to more of what God wants me to do. Just how he struggled with his religion reminded me of the struggle that I had when I was younger. I also enjoyed the authors' style of writing. It would pullo you in deeper and deeper and you would not want to put the book down. I was also touched by the book's message. I thought that the message was that without God in your life you will be truly as the title states, left behind. I think that this book is for everyone, because even if you are not of the Christian religion it is a very interesting book. One drawback to the book is how it starts out with the two stories and it just hops back and forth to each, because this at first causes confusion with the characters and what is happening to each. A bonus of the book is that you get so drawn in. Another drawback that isn't really a drawback to the author or its style of writing is that you feel bad for the people that are left on Earth without some of their loved ones and the ones left with all of their loved ones. Another bonus is that the plot of the story is awesome.
Rating:  Summary: Left Behind Review: The reason I gave this book a 3, is not because of the writing which is good, but because of my beliefs. This book is all about second chances. In the Bible it says that two people will be in bed, one will wake up, and find the other one is gone. That's not quoted exactly, but it is in that same since. What I am about to say is somewhat of a spoiler, so those who have not read it, read this at your own risk. In the end, all the kids meet finally, and they get everyone else together that wasn't taken mysteriously in the night, and they begin to believe in God then. God does not say that people will get a second chance, the end does not mean, "Well, it's the end, but that doesn't mean it is ALL over." The end does mean it's all over. Judgement day will come, and I just pray that when that time does come, that I will be on the narrow path, and that I will bring lots of people with me. As for the writing portion, it was good, I have known better. It gives you a since of mystery, and a since of sorrow. This book has what every book needs. The last book of the Bible, Revelations, tells you all you need to know, well the Bible tells you all you will ever need to know. Again, I am not critisizing the authors form of writing, but what there beliefs are, but, we live in America, and they have the Freedom to write what they want. But, then again, people have the right to display pornographic material on the Internet, where young children can reach them easily. People have the right to wear vulgar material on their t-shirts. The Founders of the Constituition probably didn't expect that the rights they granted us would be stretched so far, some are about ready to break too. Religion has been TAKEN from public schools, so no longer can we pray during school hours, nor can we read the Bible as a class. We can read sex novels though, and we can learn about sex in class (I have nothing about the teaching of the human anatomy) but we cnanot learn about God, it breaks my heart. Imagine how many deaths could have been prevented, how many school shootings because some kids made fun of other kids, and then they decided to punish those kids. Take this into consideration, sorry if I got off the subject a little bit. Mark_Sigel
Rating:  Summary: The Rapture is Real Review: This book is a wonderful interpertation of the last book in the bible, Revelations. Contrary to many people's thoughts, this story was written based on what will happen someday. This is not a myth. This will happen, though I am sure not exactly how it was written in Left Behind. Many people have different interpertations of what the book Revelation means, and this is just one. This book has been called "religious propaganda",and someone has said that this book was written to "proselytize" to all its readers. Well, this book was written to introduce people to Jesus. It should be every christians goal in life to spread the word of God. This is what the authors were trying to do. There is a "plea to accept Jesus" in every book, because many or the dangers are real. Can you be sure you can get to heaven without Jesus? Jesus said that He was the only way. I believe that there will be a rapture, and that time is running out for many people who have not accepted Jesus, and known God.-Anna
Rating:  Summary: Antisemitic, poorly written claptrap Review: Aw jeez, if I could give this thing minus 50 stars I would. It had to be published by an obscure Christian publishing house because no reputable publisher would abide all the antisemitic digs the authors make. For example, there's going to be one world religion and a character states that it'll be hard to "get that past the Jews." As if the hundreds of millions of Moslems, Buddhists and Hindus would just go along with it...? And Israel is the largest producing country in the world? Oh, that's rich. Israel is the size of Massachusetts, it has one major airport, one deep sea port, just a few hundred miles of railroad track and a population of 6 million, but it has surpassed the US, Russia and Brazil as a major agricultural producer? Am I the only one who studied in college here? This is a horrible, horrible, stooopid book.
Rating:  Summary: This was a great book. Review: OK. I've read the first book and also saw the movie that just came out not to long ago. This was for an essay for school.... I personally thought the book was an excellent book! It comes right out and says that if you've not accepted Jesus into your heart as your personal savior, you WILL be left behind. I especially enjoyed the fact that they don't beat around the bush to say that either. The characters are great, all with there flaws. This DOES NOT remind me of a soap opera because of the situation, I find it very realistic. I was always confused about the Rapture and what exactly was to happen and this book has made it much clearer to me. I rate this a four because of one negative aspect. The book drags along in some places discussing about the politics and governmental issues and I did not follow it completely. Overall, however, I find this an excellent book(although the movie was not as appealing), and I recommend this to anyone who is confused about the End Times or who has a thirst for knowledge. Read it! You'll be impressed.
Rating:  Summary: Personal Check Point Review: As a Christian this book makes you think about were you stand in the big picture of life. As a person looking for something it gives you some answers to your questions while making you ask more questions. Left Behind uses excitement and suspense to keep you involved. You begin to form opinions of everyone through the descriptions given. You will have your favorite heroes and villains. Just about the time you start predicting what will happen next the writers put a new twist on the plot which makes you see things from another perspective. Reading a book about future events always intrigues the reader to contemplate the possibility of the scenarios being true. This book offers choices for the reader to use in their life today. The book really makes the reader think about how they live and if it is truly the way they should be living. The book is energetic and high suspense, which makes you want to read even more. It is a fast paced, easy reading and thought provoking. This book makes the person relaize that everyone has the freedom to live the way they want but, with every choice there is a consequence. If you enjoy reading fiction (even biblical based) this novel series is for you. It will leave you wanting to read more.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent! Review: This series has been excellent! Even my 13-year-old sister has gotten excited about end times and can see how present activities only emphasize the soon return of Christ for his people.
Rating:  Summary: A little disapointing Review: I'm a fairly religous person, but I've never really tried any religous fiction. A friend recomended We All Fall Down by Brian Caldwell and I was really blown away. I read it twice and then decided to try some of the other stuff that's out there. I went to Left Behind first because I've seen it all over the place, but I have to admit to being a little disapointed. This isn't a bad book, but it just struck me as sort of hollow. The conversations don't have much zing to them and the characters struck me as fairly shallow. I'm not really sure what the point is, either, except maybe to scare people into Christianity. It didn't really open my eyes up to anything new or interesting. To be fair, this is not a bad book, and I think perhaps I would have enjoyed it more if I hadn't read We All Fall Down right before it. Caldwell's book was just so amazing that I guess this one paled a bit in comparrason. I am going to try book two in the series, and am fairly interested in what happnes to the characters, so that says something, I suppose.